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Everything happened so fast. Jinwoo was supposed to say something but it was swallowed by the walls literally appearing and enclosing them. The sound rang through their ears . There was a loud bang and a scream was heard but Seunghoon was not sure where did the voice came from. His mind was in haze and everything around him feels more surreal than before. He turned around and saw Jinwoo frozen. His hyung was as astounded as he is. Fear was surely mirrored in their eyes realizing the thing that just occurred. He turned around frantically once more but everything was a huge wall. And it was only the two of them. There were no traces if the three members and that alone was enough to make his heart race more. He squinted his eyes to see everything again but nothing has changed. They were really enclosed by a huge wall from both sides. Long thick walls that screams terror and everything in between. He swallowed the lump on his throat as he realized that the were trapped in a steel box. And his eyes widened as he realized that it was only him and jinwoo that was inside that box. His heartbeat quickened and his mind is in haze. He looked at Jinwoo again and the older never moved. His face was visibly paler than before and his body was shaken. Jinwoo slowly walked towards the wall and touched it with his shaking fingertips. Seunghoon followed the same gesture and he felt the hard steel. He withdrew his hands like it was fire. And maybe it is. The place that they are in, it must be hell. He felt another lump in his throat as he surveyed the place again. Hoping to find at least a clue of what is happening. And what are they going to face. But where are the others?


"Seunghoon hyung! Jinwoo hyung!" Seunghoon heard from the other side of the wall. It was a scream out of desperation and a little ounce of relief flood his veins. They were okay. He heard a voice. Then the heard banging from the opposite side too.


"Hyung! Are you okay? Answer us." It was Seungyoon who screamed from the other side. The banging continued and seunghoon looked at jinwoo whose hands are still touching the wall and a face that devoids any emotions. Seunghoon came into his senses and answered back.


"We're fine. I'm with Jinwoo hyung." Seunghoon approached the right side of the wall were Seungyoon's voice was heard and knocked on it. The wall was made up of metal. There was no denying it and he released another sigh. He wanted to curse so bad but he kept his mind sane. They need to get out of this... this hell. He found his voice and asked, "How about you? Are you all alright?"


"Yes. We're okay."Mino answered this time. He released a sigh and continued on knocking the metal frame. Hoping that it would open up or miraculously disappear. He can hear knockings on the other side too. He knocked and knocked. Sometimes a little too hard to release all his anger and sometimes a little soft. Almost fading like all the hopes they have to ever get out. He saw jinwoo walk towards the left side and started knocking on the metal wall too, perhaps searching for an exit like him. Seunghoon does not know what to do. They were clearly trapped and it was clear that there is no escape within these walls. 


Seunghoon slumped down the wall and frustratingly buried his hands on his face. Flashes of the events that had occurred flooded his mind. From their plans on having a trip t escape reality to being trapped in a four walled metal box. He bit his lip a little too hard. The emotions he feels could not be defined and he could not do anything as of the moment. He felt Jinwoo sat beside him. Their shallow breathings resonated within the room. Faint voices can be heard from the other room too. He closed his eyes and tried to hear the words from the other side of the wall. A small smile escaped him as he heard mino cussed. He was close to losing his sanity. He was sure of it. 


"This is all bull." Seunghoon punched the metal wall. He felt the ringing pain on his hand but it does not compare to the pain he feels within his soul. He felt like crying and he wants to release all pent up emotions that he is feeling right now. The punch did not even do anything to ease him even a little. He feels even more frustrated. He covered his face with his palm again. The two of them could feel the other three moving on the other side. Perhaps looking for an escape too. Seunghoon looked at Jinwoo and noticed that the elder was slouching and is catching his breaths. Jinwoo was releasing hollow breaths and Seunghoon tapped his thumb unto Jinwoo's shoulder. The elder looked up and gave a very weak smile.


"Hyung? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.


"Yeah. Just out of breath. It seems like these walls does not have any holes for oxygen." He closed his eyes and started catching his breath again. Seunghoon realized what was happening and so he knocked on the wall once again.


"Seungyoon,mino, taehyun! Stop moving. The room is too shut down to supply oxygen so stop moving around!" He said with urgency. His voice was hoarse probably because he is feeling the effect of the lack of oxygen too. He took a deep breath. The other side oof the wall stopped moving.


"What do you mean hyung?" Taehyun's voce was barely heard. Seunghoon held his down and watch as Jinwoo tried to catch his breaths again. He swallowed the unending lump in throat before speaking again.


"Just how it sounds..so stop moving,relax and do not speak too much." He said and leaned in the wall. He felt the other side quiet down and he found himself sliding down until he was planted on the ground. He closed his eyes and steadied his breaths. He thought about a melody, a beautiful melody he was working on and let his mind go astray by thinking of beats and steps that would go along that melody. The beat was slow but it was enough to distract his mind and steady his breaths. He pictured himself back at their practice room. That pale yellow room in which they spent most of their youths. Sweating for practicing for too much. Sometimes even forgetting yo eat or sleep. He pictured jinwoo coming in too practice some more. His lips curbed into a smile realizing how jinwoo never stopped practicing. He prided himself to be hardworking but he was nothing compared to jinwoo. The elder do not stop and continuously push himself to the edge. His trail of thoughts was disturbed when he felt a squeeze on his shoulders. He opened his eyes and saw jinwoo holding on to him. The elder was barely coping. His breaths were getting sloppier and his eyes were closed.


"Seunghoon-ah..." jinwoo almost whispered. "Can you distract me.. I am close to falling asleep..." Jinwoo sound helpless and Seunghoon realized the situation. His hyung was close to fainting and it is never a good sign. He would not know what to do if Jinwoo would lose consiousness. He immediately held jinwoo's hands and placed it on his legs. He thought hard on what to do. He blinked as he saw jinwoo losing consciousness.


"Hyung .." and as if on i

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Nats21 #2
Chapter 7: Oh my God i just found this fic and couldn't help my self just keep reding the whole chapters, I love it thank you so much I'm your new fan , you are amazing just please keep updating, I wat to know what happend please I promise to be patient.Pd. Sorry for my bad english but i'm from México
NakaharaAi #3
Chapter 7: Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Who is that? 1996? What is thaaaat?
I am not ready for this!!!!!
(But thanks for comeback ;) )
Chapter 7: u killed my Song Hamster???!!!!!!!!!! authornim WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!?????????? T_T T_T
ceciyo #5
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: oh Lord God... I have to wait for 8 months just to read that someone's dead (no spoiler ahaha)... Authornim.. why did u do this to me?? TT_________TT
But thank you so so so much for updating..
Somehow i feel that it has connection with Seunghoon past but Jinwoo is soo suspicious..
Arrgghhh.. i dont know...
Please update sooner.. i'm dying of curiousness.. lol..
I hate u but i love u authornim... <333
Chapter 6: Yo. so here is the "long comment" im gonna put in AFF

(behold. here are my feels)

Well, i'm gonna list it down bc this fic is gOLDEN

-the description is PERFECT; it hit the spot of the perfect synopsis for a mystery fic and i love it i love it i love it. I love the way it was about murders bc death is my guilty pleasure (oops)

-the first chapter was beautiful!!!!! it portrayed Seunghoon's underlying anxiety and the truth that haunts him from time to time; and God, this fic gave me the chills. The way you wrote the mystery part was not confusing, (and that's the best thank you so much) but the essence was there!

-as i progressed, your pacing is just right!!!!!! not too fast, and not too slow; it does not give away easily, and there are subtle ideas that you can pick up along the way. it's so ing beautiful.

-okay holy ; WHAT IS WITH JINWOO??!??!! he's so suspicious and im literally side-eyeing him the whole time i was reading this fic but, jeez, he's a sweetheart and he wouldn't do something to hurt his dongsaengs, right? RIGHT?!!!??! aAAaah. I don't even know anymore, I don't even trust my favorite son :( or even Seunghoon. AgH. I don't even trust you, author :----( why are you making me feel so ????????? idk?????? ahhh . Your fic is golden.

- Seunghoon's habit with his thumb was explained! Holy !! My lowkey Jinhoon stan is crying :---(


-okay please dont kill seunghoon in the end or else i will cry and set myself on fire

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH please please please please update! I have to know everything! AND I WILL GLADLY VOLUNTEER AS YOUR BETA READER BC IM THIRSTY FOR THIS FIC.

Ah. I love you. Continue writing such beautiful things. Continue slaying. I will look forward to your other works! <3

(sorry if i cursed a lot, this is my natural habitat ily!)
Chapter 6: omg am I ready enough to read this chapter???
ceciyo #8
Chapter 6: i just found this ff.. OMG.. I'm speechless.. I can't think properly.. ouuchh.. pls update soon author-nim.

I'm dying of curiosity... Save me pleaseeeeeeee
Chapter 6: Waah! *ugly sobbing* I can't get enough of it! Aigoo~ My JinHoon feels. ❤❤❤ Looking forward to your next update. The suspense is killing me! Thanks again, Kendo-chii✨