Chapter 19

When Dark Turns Into Light
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Jihyun's POV:

I stared at the looming building before me sipping slowly on my iced tea. Moonlight Entertainment was written in large block letters. The building was located in the heart of Seoul where most of the other companies were located, yet I had never heard of them. They had sent me an letter a few days ago wanting to meet me. They didn't say what it was about but curiousity got the better of me and now here I am.

I pushed open the glass door, as the receptionist glanced up from her computer before standing and approaching.

"Hello, welcome to Moonlight Entertainment. How can I help you?" She asked, a smile gracing her face. I dug around my backpack and pulled out the letter.

"I have a meeting with...Choi...Jae Li..?" I muttered unsurely.

"Ah, yes, you must be Jihyun correct?" I nodded in confirmation.

"If you'll please follow me right this way." The inside of the building was much bigger than what could be seen outside. After a series of twists and turns we stopped before a large door. The name plate on the door read Choi Jae Li, CEO. The receptionist knocked once as a male voice yelled "Come in" from the inside.

Pushing the door open, the receptionist stepped aside as I stepped in behind her. My eyes wandered around the spacious office that was decorated simply but yet gave off a rich feel. A male in his mid twenties was sitting at his desk, eyes intently staring at the screen as he clicked his mouse furiously before swearing loudly as Defeat rang through the speakers.

"I told you not to play that game Jaeli-ah." The receptionist scolded the man. Jihyun was surprised when he saw the said male gaze meekly at the female before him.

"Mianhae noona." He responded jutting out his bottom left as aegyo filled his face.

The receptionist mock groaned before gently pushing Jihyun forward.

"This is Jihyun. If you need anything just call me." She informed him before leaving the room.

"Sit sit." Jae Li motioned to the two arm chairs that were facing his desk as I sat.

"You must be wondering why you're here today." Jae Li started as I nodded.

"I want to sign you to my label." He stated leaning back in his chair as my eyes widened.

"I've been watching We Got Married and believe that you have potential to be a rising star within our company. Especially with your dance and singing skills. Have you taken lessons?" He asked curiously.

I shook my head. "I just learn things off of YouTube and practice when I have time."

"As you can see, we're a relatively new company. If you sign with us, we would be debuting you immediately. You have almost all the skills needed to debut. Your singing we can work with as well as your dancing. Dancing and singing at the same difficult but you've tackled that task very well. What do you say? As a soloist under us, you would be moving into a prestigious apartment, have a manager, stylists, makeup stylists. Everything we do would go through you first, if you're uncomfortable with something, we can work around it."

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Chapter 27: Off to the Sequel!!!
Rosethorn428 #2
Super cute story :)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 28: OMG this story is so cute!!!! xD
ReenRieX #4
Yeayy !! The best story ever .. This story is so awesome !! Luv it so much !!
Tiatioot #5
Yeayyy!! i love it and i finished it in just 1 day, happy that you making a sequel.. Thank you <3
Awesome story! *flies asap to the sequel* <3
Chapter 27: this story is too good to be true...
Chapter 28: yes i would love a scenario shop xD
This was really good!!Can't wait for the sequel!
Cherry14 #10
Chapter 27: Yes sequel please :D