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He gasped. He filled his lungs with air and he was not sure as to why he felt breathless. His eyes squinted trying to adjust to wherever he is. The lights were dim but it was bright enough to make him feel light headed. He heard himself growl. The sound that came from his mouth was like another person. His hip was aching like hell. His slight movements make it worse. Added by the fact that his left shoulder was in pain too. He looked at the forming bruise on it but he decided to ignore it for now. He took a breath. Perhaps the deepest breath he has ever taken in his entire life. Telling himself to think. Think about what just happened. He surveyed his surroundings. He was in a bedroom that was for sure. He could see the queen size bed from the floor he is currently slumped in.  He took a deep breath as he forced himself to stand. His hip was still hurting like hell. He eyed everything inside the room. The bed was clearly untouched. The furnitures are rather old but are neatly arranged and cleaned. Not a single thing was out of place. He gulped as he saw the grandfather’s clock on the left side if the bed. It says 6. He was not sure if it was morning or evening though. He was not even sure if a day has already past or how long was he unconscious. The last thing that he could remember was him driving and jinwoo telling him to rest…and then. Then he heard their tires burst. Everything happened so fast. They were swerving into the road as he tried to control of whatever is left for him in the car. He heard a loud screech and he knew it was not a good indication. Seungyoon was already awake and he saw Jinwoo holding unto Mino and Taehyun. He heard Seungyoon’s scream and the next thing was blankness. He took another breath. Where are the others? He shifted his eyes inside the room looking for an exit. He was walking his way towards the door when he heard a voice.

“Hyung!” It was Taehyun. He was certain. He felt a tinge of relief washed over him.

“I’m here.” He answered loudly. He heard the footsteps going near the room he is in. It was not long when he heard the door creaked. He lost a heartbeat for a moment and he released a sigh as he saw the maknae running towards him hugging him unexpectedly. He was clearly taken aback by the action but decided to let it go. He also felt the younger shaking, perhaps out of fear or relief or maybe something of both.

“Are you okay?” He let go of the hug and checked the youngest for any injuries. They were bruises on his elbow and some scratches on his face but he seemed to be fine. Better than him at least. The maknae nodded in response. He does not feel good about everything there is and he knows that the youngest felt the same way. They were in a very unfamiliar place and they were not together.

“Where are the others? Have you seen them?” Taehyun pouted and shook his head. 

“I have been calling out for all of you for the last five minutes. You were the first to answer. I honestly don’t want to enter the rooms by myself.” Taehyun spoke completely mortified. He creased his forehead. He was unsure of what Taehyun meant but he immediately fixed his expression seeing Taehyun horrified by about everything.

“Don’t worry. I’m here now.” Seunghoon managed to smile a little. The maknae needs a dependable hyung right now. “Come on, let’s find the others.” He said as he led the youngest outside. He was afraid too. The atmosphere in this place was nothing but haunting and eerie. He would like to convince himself that maybe they were just found by someone and helped them by bringing them into his house but it does not really add up. He was not even in the bed when he woke up. Their bruises were not even tended and they were away from each other. And the other three are still missing. It does not take a genius to realize that. He opened the door and was welcomed by a long hallway. It stretched far and just like what Taehyun said, there were numerous rooms and he honestly does not want to enter those rooms too. Everything felt surreal. He felt a lump on his throat. Taehyun was holding into his left shoulders and it ached like hell. He ignored it though, knowing that the maknae was afraid. They started calling out the remaining members name again. They were walking towards the right side of the place and Seunghoon hoped they find a staircase soon. Walking on an empty hallway does not really feel appealing and by the way Taehyun is holding unto him, the maknae was beyond scared. He was starting to lose every bit of hope he has. No one was answering. Taehyun stopped calling their names too.

The door creaked behind them. As if on instinct he turned around and hastily shifted their position so that the maknae was behind him. He gasped as he saw Mino coming out from the door.

“Hyung!” The maknae ran towards Mino and hugged him as well. Mino smiled and hugged back. Both mino and Seunghoon nodded in acknowledgement and when the maknae finished the hug Seunghoon immediately check for any injuries. 

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” Seunghoon questioned. Mino shook his head.

“I’m fine. I have bruises but I can manage.” He answered quickly. Mino surveyed the two too. They were practically the same. Bruises and cuts, perhaps due to the accident. Mino asked the same question as to where are the others and Taehyun repeated his explanation as they continue to walk with Seunghoon calling out Seungyoon and Jinwoo’s name. There were still no answers. They continued walking and found the staircase. They fastened their pace and started treading down the stairs. It was not long enough when they reached the ground floor and saw an enormous receiving area. The area was has the same aura of the bedroom. Everything was neatly placed and the furnitures were rather expensive looking and clearly old. They looked around for any trace of an exit. Seunghoon was walking to what he believes was the kitchen when Jinwoo suddenly emerged from the room. He felt his soul left his body out of shock and relief. Jinwoo offered a small smile before the maknae came running and gave him a hug. Jinwoo hugged back in response. 

“Did you just wake up? Have you not heard us calling you?” It was Mino who asked the question. Jinwoo shook his head.

“No, I have been awake for awhile now but I did not hear you. I was wandering around trying to find you too.” He answered. It was weird. How could he have not heard?

“Did you find Seungyoon?” Seunghoon asked trying to push away the weird thou

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Nats21 #2
Chapter 7: Oh my God i just found this fic and couldn't help my self just keep reding the whole chapters, I love it thank you so much I'm your new fan , you are amazing just please keep updating, I wat to know what happend please I promise to be patient.Pd. Sorry for my bad english but i'm from México
NakaharaAi #3
Chapter 7: Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Who is that? 1996? What is thaaaat?
I am not ready for this!!!!!
(But thanks for comeback ;) )
Chapter 7: u killed my Song Hamster???!!!!!!!!!! authornim WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!?????????? T_T T_T
ceciyo #5
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: oh Lord God... I have to wait for 8 months just to read that someone's dead (no spoiler ahaha)... Authornim.. why did u do this to me?? TT_________TT
But thank you so so so much for updating..
Somehow i feel that it has connection with Seunghoon past but Jinwoo is soo suspicious..
Arrgghhh.. i dont know...
Please update sooner.. i'm dying of curiousness.. lol..
I hate u but i love u authornim... <333
Chapter 6: Yo. so here is the "long comment" im gonna put in AFF

(behold. here are my feels)

Well, i'm gonna list it down bc this fic is gOLDEN

-the description is PERFECT; it hit the spot of the perfect synopsis for a mystery fic and i love it i love it i love it. I love the way it was about murders bc death is my guilty pleasure (oops)

-the first chapter was beautiful!!!!! it portrayed Seunghoon's underlying anxiety and the truth that haunts him from time to time; and God, this fic gave me the chills. The way you wrote the mystery part was not confusing, (and that's the best thank you so much) but the essence was there!

-as i progressed, your pacing is just right!!!!!! not too fast, and not too slow; it does not give away easily, and there are subtle ideas that you can pick up along the way. it's so ing beautiful.

-okay holy ; WHAT IS WITH JINWOO??!??!! he's so suspicious and im literally side-eyeing him the whole time i was reading this fic but, jeez, he's a sweetheart and he wouldn't do something to hurt his dongsaengs, right? RIGHT?!!!??! aAAaah. I don't even know anymore, I don't even trust my favorite son :( or even Seunghoon. AgH. I don't even trust you, author :----( why are you making me feel so ????????? idk?????? ahhh . Your fic is golden.

- Seunghoon's habit with his thumb was explained! Holy !! My lowkey Jinhoon stan is crying :---(


-okay please dont kill seunghoon in the end or else i will cry and set myself on fire

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH please please please please update! I have to know everything! AND I WILL GLADLY VOLUNTEER AS YOUR BETA READER BC IM THIRSTY FOR THIS FIC.

Ah. I love you. Continue writing such beautiful things. Continue slaying. I will look forward to your other works! <3

(sorry if i cursed a lot, this is my natural habitat ily!)
Chapter 6: omg am I ready enough to read this chapter???
ceciyo #8
Chapter 6: i just found this ff.. OMG.. I'm speechless.. I can't think properly.. ouuchh.. pls update soon author-nim.

I'm dying of curiosity... Save me pleaseeeeeeee
Chapter 6: Waah! *ugly sobbing* I can't get enough of it! Aigoo~ My JinHoon feels. ❤❤❤ Looking forward to your next update. The suspense is killing me! Thanks again, Kendo-chii✨