Meeting You

Christmas Angel (One-Shot)

You skipped happily along the sidewalk as snowflakes fell from the sky. You could hear cheerful Christmas songs playing while bright Christmas lights flickered on window frames of the shops you walked by. The entire street was ornamented with Christmas decors. Little kids with parents laughed as they walked. You stopped for a moment and enjoyed the beautiful sight of Christmas fast approaching.


Christmas. It was just two days away, yet you were here in Seoul away from the rest of your family and friends because of work.


You continued walking by the shops, and you hummed along to the Christmas songs playing. Just then, you saw the phone you've always wanted displayed by the window of a cell phone shop.

"Woah~" you mutter in amazement. It was an LG Chocolate. You've been wanting one for so long.


You enter the shop. The wind chimes by the door ring. The store keeper looks up and smiles at you.

"Annyeonghosayo," she greets you merrily.

"Annyeong," you say in reply with a smile.

You read her nametag, and learn that her name is IU. She held a bag of marshmallows. She offered you some, and you politely decline.

You tell IU that you want to buy that phone displayed by the window. She hands it to you so you can check it out.


Just that moment, another hand reaches for the phone too. You look up to see who it is, and to your surprise, it was Onew of SHINee.


Oh my gosh, it was Onew. Onew of SHINee. Your jaw dropped. You just couldn't believe your eyes.


"Oh, I'm sorry. You want to buy this too?" he asked nicely.

"I--" you stammered.

"Erm...that's the only phone of that model left." IU bit her lip innocently. "Mianhe. We're out of stock."

"That's okay," Onew said with a smile. "Here, you can have it." He took your hand, opened your palm, and placed the phone there. He gently clasped his hands on yours. He looked into your eyes and smiled again -- a smile so sweet you could feel yourself melt.

"Ah, no, no. You can have it." You try to compose yourself.

"No, I insist. I think you really want this phone," he says holding his gaze on you.

"No, now I don't want to have the phone. I'd rather have you," you say in your mind.

"It's fine, you can have the phone," you tell him. You can feel your cheeks turn pink. You just couldn't take your eyes off his angelic face and cute smile.

"Arasseo," Onew says.

You give him the phone, and he takes it from you. He pays for it.

"Noona, can you please wrap it up in a gift box?" Onew asks.

"Sure," IU replies.


"He's probably gonna give it to his girlfriend. Probably he's dating behind SME's back. His girlfriend must be so lucky," you think to yourself.


When IU finishes wrapping the phone, Onew takes it and hands it to you.

"Bwoh? Why are you giving this to me?" you ask, surprised.

"It's my Christmas present to you," Onew says.

"But you don't even know me," you reason out.

"Then let's get to know each other," he replies cheerfully. He smiles widely. His eyes become smaller. Aigoo, he's just so cute.

"Annyeong. I'm Onew of SHINee. But please call me Jinki." He bows then extends his hand for you to shake it.

"I'm brighterdaysahead," you say as you bow and shake his hand.

"There. Now, I know you. Please accept my gift, brighterdaysahead." You felt yourself blush again. He was being so nice to you despite the fact that he just met you now.

"Mianhe. I just can't accept your gift," you say.

"Why not? Give me two good reasons." Onew tells you playfully.

"Umm--well, we're not close friends?" you mumble. That was probably one of the silliest reasons you've ever come up with, but when this angel was in front of you, how could you possibly think straight?


He puts an arm around you."We're close now," he says with a smile. "Come on! Let's go ice skating." He leads you out of the shop. He says good bye to IU. You want to do the same, but no words come out of your mouth. All you could think about was how warm his arm felt around you despite the cold weather, and how amazingly good he smelled.


As you and Onew step out of the shop, he pulls a cap out of his pocket and wears it to disguise himself. You stare at his face, then at his arm. You remember that normally, you'd never allow a guy you just met put an arm around you or get so close. Yet, it was different with Onew. The way he held you was just so affectionate that you could tell that he wasn't doing it with malice or to take advantage of you.


"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Onew asks.

"Uh...not really," you reply shyly. He takes his arm off your shoulder. He takes off his coat and drapes it on you. "I don't want you to get cold, brighterdaysahead."

"Jinki-ssi, why are you giving me this gift?" you say nudging at the phone in the gift box.

"Simple. Because it's Christmas. It's time to give :) and besides, you looked quite sad a while ago. And I believe that no one should be sad when it's Christmas," he smiles sweetly at you.


The two of you continue walking down the street as Onew tells you more about himself--how he's excited about his parents visiting him for Christmas, the other SHINee members getting weeks off their jobs, his love for chicken and music. You also tell him about yourself, your family, and your friends. You tell him about your job that's keeping you in Seoul even for the holidays.

"So you'll be spending Christmas alone?" he asked with a trace of pity in his voice.

"Yeah, I guess," you answer.

"Why don't you just spend it with us? With SHINee! C'mon! It will be fun. I know my mom would like some female company this year." Onew started to sound so excited, you just couldn't turn him down. You tell him that the other SHINee members don't know you yet.

"Well, let's go to the ice skating rink. They're all there! They'll be so happy to meet my new friend," Onew said. He looked so adorable, like a child on his birthday. He takes your hand and smiles at you again. He runs toward the ice skating rink and pulls you with him. And then you realize that, maybe, this Christmas won't be lonely after all. God sent you this angel that Santa couldn't put in his sack.

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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 1: nice short and sweet. thanks authornim
OMO, this is just so wonderful and Onew really is an angel, love him so much, and I could totally see him doing something like this, if he knew that someone would be sad and alone, especially at Christmas. <3
This was really sweet
Being Onew's friend is probably the best gift of all *Q*
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet<br />
gawd i wish it was real
Harihays96 #6
Lol. I was like woah when i saw my username in this story hehe. I love your story btw! It's so sweet and you made me smile lol
vanadium_elmm #7
Yeah!! Love it Love it!!!<br />
;__________; the gift was the best xDDDD onyuuuu<333 I likes this btw :)
chas_ssmentrok #9
awwwwwwwwwwwww :3<br />
best christmas gift ever ^^
SOo adorable. :)