#derp [PL]

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park chanyeol
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse in tristique velit. Vivamus faucibus in tellus nec cursus. Suspendisse ut tortor ac dolor cursus porta eget nec ligula. Donec bibendum massa sed leo imperdiet, in congue nunc euismod. Vivamus ut quam mattis, bibendum arcu non, facilisis magna. Phasellus et mi tellus. Donec nec aliquet sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus posuere posuere massa, sit amet malesuada dui. Duis quis lacus orci. Mauris a turpis vestibulum, scelerisque orci non, lobortis dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam pretium fringilla leo id dapibus. Nulla ullamcorper mauris eget dolor suscipit tristique.
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Chapter 2: I'll be using this. Could I get the code? ^^
using prologue, thank you!
Chapter 20: where can i get the code for #chimchim ?
Chapter 24: this is cool! but where can i get the code? #vkook
Chapter 15: where can I get #prologue codes? I mean, I can't find it in the main thread :( Is it not available now?
Chapter 2: using this, thanks!
Chapter 21: where can i find the code for layout #alientae ?