Sticky Note Guy (Mistletoe)
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Sticky Note Guy (Mistletoe)


    It all started on the day you came to my school. You were instantly popular, with your white milky skin, dark chocolate hair, lean body, and sweet smile. You didn’t have to say a single word to impress the school. I was instantly allured to you the moment I laid my eyes on you. I wanted to call it love at first sight but I don’t fall in love quickly. I called it as a crush. 

    Luckily our school’s not a big one, and since we were born in the same year we are placed in the same classroom. You were wandering in the hallways looking lost so I decided to approach you.

    “You must be new here. You look a little lost right now.” I said as I rub my nape bashfully. I instantly regretted my decision on talking to you. People were looking at us and I heard people muttering, “Kai’s trying to hit on the new girl. He’s too shy to get a girl.” I was blushing hard when I heard that so I ran away and from that moment on, I was very sure I had a bad first impression.

    It was a few weeks after that day when I get to start talking to you. The seating arrangement was changed and I was seated next to you.

    “Hey, Yoora. I’m Jongi—”

    “Kai right?” You interrupted me cutely with your pointing finger directed to me. I smiled at your cute action and nodded my head.

    “You can call me that too, but if you want to feel special, you can call me Jongin.” I shook her finger as a friendly gesture. 

    You smiled softly and shook your finger with my hands. That’s where we became friends. I wanted us to be close friends but I guess nobody can be close from their first introduction.

    Another few weeks of school, we had a school trip to a beach. It was supposed to be a celebratory school trip after all the examinations. Boys were excited because they get to see girls in their two-piece swimsuits, but I’m just excited to spend time with Yoora day and night, if I actually not cower every time I’m two meters close to her.

    Each class got their own bus and I just noticed that Yoora actually doesn’t have friends. Not that I’m saying she’s a loner, but she was that popular that no girls are nice enough to be friends with her for who she really is, instead they seek attention from boys. Those girls make me sick.

    She was sitting alone on the seats second to the back. She wore her earphones and closed her eyes preparing to sleep. My boys were seated on the back seat so I figure this was my chance to actually get close to her, physically too. 

    I sat right behind her and I could barely hear the music from her earphones. Must be a classic song or ballad. I thought. 

    Your head was bobbing up and down to the uneven road and I had the urge to sit right next to you to lend you my shoulder. My friends were all staring at me because I had once told them about my attraction towards you. The ones sitting next to me leaned as far as they can backwards so I can go out of my seat to move to the one next to yours. I smiled at them bashfully but as I was about to stand up, another guy already beat me to it. 

    I remember his face clearly. His name was Donguk. He was the captain of the soccer team and one of the smartest kid in Biology class. He’s one of the popular guys who does sports and academics well. I do envy him because he gets all the girls’ attention, I’m afraid he’ll get yours before I do. 

    He sat next to you and pushed your head slowly to rest on his shoulder. Being the stupid man I was, my hand was about to slap his hands away until my friend, Kyungsoo slapped my forehead so I leaned back towards my seat. I realised how jealous I was even though you barely know anything about me. All we ever talk about is what homework’s due the next day. You never talked to me in class because you understand every single word the teacher’s blabbering about while I, on the other side, struggle to focus when all my attention was on you. 

    My thoughts were stopped when I see this Donguk kid decided to sleep and rest his stupid round head on your perfect head. I bet that dude has dandruff and those dandruff must be snowing on your head that time. I guess you showered well that afternoon because at night I was sitting right next to you and your hair was perfectly fine. 

    That night they had a bonfire and we were all playing instruments while roasting food. Donguk was with his friends playing soccer in the beach and you were sitting alone warming your hands while sitting near the fire. My friends were about to ask me to join them sing but they saw where I was looking at, you by the way, and they let me go to you. 

    I took a random blanket and sat on the sand next to you. I unfold the blanket and draped it against both of us. I had to scoot closer to you so the blanket would cover us both. You were surprised and you stopped eating your marshmallow. Your round eyes were wide as you looked at me. I smiled and ate the marshmallow you were about to put in your mouth. I chuckled at your surprised reaction and I quickly start a conversation before anything goes awkward.

    “So, I know it’s a bit late to ask this but, what do you think of our school?” I asked as  I ruffled my hair to avoid your eye contact.

    You smiled and your eye smile appear. “It’s been a quarter Jongin. You could’ve asked me about this in class.” I was surprised you even remembered my name. I thought you would just call me ‘The Kid who sat next to me in class’ but instead you remembered the name I told you to call me. You didn’t call me Kai, the name the student population gave me, but my birth name. 

    “I guess this school’s fun. Everyone’s friendly but I haven’t found a best friend yet.” you stuck another marshmallow on the stick and chew on it slowly. 

    “Are you already interested in any guys?” I asked casually when inside I hoped you won’t mention any name, unless it’s mine.

    Your eyes brighten at the mention of that question. I panicked because I know where this’ll lead to. “I do, actually.” That. It’ll lead to that. “There’s this guy, his a senior and unfortunately he’ll be moving next year because he wants to become a soccer play—”


    “How’d you know?” She looked at me with a smile and bright eyes. “I think I made it too obvious. I’ve been spending too much time with him after school and watched his practice too many times.”

    My heart kind of dropped after hearing you said that. I thought you won’t like anyone within these weeks. I said a simple “Oh.” and excused myself from you. 

    At school I didn’t know how to treat you. If I act as a friend to you, I know I’ll just act more like a boyfriend because I have no self-control. I decided to just send notes to you. I know you don’t actually use your locker so I decided to just leave notes on your locker. I also know you won’t read them so I actually put hearts on some of the notes.

    It was Christmas when I decided I can’t just do nothing. I haven’t heard any news about you and Donguk dating so I want to take a step up. As I plan how to actually interact with you in Christmas, I passed Donguk’s locker and heard him talk to his friend, Jinwoo. 

    “Dude, the girl’s going to be depressed knowing you have to leave earlier.” 

    “I know Jinwoo, that’s why I’m going to take her out later in Christmas. It’ll be our farewell hangout.” 

    “Don’t you think it’s a bit harsh to leave a girl on a Christmas night. That’s a night for confessions.” 

    “Jinwoo, she’s just a kid. I don’t date young girls. Their unexperienced.” 

    I ran away and went to my classroom and found her se

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Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute. Thank you for the advertisement on my wall, I needed a story like that to make my day. <3
Jjang_sonne999 left a message on my wall asking me to read this (which I don't mind, nobody ever posts on my wall so it was a surprise!)
I'm not a huge fan of Kai at all but I decided to give this a read. It's utterly adorable and really sweet. I'm glad I read it, it was an amazing one shot to read today. Keep writing and making people happy! ^^
Chapter 1: have I heard Donguk's name somewhere? hmm...
I wish it was snowing here in Indonesia D:
gabriella_bella #4
Chapter 1: Kyaaa I wish indonesia have a winter season -,- *sorryformybadenglish* thank you for this great story (y) I like it
zeloandcielo #5
Chapter 1: i am tearing up. this oneshot is just so cute ; u ;b its so sweet. i like it a lot. ;;
Chapter 1: Daebak!
It's so sweet.. Kissing under the mistletoe.. /i always dream like that/
Chapter 1: I really like this one shot :)
It's so sweet >3
you made me listen to mistletoe everyday
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa~ cuteeee hihihi