Creepy Jacket Guy


You woke up rather slowly and irritated you wanted to sleep more still exhausted from the lack of sleep this past week. You checked your phone no unread messages - that was weird your friend usually messaged you at a constant stream throughout the day especially today since it was your flight - you surged it off focusing on the time instead realizing you had only a half hour until boarding.  So, you stretched out, threw on your jacket and heading to the restrooms to freshen up —and to pee before you were stuck with only the option of the plane bathroom.  When you were checking yourself out in the mirror you notice your jacket wasn't actually your jacket - and you froze completely weirded out, not knowing where this jacket had come from- you were stuck in a trance looking at yourself in mirror it was a nice jacket clearly expensive//well more then your broke could afford// and clearly a mans jacket — so how in the hell did you have it.  

    Then a message from the factory caller id named “unknown number” came it - “ Are you up???” — “let me know if your up I really don’t want you to miss your flight”.  You looked from your phone from to the jacket your were wearing and replied, “ are you jacket man??. You also noticed that you were staring at yourself for far to long in the bathroom and the cleaning lady was staring to stare at you funny - so you went to buy some snacks before boarding began.  A message came in, “ haha yes I’m jacket guy you said you were cold in your sleep…it looks better on you anyway^^ boarding will start soon I don’t see you~ don’t fall asleep again!!^^” And even though you were a little weird out that this guy - jacket guy - not only had your number and you were wearing his jacket, but know he seemed to be flirting with you and you had no idea how old he is or what he looks like but he definitely knows what you look like.  But, he was nice enough to be worried for you missing your flight to text you, so you replied, “I won’t fall asleep again, im just getting a snack before boarding~~how do i find you to return your sweater?..thanks btw its very warm” and then something clicked in your head, “..wait how do you know my boarding time??”  Now this was a bit more creepy how did jacket guy know so much about you. In the time you were waiting for a answer you renamed his caller id from the factory caller id named “unknown number” to “creepy jacket guy”.  

    Soon a reply came saying, “ah, i notice it—im too heading to korea on the same plane” and then another “they just called boarding to start~~ and like i said it looks better on you anyways;) but HURRY~~ i still dont see you..and im heading into the plane now~”

    What the hell you wanted to know what this guy looks like- how is he already going into the plane if boarding just started first class always goes in firs—oh! and then you looked down at the jacket who were wearing and thought that this probably is expensive - you thought in your head that this was like the beginning of a typical drama - you being the poor girl - and you know were wanting to meet oppa and find out that he was the heir to a bunch of hotels with a evil mother that would never accept you, you wanting to know who your other love interest would be to create the dramatic love triangle — possible the guy on the other side of the snack isle you have been staring at for far to long now?? !! boarding you had to get to boarding!, your unrealistic fantasies about staring in your own real life k-drama would have to wait -you now need to run to the gates before finial boarding. 

    Incomming message from: creepy jacket guy, “are you seated comfortably?” “did you check the movies list yet, they have all the new movies what are you gonna watch?” You really didn’t want to tell him that even with all his efforts to get you to the plane on time you were still almost late - for fantasying that he was your k-drama love interest—no you definitely weren't saying anything you still didn’t know what the guy even looked liked for all you knew he wasn’t even a oppa at all he could be a ajusshi // well maybe then he had a son that was your love interest—god you really needed to get your head out of the gutters you told yourself.

    You realized you still haven’t messaged him back when he messaged you again, “phone service doesn't work on plane…so message me through kakao talk and tell me what movie your gonna watch:)”  // you were on one of the planes that had wifi service// You were still trying to sit  comfortably at this point, grabbing your snacks and headphone from your bag before you put it away.  Fine you thought, you were gonna play out this scenario of talking with a complete stranger and then a kakao message appered: 


“ah, its me” 

“..jacket guy haha”  

His kakao profile did nothing to help his name seem to be just the initials of his name and his profile pic was just a black and white picture of cup of coffee.  So, you checked the movies then replied back with the movie that you were most interested in seeing, he said he has also been wanting to see that and suggested you both watch it at the same time together.  Throughout the movie and the rest of the movies you guys watch ‘together’ on the flights you were constantly messaging back and forth committing about the movies getting to know each other.

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