(8K) Explanation

Love of a CEO


Author's Note: So what's up? How are all of you? So some of you thought that Krystal and Jessica's argument was kind of pointless. However, it'll have a connection to a certain situation in the future. Also, I don't want to make them fall in love yet. I want them to bicker a bit more and fall in love while doing so. Here's the next chapter in Krystal's view! The next chapter will be in Third Point of View. I want to reflect back on the Jungsis's childhood a bit more. 




Krystal's POV 


"You look…" 

My eyes shifted down to her chest. It's an amazing sight. Jessica is an amazing sight. She's beautiful, even more so than me. When she first walked into here, I thought she was a goddess; truly breathtaking. Jessica is definitely proof of God's existence. I hope he forgives me for staring at my sister's s. They're just so…

"Big." I accidentally said out loud. I suddenly realized what I said and looked at her reaction. It was a mixture of confusion and then annoyance. Oh gosh. I hope she doesn't mind that I said her s are big.

"You didn't even try dressing up." she replied. 

What? She said that out loud to me? I know I didn't really dress up today. I thought she wouldn't be all fancied up in a dress so I didn't. 

When she walked over here and I saw her in a dress looking beautiful, I felt like sinking in my seat from embarrassment. 

Seriously. It's been years since we last saw each other and now she's going to start criticizing me like before right when I start to like her a bit? She pisses me off. Jessica is always like this! She's always playing with my feelings! 

"Well you look like you tried too hard. I mean... Your s are all the way up to your chin. Aren't you going to suffocate any minute now?" I retorted. She's always criticizing me no matter what I do like before, and honestly, it hurts. 

"At least I don't look like I just rolled out of bed into a pile of dirt. Did you even take a shower today? I bet not. Your hair looks so untamed and dirty. Wash your face too. Gosh, Soo Jung. Have you ever heard of hygiene?" 

More of her criticizing. Ugh. I was worried she would actually criticize me about my appearance, so I actually stayed up all night cleansing my face. As for my hair, I went to the salon today. Does it look crappy? She's really starting to hurt my self-esteem. 

I scoffed and looked away from her. I might have tears in my eyes or something. I finally looked back at her when I felt the need to just leave. 

"Whatever . Did you get a job? Go back to the doc. They look uneven. Or maybe did you do your whole face?" Because there's no way in hell you can be that damn beautiful. Wait what did I just think? Aish! Even when your sister is criticizing you, you praise her beauty? Gosh, Krys. Focus! 

"Yah!" Jessica yelled. I stood up and slammed my fists on the table. 

"You know what?! I've had enough of your bull! You're the same." Your words always hurt. 

"No! You know what? I'm tired of your too! I should have never tried to rekindle our  sister-ship! You're not even worth it! You're not even a sister to me!"  

With that, she stormed out of the restaurant. I let the words sink in and I fall back into my chair. Various emotions boiled inside of me. Anger, betrayal, hurt. 

She said I'm not worth it. Am I really not? I sighed as I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. 

But I do want her in my life. What? No I don't. She's too mean. 

"You're not even a sister to me!" Her voice echoed. 

Maybe it's better if we have no relationship whatsoever. Despite saying that in my mind, I can't help but let those words touch the darkest part of my heart. Jessica always does this to me. She makes me feel emotions I don't want to feel. 




"Ow!" I touch the back of my head where Tiffany threw a book at me. I turned around and glared at her. 

The two of us were in our condo living room. She was sitting in a butterfly chair behind me while reading a book about flowers. Well that's until I started telling her about what happened with Jessica yesterday. 

"What was that for?! I angrily demanded. 

"You're so stupid! She thought you were calling her fat!" 

I frowned upon the realization. So… The reason why she went all out on me was because she thought I was criticizing her first? Wow. So sensitive. 

"Did that really not cross your mind?" Tiffany asked me. I shook my head. 

"You better go freaking fix what you did! Oh gosh, Krys. What am I going to do with you?" She put her face in her hands and shook her head. What's up with her? It's not like I committed some kind of crime. She's like a mom. Sheesh.

"What do I even have to fix? She said herself that I'm not even worth rekindling with." 

"Ah!" She threw a pillow at my face! Such a nice manager! 

"Are you on something today?!" Another pillow. 

"What the f-" 

A thesaurus zooms passes my head. I looked at the thick book, then back at my pink-loving manager. 

"Are you trying to kill your biggest star?! I'll have you know my face is priceless! Even the best surgery couldn't make this face as beautiful as it is right now! No one can duplicate this beauty!" I wave my finger around to motion my whole face. 

"I consider you a client, not a star. And by the way, your face needs more work." 

I was about to retort when she interrupted again. 

"Also, Krys, I don't care what the hell you say. Your is going straight to where your sister is at and apologizing." 


"Or I'm dropping you." 

"You can't drop me! I'm your biggest star!"

"You didn't know Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Lautner, Dennis Oh, Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Min Ho, and Brad Pitt wanted to be under my wing?" 

I laughed at her. All those people want to be taken care of by eye-smiling-pink-loving-queen Manager Hwang? I don't think so. 

"Yeah sure. No-" I paused when I see her facial expression. There's only seriousness displayed. I don't know if all of those people want her as their manager, but she was serious about dropping me. Gosh. 

Tiffany has other clients too, but she focuses more on me. She could definitely make more money if she accepts bigger, better stars too. I sighed and turned back to face the TV.

"I'm going to say sorry one time. That's all I'm saying to her." I said and took my cup of tea from the coffee table. I thought the conversation would end, but clearly, I was wrong. 

"Wait so you were checking out your sister's s?" 

"Pfffffffffttttttt!" My mouth was like a sprinkler. Water sprayed everywhere from my mouth. I choked and banged on my chest in hope that the impact could help. I could hear Tiffany's earsplitting laughter from behind me. This . 

My mind drifts off to my older sister. I shiver. Her gorgeous face, firm bottom, nicely-sized s, perfectly proportioned body, smooth, creamy light skin, legs that seem to run on forever. Wow. She's certainly my ideal type. Ugh. What did I just say? I shivered again. Gross. Sounds like I'm lusting after her. 

I couldn't control my mind when suddenly a scene shifts in to where I'm inappropriately touching her. I choke on my saliva. Oh gosh. 

"Fany. Turn on the AC!" 


Tiffany must have gone back to her room to be shouting like that. Her voice sounded distant too. I look at the mess of tea splattered everywhere on the glass coffee table. I would have to clean that up but for now, I'm really wondering… How the hell did Tiffany get the thesaurus? Where the hell did that even come from? 




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Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Moustache123 #3
Chapter 14: Ummm
Chapter 14: Update author...
Bluesapphire17 #5
Chapter 14: Hey author please update soon and make the jungsis progress T_____T
Chapter 14: update soon author nim... it's amazing story..
So.. 'sup, author-ssi..? Can you just let me know if there will be an update.. this year? It's not sarcasm or something, I had actually forgotten about this fanfic, but yeah. Just curious.
rocketsocks12 #8
Chapter 14: Interesting story author-shi!
1736 streak #9
Chapter 14: Yoonyul is so funny
Hahahahaha update soon
Chapter 14: Yuri's reaction makes me laugh at the end, hard xD (sorry for veing weird if i found it funny) but im sad because i feel like drama is on the way (?) Update soon authornim.