(7J) Bad Meetimgs

Love of a CEO

Author's Note: I'm back yo! 😋 Hiiiii everyoooooonnnneeee! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Well I'm back with an update! I hope you all like this chapter! Please comment and thank you for reading, subscribing, and upvoting! I love you all very much! Thanks for the support! Now! Enjoooyyy!!! 


I hope I don't sound drunk or overly cheery. I know that can sometimes be annoying. Hehehehehe. 




Jessica's POV 


So this is the day I would meet my little sister. I'm not going to lie, I'm actually a lot more nervous than I thought I would be. 

"Jung Soo Jung." I tried. Surprisingly, the name rolled off my tongue neatly. The name is like silky juice on my tongue. Pretty addictive to say.

My phone goes off right after I say my little sister's name. Now who could be calling me? I smile when I see the caller ID.

"Ah Soo Jung-ah." The name sounded even more nice after addressing her. The line goes silent for a while. 

"Jung Soo Jung?" I asked. I hear someone clear their throat. 

"Um, we're in Korea now. I was going to ask if we can meet at a restaurant? But I don't know which one." Her voice is kinda deep, yet feminine.


I try to think of a good restaurant. Maybe we should go to Sooyoung's fancy restaurant. They have delicious food there. Soo Jung might like it. Everyone who goes there gets the best impression. I tell her the place and address.

"Okay. I'll meet you there…" Soo Jung replies. 

"At…?" I continue. She didn't tell me what time.

"The restaurant." I laugh at her response. 

"Soo Jung-ah," her name is easier to call now, almost natural, "I mean what time?" 

"Oh. Um. Are you busy the next hour?" 

"No. I'm completely free all day." 

"Great. Then I'll meet you in an hour?" 

"Okay, I got it." 

Right when we hang up, I barge into my room and hack my closet open. I have no idea what to wear. What if she laughs at my outfit? Oh my gosh! Picking an outfit is 10x harder right now. 

"Um, what's wrong with you?" I hear someone ask. I see my stylist unnie holding a bag in her hand while looking confusedly at me. 

"I'm so glad you're here!" I immediately pulled her over to where I was standing. 

"What's this all about?" 

"I'm meeting Soo Jung in an hour." I replied as I walk into my closet. 

"Calm down. It's just your sister, not your date." 

I stop whatever I was doing and let those words sink in. That's right. Why do I even need to impress her? 

"You're right." I said. She's just my sister.






"Mooooooommmmm!" Soo Jung yelled. "Unnie's being mean to me!" 

I growled at Soo Jung. She was the one to bother me first! Soo Jung meronged. 

"She started it!" I defended myself. Then, I remember my mom can't hear us. We were outside while our parents were inside the house cooking. 

I threw an orange at my annoying younger sister. Bop! Right on the head! I laughed my off. I'm usually bad at throwing but I somehow hit the target. She growls and looks up at me. 

I'm sitting on top of the tree. She's a few centimeters shorter than me but now she looks even shorter when I'm up here. I growled back then meronged.

"Haha! You deserve it!" I heard her growl louder and she starts throwing the oranges that fell on the floor up on me. 

I felt an orange hit my side and another flew right by my head. This girl is trying to kill me! I know it! 

"Jung Soo Jung!" I warned her in my high squeaky voice. Hey. I was still going through puberty. I had my period not too long ago. The first time I had my period, I thought I was going to die. I was screaming and crying since blood was coming out of - ahem - there. It was horrifying. Truly a terrifying experience.

"Jung Soo Yeon!" she mocked me. My jaw drops. Such disrespect! 

"Yah! When I get down there I'm going to-" I didn't get to finish my sentence 'cuz an orange makes its way to my face. My head tips back from the impact.


"JUNG SOO JUNG!" I yelled. It's time to declare war! 

"YOU'RE-" I'm in shock when I feel a red watery substance slide down from my nose. 

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. Tears start streaming down my face.

"JUNG SOO JUNG! I HATE YOU!" I declared.






"Ms. Jung?" Someone waves their hand in front of my face. I blink rapidly. Oh. I was just lost in a memory. So where am I? Oh, yeah. I'm in Sooyoung's restaurant. 

I love this place! They serve the best fancy desserts and have the best wine, along with the best meat quality. Delicious! 

There's a built-in BBQ grill in the middle of every table so you could grill your own meat if you want to. Or, you can have the chefs cook it for you. Of course, they change the grill when it starts to burn more than it's supposed to. 

However, I like the café more. Maybe it's because it has a more "chill" atmosphere. 

"Sorry." I apologize. I follow the girl over to the table I reserved. I stop in my tracks when I see the girl sitting on the chair. Her eyes are also on me. 

Jung Soo Jung, my little sister, is beautiful. She has long dark hair that cascades over her shoulders. Her eyes are the warmest brown I've seen. Her skin is light, yet somehow a bit tan from the California sun. Nonetheless, she's still really light. She looks like our dad, but the beautiful female version. Pfffttt! I wonder how my dad would have looked like with mascara and long luscious dark brown hair. 

Soo Jung is wearing a simple white shirt with black skinny jeans and black-and-white Converse. Her outfit makes me feel as if I tried too hard to look good. Unlike her casual clothing, I'm wearing a black Armani dress. It's not like I'm walking down a red carpet or anything. That's when I look at the ground. Guess what? The floor is covered with a huge red carpet. They change the floor design every few months. They'll probably change it soon, probably marble. 

"J-Jessica?" she asks as she slowly stands up. I seize the moment to take in her height. She's probably 3 centimeters taller than me. Ah. Soo Jung has really matured.

"Jung Soo Jung." It came out more like a question. We're still for a short moment then she gestures for me to sit. I guess we're still sort of awkward. We didn't even hug.

"Uh, it's been a long time." I say. 

"Uh, yeah." she replied. She throws me a sheepish smile. Really pretty. Soo Jung is really pretty. I don't know how long I'm gawking at her good looking face until someone interrupts us. 

"Hello. I'm Choi Sulli." My head snaps to the person talking. Choi Sulli. Isn't that Sooyoung's younger sister? My question is confirmed when I see Sulli's bright grin. 

"Would you like to grill your own meat or have it cooked for you?" Sulli questions. 

"What do you prefer, Soo Jung?" 

"Um, I'm fine with either." 

"Cooked for us." I answered. I usually grill the meat myself, but I'm too hungry to do that. 

"What kind of meat?" I look at the menu and then at Soo Jung.

"Just order what you think tastes the best." Soo Jung replies. I order our food and beverage and Sulli gives me a wink before walking away. 

Isn't she supposed to be in the kitchen cooking? She usually doesn't come out unless Sooyoung reserves a table herself. Sulli always comes out to mock her older sister. Yet, I don't see Sooyoung around. Maybe she just decided to check out the service out here. Or maybe she thought she could drop in and say hi to me? I don't know. We're not that close. 

Not too long after, we get our water. There's our glowing and flashing birthstone in the glasses of water. They must recognize us to know when our birth month is. Well, I'm a regular here and I'm well-known in the region. Soo Jung is a Hollywood actress so she may have a lot of fans, including some staff here.

Soo Jung clears and leans forward. Oh shoot! What should I say? 

"So how is it being a Hollywood actress?" I asked. 

"It's fun, I guess. Tiring, if I may add." 


"How is it being a fashion designer?" 

"Fun. Really fun. It's a great feeling to see people proudly wearing your product..." 


Our food is served right after her reply. The food usually doesn't come that fast, but we're VIPs so I guess we're served first. We eat in silence, making little side comments like "this is good" or something along the lines like that. When we finished, I was the first to speak.

"So… You look really nice today."

"Um, thanks. You look…" she drifts off and stares at my torso. 

Oh gosh. I really hope I don't look ridiculous. Her eyes scan my upper body a bit more, never leaving even when she replies.


What?! She thinks I look fat?! I suddenly feel super self-conscious about myself. How can that be? I go to the gym to work out whenever I have time. Maybe I didn't work out enough? No! That can't be. I could feel anger boiling in my blood. My pride is hurt. She's the same. Such a jerk. 

"You didn't even try dressing up." I bitterly spat out. She looks surprised at my remark at first, but she immediately replies.

"Well you look like you tried too hard. I mean... Your s are all the way up to your chin. Aren't you going to suffocate any minute now?" 

My jaw dropped. Did she really just say that? To me? To the gorgeous Jessica Jung? I, Jessica Jung Soo Yeon? I glared at her.

"At least I don't look like I just rolled out of bed into a pile of dirt. Did you even take a shower today? I bet not. Your hair looks so untamed and dirty. Wash your face too. Gosh, Soo Jung. Have you ever heard of hygiene?" 

I see her flare up in hurt and anger. Hey! Her words are harsh too! Soo Jung scoffed and looked away from me. She crossed her arms then looked back at me.

"Whatever . Did you get a job? Go back to the doc. They look uneven. Or maybe did you do your whole face?"

Oh hell no. This stubborn brat did not just say I had some kind of surgery! Wait. She even called me a ?! 

"Yah!" I yelled. We were raising our voices and throwing insults at each other now. 

"You know what?!" Soo Jung stood up and slammed her hands on the table. 

"I had enough of your bull. You're the same." 

Hearing this made me want to smack her.

"No! You know what? I'm tired of your too! I should have never tried to rekindle our  sister-ship! You're not even worth it! You're not even a sister to me!" 

I stormed out of the restaurant. I wouldn't let her have the last word for satisfaction. It's always been like that. We've always been like that. I guess some things will never change.

"Ouch!" Someone turned the corner and we collided. Her head banged against mine. My hands flew up to touch the harmed part of my forehead.

"Sorry!" We both shouted at the same time. Wait. That voice sounds familiar. I peeked out at the other person who was also looking back at me. Our eyes widened in shock. 

I hear two people snicker off from the side. It didn't take a lot of guessing to know who those two figures were. It was Sooyoung and Hyoyeon, of course. I didn't even have to glance at them to know. Slowly, the other person's eyes turn from shock to irritation.

"T-Taeyeon-ah." I started. She gives me a glare. Why can't she just act normal when we meet? Is it really that hard? 

"I don't like hearing my name come out of your mouth."

With that statement, she pushes pass me.

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Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Moustache123 #3
Chapter 14: Ummm
Chapter 14: Update author...
Bluesapphire17 #5
Chapter 14: Hey author please update soon and make the jungsis progress T_____T
Chapter 14: update soon author nim... it's amazing story..
So.. 'sup, author-ssi..? Can you just let me know if there will be an update.. this year? It's not sarcasm or something, I had actually forgotten about this fanfic, but yeah. Just curious.
rocketsocks12 #8
Chapter 14: Interesting story author-shi!
1729 streak #9
Chapter 14: Yoonyul is so funny
Hahahahaha update soon
Chapter 14: Yuri's reaction makes me laugh at the end, hard xD (sorry for veing weird if i found it funny) but im sad because i feel like drama is on the way (?) Update soon authornim.