Chapter 5

Take Me Back

''Y-Yixing?'' Krystal was beyond shocked, she and Yixing weren't that close before. He was the kind of person who always observed people before making

judgements, he was quiet and didn't talk to her a lot but occasionally, he would help her with some stuff. That was all though. No matter how quiet he was

and how he never really approached people first, there was something that was likeable about him, at least, that was was Krystal thought. Maybe it was

the dimple that appears when he smiles that made him look nicer, or how his eyes would always have a sparkle in them.

''Surprised?'' He raised his eyebrows.

''Well, duh, of course I am. I thought you all hated me.''

''They didn't really hate you immediately after you left. It's just seeing Kai be hurt and lifeless that triggered them to hate you. After all, we are his friends.''

''Then why are you talking to me?'' Krystal asked.

''Because I know that you must have had a reason to leave him.'' He smiled.

''Wow, you're still that Yixing that I used to know. Being all wise and stuff.'' At this compliment, Yixing flipped his imaginary hair, making Kystal laugh.

''Do you really still love him?'' He asked, getting serious all of a sudden.

''Of course I do. If only I had been braver-''

''To stand up to her?'' He cut her off. He had a knowing look in his eyes which made Krystal's blood turn cold. Did he know?

''In case you are wondering if I know what happened 5 years ago, let me just tell you that I do.''

''But how? Only Jessica, my parents and his parents knew ...''

''Don't forget, I am dating your sister.'' He knocked her forehead.

Krystal was silent at that. It seemed as if she was still processing what he had said. When her brain registered it, she gasped.

''You're the guy my sister is in love with?? But you guys don't even act lovey dovey in the office.''

''We like to keep things private.'' He smirked.

''Good for you. At least you're happy.'' She smiled sadly. Yixing sighed.

''Hey, don't give up just yet. If you really love him and want him back, go for it. Besides, I think you are much better for him that Naeun is.''

''Ugh gosh, don't even mention that woman's name.''

''Now, I think it's time to put on a happy face and get back to the camping site. Let's go.'' He stood up and held out his hand for Krystal.

''Thanks. If you don't hate me, does that mean that you support me about getting him back?'' She asked him, eyes full of hope.

''Of course I do. Even though we weren't close before, I still thought of you as someone I should protect. In this case, it's Naeun.''

''Wait, I thought everyone else adored your precious Naeun.''

''I used to. Until I realised how mean she was to you, without making it obvious of course. Remember, I spend most of my time reading people.''

''Well, at least someone is on my side now.'' Krystal shrugged, making Yixing chuckle.

The two of them walked back to the site while talking and laughing. Everyone wondered why Yixing was friends with the girl who cheated on his friend.

Kai saw it too and he frowned. His frown deepened when he realised that the reason why he was frowning was not because his friend was talking to his

ex, but because he was feeling the same way as he did whenever he saw Krystal with other guys back then. What was he thinking? He had a loving

grilfriend who can make him happier than she did so why was he getting worked up about this? He shook his head in an attempt to stop. Naeun frowned

too, she didn't like how he looked so jealous. She glared at Krystal and immediately started forming a plan to seek revenge.


''OKay, today, we will split into groups of 4 and have a survival race. In this bag, are sticks of different colours and if you pick the same colour as a person,

you guys will be in the same group. There should be exactly enough to form groups of 4. The aim of this race is to strengthen teamwork because ,as we

all know, teamwork is important in life. Each team will receive a mission and whichever team finishes first and reaches here will get a reward. Good luck.''

Howon said. He passed a bag around and people started picking. Krystal picked a purple coloured stick and looked around for any sign of her team

mates. She glanced and saw that, much to her disappointment, Yixing got red. Her sister had gotten red too and she smirked at her. People were starting

to walk around and form their teams. She too did the same. She cursed when she saw who was in her team. Three people were standing together,waiting

for the last member to show up. 

''HI Krystal!'' Naeun faked a smile.

''What are we waiting for, let's go, you took such a long time.'' Sehun glared at her and walked off. Krystal met eyes with the last member and her heart

beat ridiculously fast.

''Well, since our mission is to look for a golden key, why don't we split up? Me with Krystal, Kai with Sehun.'' Naeun smiled. 

''Okay, but be careful babe.'' Kai pecked her lips, causing Krystal to look away.

So they split up. Krystal was just walking around aimlessly. She had to bear with being with Naeun since she wanted to win.

''Where do you think it's hidden?'' She turned around. Her heart stopped and her breath hitched. Naeun was gone. She had been so focused that she didn't

realise Naeun smirking then running away. As tough as she looked, Krystal was still scared of being alone in an unknown place.



Meanwhile, Naeun met up with Kai and Sehun.

''Oh, where's Krystal?'' Sehun asked.

''I don't know, she just disappeared...'' She shrugged. At the same time, lightning striked. Kai gulped , his blood ran cold as he realised something.


Krystal was afraid of lightning and thunder. And she's alone.

Ignoring the protests from the other two, he ran to look for Krystal.


Where are you?


















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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys