(9) Beginning

Love of a CEO

Author's Note: Ugh. Sorry if this chapter doesn't clear anything or interest you. I didn't really know what to write. This chapter focuses on the Jungsis's childhood a bit more. It explains why they were mean to each other. Sorry if it's not a good reason. I don't know. In a depressed state lately. Only Sica can cheer me up. Speaking of her, she looks great. Her new black hair or something. She gained a little weight but I'm glad she did. Stupid people bashing on her for getting a little more tan and gaining a little more weight though. Ugh. Some people. Stupid bishes. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Here you go! 




Third Person POV 


Krystal Jung Soo Jung used to follow her unnie everywhere. In truth, she idolized her. They started to fight and grow apart when Jessica started to hang out with her friends more. She started neglecting her younger sister and wouldn't play with Soo Jung. Instead, she would invite friends or go to their house. If she wasn't outside of the house, Soo Yeon would be up in the tree. 

After the lack of Jessica in Krystal's life, Krystal started to crave for Jessica's attention. She did anything to get it, even if it meant bothering her older sister to death. 

By the age of 10, Krystal had gotten worse at playing pranks on Jessica. The older sibling no longer went up the tree. Krystal had threw an orange at Jessica's head and repeatedly one day when the older was ignoring her, causing Jessica to fall down the tree. Jessica actually broke her ankle since she landed on it the wrong way. She was trying to get down, but she missed a step once an orange hit her.

Krystal didn't get in trouble for throwing the oranges and causing the accident. Instead, Jessica was lectured for not moving away in time, not being careful, and always being up in that tree. Ever since then, their sisterly love-hate relationship became a hate relationship. The love faded out. 

The younger felt sorry so she tried to make it up to Jessica by doing whatever she wanted. 

"I wish you weren't born." Jessica bitterly spat out.

"If you want to do me a favor, just disappear from my life." 

And those words pierced Krystal's heart. However, it wasn't just Krystal's heart that hurt. It was Jessica's too. She just couldn't figure out why her younger sister would hate/dislike her so much to the point where she would physically hurt her. 

To Krystal, those were the words that made her resent Jessica. To Jessica, her broken ankle was the last straw of being patient with Krystal. She thought all Krystal wanted to do was hurt her, like she didn't love or care at all. They were worse when in the same room. 

At 12, Krystal learned some ual stuff in class and from friends. 

"Jessica," Krystal called and pushed the door open. Jessica squealed and tried to cover herself, but Krystal already saw everything. 

"Yah!" Jessica screamed in her high-pitched voice. 

", sorry." Krystal panicked. She quickly closed the door. 

'Wow. Jessica's body matured.'

Jessica kicked the towel around her feet and inwardly screamed. She knew Krystal was going to later. 

Krystal quickly rushed into her room and slammed the door. 

'. . .' She repeated in her head. The picture of Jessica's body is still freshly engraved in her head. 

"Crap." Krystal cursed. It was a picture she never wanted to see. She shivered. 

'I can't let this bother me. Play it cool. Just later.' 

When Krystal left downstairs, she grew confused. 

"Where's mom and dad?" 

Jessica, who was on the couch, started walking back upstairs. 

"It's their anniversary. They're out." Krystal groaned and pulled Jessica back. 

"Make me food then." 

"There's cup noodles and dad made pasta. It's in the microwave. Pick yourself." 

"No. I don't want to eat that." 

"Then starve, little brat." 

Krystal tugged on Jessica's arm tighter. Despite only being 12, she was the same height as her 17-year-old sister. 

"Make me kimchee fried rice." 

"Sure if you want to die. You know I can't cook." 

"Fine. Then I'll tell mom and dad that you brought a guy over the other night." 

Jessica glared at her sister. She wouldn't dare tell on her. 

"Jung Soo Jung. You wouldn't dare." Krystal smirked.

"Fine." Jessica agreed. Krystal would definitely tell on her. 

"I'm not going to be responsible for your death though." 

And so began the struggle of Jessica's inner battle with herself on how to cook. She's always been a horrible cook. All of her friends never let her into the kitchen. She was wondering if she should purposely make it disgusting, but her older sister instincts and conscience decided against it. Besides, Krystal would just even more about it. When Jessica finished and tasted it, she nodded in approval of her work. The dish actually tasted good. 

When Krystal took a bite, Jessica watched Krystal's reaction. Soo Jung knew Jessica was watching her, so she pretended it tasted horrible, although it was really good. 

"This is disgusting. Ugh. I feel sorry for your future husband, if you ever have one. You're a horrible cook and you can't even clean properly." 

'What was I expecting?' Jessica scoffed. 

"The only thing you're good at is eating and sleeping." Krystal thought back to the guy Jessica brought into her room at night. She felt a burning rage. "Hmm… Are you good at those with guys too? I can't believe you can actually get guys with a body like yours. Do you even get paid for it? How much? I know some guys desperate for an older woman's-"

Jessica snapped. She grabbed the plate and placed it on Krystal's head. The rice and eggs were smashed on her head. 

"What the f-" 

"Can't you just ing disappear already?!" Jessica exclaimed. She turned around and ran upstairs, leaving a Krystal full of regrets and kimchee fried rice with eggs on her head.

"Fine. I will." Krystal decided. 




"I don't understand why she's always so mean to me." Jessica whined to her friend Nicole. The other girl nodded and patted Jessica's back. 

"You have no idea how this started?" 

Jessica shook her head. 

"No. And she also thinks I'm apparently a now." 

"Ouch. Your own sister thinks that? Harsh, especially since you can't even speak properly with guys."

"Hey it's not my fault." 

"Hey. I know it's not. Just have more confidence in yourself. Just because the so called 'queen bee' of our school says you're ugly and have a horrible figure doesn't mean it's true." 

"But it's not just her." Jessica replied softly. It was practically the whole school.

"Our school is consisted of s and jealous ." Nicole answered. 

"Look. Just because your crush said you're ugly in every way possible and not his type at all doesn't mean you're any of that. Got it? You're beautiful. Believe it."

Jessica sighed and laid her head on Nicole's lap. 

"But even my own sister thinks so." 

"She probably doesn't mean it." 


"You don't even mean what you said about her disappearing." 

"There's nothing good when she's here."


"Okay. It was a little harsh, but she was harsh too. She was first, actually."

"Doesn't mean you should play back. She's young, you know. Oh, by the way, when are you going to America with your family?'

"I'm not going. Brian is going to China around the same time and I want to spend the rest of my break with him. I already have permission from my parents to stay. They love Brian."

"Do they even know he's gay? Or does Soo Jung even know the guy you brought into your room was a heartbroken Brian? I still want to kick his ex-boyfriend's for cheating on him."

"No, she doesn't, and me too."

"Well why didn't you tell her?" 

"Why should I explain it to her? She'll find another way to get to me. She'll probably think I'm gay too. Soo Jung just thinks like that. Besides, if she tells my parents Brian is gay, they probably won't let me stay."

"Are they homophobic or something?"

"I hope not. I just don't want to risk anything."


"Yeah. Just stop talking. I want to watch Spongebob now."

After about two episodes of Spongebob Squarepants, Nicole finally decides to ask something that's been on her mind. 

"What if your sister turns out to like the same gender?" 

"... That's sudden. I don't think that'll happen. Why ask so suddenly?"

"I think your sister was checking us out a few times." 

Jessica paused. A hot cheetos chip was in between her fingers, mid-way to . 

"What do you mean?" 

"There's a possibility that your sister is at the curious stage."

"… I still don't think so. She was probably silently criticizing us." Jessica replied. 

She thought back to the scene where Soo Jung walked in on her about to change. 

"She's definitely straight." said Jessica. Or she thinks so. 


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Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Moustache123 #3
Chapter 14: Ummm
Chapter 14: Update author...
Bluesapphire17 #5
Chapter 14: Hey author please update soon and make the jungsis progress T_____T
Chapter 14: update soon author nim... it's amazing story..
So.. 'sup, author-ssi..? Can you just let me know if there will be an update.. this year? It's not sarcasm or something, I had actually forgotten about this fanfic, but yeah. Just curious.
rocketsocks12 #8
Chapter 14: Interesting story author-shi!
1729 streak #9
Chapter 14: Yoonyul is so funny
Hahahahaha update soon
Chapter 14: Yuri's reaction makes me laugh at the end, hard xD (sorry for veing weird if i found it funny) but im sad because i feel like drama is on the way (?) Update soon authornim.