The Completely Platonic Relationship of Baekyeol

The Baekyeol Drabbles

Completely based off this 

Nighttime cuddles were, by no means, unusual in Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s completely platonic relationship. Neither was rolling on top of one another while they snored (and whimpered) into life’s stillness.


It was usually Chanyeol who rolled on top of the smaller blond, and it was usually Baekhyun’s face that sought refuge in the smooth, unclothed juncture and crook of the taller red head’s neck. It was comfortable, warm. It brought more heat than any blanket or fire or heater could, and that’s what they were perfect fine with.


It wasn’t unusual for Baekhyun’s lithe fingers to curve around the expansion of Chanyeol’s neck and subconsciously play with the short stray hairs there. It wasn’t unusual for Chanyeol to clutch at Baekhyun’s loose night shirt (which was actually a shirt of his), and pull him close. He needed this warmth.


Their alarm usually woke them up at ungodly hours of the morning (four to be exact), and though they should be used to the abrupt sound screaming through their dreams, disturbing the pair awake, they weren’t. Especially after a night of endless chatting.


So they usually weren’t in the “right” state of mind when they woke up some mornings, Chanyeol hovering over top Baekhyun with sleep hazing their thought process and field of vision. Like it mattered though. Their dreams still seemed so real, and through his half lidded gaze, Chanyeol could see Baekhyun smiling up at him just the same; dazed, blissed.


He couldn’t deny it—Baekhyun was attractive to him; more so than he should be. Just everything about Baekhyun was so breath taking to look at. His eyes were amazing the way they were half lidded and full of some sort of emotion he couldn’t recognize. His cheeks, flushed from sleep, looked so beautiful with the way the red had been dusted upon them. And his lips, oh god, Chanyeol loved Baekhyun’s lips. They looked smooth, rich, intoxicating, and he couldn’t help but to feel drawn in. He couldn’t push down this desire building inside of them; he needed to kiss Baekhyun.


“G’mornin,” Chanyeol murmured, his deep, sleep driven voice rumbled lowly in his chest as he ducked down toward those soft, plush lips of Baekhyun’s.


Baekhyun whispered a “mornin—”, but the tone was quick to drop off as he gripped Chanyeol’s shoulder and massaged at the back of his neck, craning his own expansion up in an attempt to meet Chanyeol half way.


And then it struck them; reality.


The two of them froze, staring at each other with eyes the size of dinner platters as they took in the reality of their compromising position. Really, it was a quick fix; Chanyeol just needed to chamber off Baekhyun, but he couldn’t. Oh god, he was so embarrassed.


Baekhyun threw Chanyeol off him as he sat up and stretched, flushed, embarrassed. Oh my god, we’re just friends and we almost—
Baekhyun didn’t want to think about it. Nope.


"WOW MORNING ALREADY WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT AMAZING RIGHT?!" Maybe screaming will help the feelings escape, Baekhyun thought as he stared directly out the window, arms thrown wide in order to prove his stretching abilities.


Chanyeol had landed with a loud, unmistakable thud on the floor, and he swore he could hear the neighbors below them complain about couples being “too rough” these days. Oh god, not this too. They weren’t a couple!! Maybe he could lie on the floor forever because becoming a makeshift carpet would be a lot easier than seeing Baekhyun ever again.


"C-Chanyeol, go make breakfast." Chanyeol couldn’t help but to hear the crack in Baekhyun’s voice, and whereas it would normally be cute to hear, it was anything but that right then. He quickly scrambled to his feet, tripping over the air a few times as he tried to scamper away from the bed.


"R-right!" He called out, but didn’t dare look back at who it was directed to.


Sure, awkward things happened, Baekhyun knew that. It was important for him to just remember that they were obviously half asleep, unaware of what was going on; that they were just two bros in a completely platonic relationship…though Baekhyun couldn’t necessary say he wouldn’t stop anything if a kiss did somehow happen.


oh my lord

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Oh my god, the first chapter is actually on askparkbyun's blog as well. omg I'm so excited and happy!!


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