Chapter 9

Take Me Back

Krystal lay in the hospital bed, pale from the allergic reaction. Beside the bed was the rest of Kai's friends and Naeun. You must be wondering why in the

world would Naeun even be there when she was the one who put Krystal in that state. Of course she had to be there, she didn't want to come off as

if she didn't care about her 'friend'. Kai, on the other hand was in the canteen, looking for food that Krystal could eat.

Burger? No, she probably won't have enough energy to even bite it.

Fruit Salad? Impossible. It had apples in it and Kai certainly does not want to see her gasp for air like a fish on land.

He would just have to settle for soup. He immediately chose the chickened flavour because he knew that after beef, Krystal favoured chicken.

''Here, eat some to regain your energy.'' He smiled as he put the food on the table. At his smile, Krystal melted. It had been so long since he had 

genuinely smiled at her. 5 years to be exact. She nodded and carefully blew on it before putting it in . 

''How is it?'' 

''Good, but I like your cooking more.'' She innocently smiled, not knowing that she had just reminded him of the past. He brused it off, he didn't want to

fight again. He told himself that he would just play hard to get to pay her back. Seeing the situation, Naeun frowned and glared at the girl.

Ugh, couldn't they have just let her be? Instead of taking her to the hospital? Now I had to come and witness the two of them acting like a couple

when in reality, I am the one with Kai.

''Naeun ah, can I talk to you for a while?'' She was startled when she looked to her side and saw Zhang Yixing.


''You knew that there were apples inside right? You were the only one that ordered and you fed her with a chunk of the sauce that had apples as the

main ingredient.'' As expected for Yixing, he was always the fastest one to catch up to situations.


''What do you mean hyung? Babe did you really do that?'' Kai suddenly appeared.

''I didn't do what he said Kai, don't believe him.'' Naeun lied.

''Okay babe, I trust you. Besides, you have no reason to do that , I mean, you don't even hate Soojung.''

Yixing inwardly scoffed. 


''Jongin ah, I suggest you stop playing hard, you never know, you might regret it.'' Suho spoke to him. It was right after Krystal had given a ticket to

Kai. It was a ticket to watch a musical that she really wanted to see. However, to her dismay, Kai turned her down, saying that he didn't want to go with

her. Her disappointed face was hard to ignore and Suho couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. It was obvious that she not only wanted to go with Kai,

but that she really wanted to watch it. It was the last day of the show and she really didn't want to go alone. Krystal never liked going anywhere alone.

''Hyung, I am telling you, I need to do this. I want to know whether she really loves me or if she is just playing with me like last time. The amount of

effort she makes will tell me.'' Suho thoroughly disagreed but once Kai had set his mind onto something, no amount of talking will stop him.

''Okay, if that's what you want, but if another guy asks her out, you only have yourself to blame.'' He smiled before exiting his office. Kai stared into

space. Should he have accepted her offer? He could easily meet her there and surprise her, but he realised that Krystal had taken the other ticket.

He knew that he should go and talk to her. He knew that he should accompany the girl who made him fall for her twice, even he was under the 

 impression that she had cheated on him. However, the guy was extremely stubborn and refused to talk to her. Men and their egos.

''She will probably just go by herself or not even go at all.'' Kai convinced himself. Even while telling that to himself over and over again, he found 

himself calling Krystal. She wasn't answering. What could she be doing? She couldn't have possibly gone with another guy, right?




''Oh Soojungie? She went out with this guy called Lee Howon or something. Her attire seemed off, she usually would have worn jeans but she was 

wearing a dress.'' Kai's fears were confirmed. His Soojung had gone out with another man because he had too much pride to even go with her.

So much for playing hard to get.

''Noona, how did she even get his number?'' Kai asked Jessica on the phone.

''I don't know. Surely you remember Howon right? He was our instructor on our camp. Oh wait, I have to go, I'm cooking for Yixing.'' She hung up.

Normally, when he would find out that Jessica was cooking, he would fear for the house and their belongings but that was an exception. All he could

think about was preventing Krystal from going out with someone else.


''Hi Krystal shi. Thanks for accepting my offer.''

''Hi...'' She didn't have a choice but to accept. He had asked for her number on the last day and she was left with no choice but to go with him. She

always felt lonely when going anywhere alone.

''Should we go and grab a bite first? It seems that we are a tad bit too early.'' Howon chuckled.




The dinner was horrible. All Howon could talk about was himself. How much dancing awards he got. How loud the applauses were. Blah Blah. They 

were in his car, on the way to the theatre. Krystal looked out the window and couldn't help but to wish that Kai was there with her. Meanwhile, Kai

was hurriedly driving. He shouldn't have rejected her. Now she was with another guy and it made him hella mad. Anger was bubbling inside him.

''Do you like musicals Krystal shi?'' He heard someone ask. He swivelled his head and his eyes turned into slits when he saw Howon's hand on 

Krystal's waist. A little too close to her for his liking. Krystal was flustered when she felt his touch on her. She tried to wriggle out of it but couldn't.

Kai breathed deeply and stomped over.

''Hi Howon shi, I'm afraid that Krystal here can't go with you. Have you given him the ticket?'' He directed the question to the girl. She shook her head.

''Well goodbye then Howon shi.'' With that, Kai whisked Krystal into the theatre after showing the ticket. When they were seated, Krystal smiled at him,

''Why are you here?''

''I want to watch it.'' Kai replied but kept his gaze to the front. Krystal pouted at his coldness.

''If I had known that you were going to be like this, I would have just preferred it if I had just gone with Howon.'' Her sentence made Kai look at her,

eyes wide.

''Hey, don't you dare say that.'' He glared at her.


She looked him in the eyes and grinned. She didn't know that Kai would say something that would make her heart throb though.

''I don't like it. You are not allowed to go out with another guy. Other than me.''
























IT'S GOING TO BE CHRISTMAS IN LIKE 20 MINUTES!! TELL ME WHO IS EXCITED?? My early present for you guys...tada! A new chapter! Oh

and I made a oneshot for Christmas about Kaistal. Please read it if you would like to. I hope you guys comment , subscribe and upvote !



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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys