The Third Day

Secret Santa

The next day at school, as usual I walked to class early. This time, instead of anxiously wanting to meet Soyu and telling her everything about my day, I wanted to see Yongguk first. “Hey hotshot, how was your day with Yongguk?” asked Soyu as she teased me, she sat beside me and waited for my mouth to actually speak. “You know the usual, we get to know each other so it won’t be awkward when talking. Enough about me, how were you and Daehyun?” I changed the topic.

“It was alright, he mostly does the shopping and I was his PA. Literally dragging his shopping bags,” she rolled her eyes. I couldn’t help but laughed, Daehyun gets all hyped up when he has to buy a gift for someone, especially in an event like this.


          As soon as the class started, Yongguk didn’t come in the class today. Ms. Kang was explaining English pronunciation and I wasn’t following. I looked out the window, there he was. Yongguk was sitting outside, all cold and lonely.

When class was over, I rushed going out to where he was but he wasn’t there. I wonder where, I didn’t know if he could be – that was when I realized, of course he has to be in the library. I went there and searched for him. “Yongguk, there you are.” I sat beside him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked confusingly.

“I was wondering if we could go shopping tonight, for the Secret Santa thing.” I said, ecstatically.

“Sure,” he agreed to go with me.


         At night, we agreed to meet at Starbucks. I came a bit late because of traffic, everyone seemed to all excited to buy Christmas stuff. I walked as fast as I can to Yongguk, I saw him sitting drinking while looking at people passing by. “Sorry, there was traffic and I had to use a shortcut.” I explained.

“It’s cool,” he was fine. We went to a store that has all of the arts and crafts, perfect gifts and we could even build some. Yongguk was making a snowman made up of cotton balls, I tried making Santa but he looked more of a huge Pokémon ball. We hit it off from a good start to bad, but it was hilarious.


        It was getting late, we didn’t even find the great gift. Instead, we call it a night. “I had fun,” said Yongguk, I agreed with him. It was great.

“You’re walking home?” I asked.


“Let me drive you home, my car is not far from here.” I demanded him to ride with me, he was super shy at first but I managed to get him to my car. His house wasn’t far from mine, he paused for a while in the car. “What’s wrong?” I sensed something was up.

“Nothing, it’s 10pm and my roommate is going to kill me.” He sulked. I thought he lived alone, I wonder who was his roommate. “I have to go, thanks for the ride again.” After when he said that, we both stared at each other for a while. It was silent, but in a good way. “I’ll just, yeah,” He nervously giggled and he showed his gummy teeth.


       That night, I sat on my couch and watched Divergent. I got a call, it was Yongguk.

“Hey,” I answered first.


“It’s late, is there anything wrong?” I asked feeling strange of him calling me late at night.

“Umm, are you free this Sunday?” He stuttered.

“Yeah, why?” at that part, I smiled like crazy.

“I have something to show you, at school of course.” He coughed in the middle. Of course, this Sunday was the Secret Santa gift giving and they moved the date, there will be games and stuff. Yongguk hung up as I continued watching the movie.


To Be Continued~

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