Two hearts

" winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. "

"Why are you here?" Kai was the first to recover from the shock. The rest of the lackeys had long scurried away for their dear lives, leaving Exo alone in the warehouse. The rest of Exo slowly turned their heads to face Sarang. Was she the same girl who ran away all of a sudden during their previous meeting? The looks of disbelief with a tinge of awe couldn't be wiped off their faces. 

"Man, you didn't tell me she could handle gun like this." Chanyeol nudged Kai.

"I didn't know either." Kai was still staring at Sarang. 

The girl didn't avoid his strong gaze but instead stared back.She knew she had some explaining to do, it wasn't an everyday thing to witness a girl kill someone without batting an eyelid.

"Cha Ji Sung," Sarang started.

"I'm just paying him back for what he did." She shrugged.

"What did he do?" Suho questioned.

"Nothing much, burnt, whipped, punched, starved, I don't know, you name it." Sarang let out a sarcastic snicker.

She looked at Kai. The expression on his face clearly told her that he needed much more clearer explaination. She sighed softly.

"I told you that danger follows me, didn't I? People are out to kill me everyday, if you don't want to get involved I suggest you stay far away from me. Don't find me, don't talk to me, don't call me." She didn't sound harsh, she sincerely wanted Kai and his friends to get away from her to avoid danger.

"Why do you know Cha Ji Sung?" Kai spoke.

"You know him too, you should know better." Sarang knew better not to reveal her identity to Kai. The lesser he knew, the safer he would be. She was now sure that Kai and his group of friends associated with the mafia world. It was better for the both of them to not get acquainted with each other.

Sarang was ready to leave as she made her way to the door but Kai grabbed her wrist.

"They might be still outside."

"I can take care of myself." Sarang tried to tug her wrist away but his grip was stronger than steel.

"The last you took care of yourself, you ended up with a serious wound." Kai was exasperated. Why couldn't Sarang just listen to him for once?

"It's not safe out there." His tone became softer as he calmed down.

"Yea, it's dangerous out there. You just saved us, we can't let you get hurt, can we?" Kyungsoo spoke.

"Oh yes you can." Sarang answered him, though he meant it as a rhetorical question.

"Sarang, I hardly say this but please, just come with us, okay?" Kai pleaded. Sehun looked at Kai in surprise. His best friend hardly used the word 'please' but there he was pleading the girl to follow them for her own safety. 

This is something new. Sehun thought. 

He scanned Sarang up and down. He was indeed intrigued by the girl. She wasn't a typical damsel in distress and knew how to fend for herself. Her personality was interesting and her appearance was just a bonus. Sarang was attractive without a doubt and he was even more impressed seeing his best friend trying so hard to protect her. Kai don't just risk his safety for anyone, Exo was the only exception.

Sarang sighed audibly. She was exhausted and decided not to argue with Kai. She concluded that Kai was as stubborn as she was and decided that it would be useless and childish to argue with him over such small matters.

"Okay, I'll come with you." She gave in.

Kai fished out his phone and called someone,

"Hyung, come over to the warehouse in the West to clear some mess. Thanks."

Kai finally let out a small smile as he started making his way out of the warehouse, dragging Sarang along. Exo followed.

"Welcome to our place." Suho punched in the complicated passcode to the entrance of their spacious townhouse. Exo had insisted that Sarang came over to their place. Sarang wouldn't have guessed despite their cool appearance, they were in fact very whiny and she could not win against them. It was obvious to Sarang that either Exo were basically well-off or that someone in Exo was very wealthy to be able to afford such a place to live. Their place was located in the same neighbourhood as Sarang's apartment.

"Anything to drink?" 

"Water, thank you."

"Take a seat, Sarang." Chanyeol nodded towards the L-shaped sofa before settling comfortably onto his huge bean bag.

Sarang blinked before taking a seat. She was feeling very awkward and out of place and had no idea why she ended up at their house.

right, because they wouldn't stop whining in public till I agreed to come over.

She sighed for the nth time that day. She looked at the bunch of immature guys that one could never guess were dangerous.

It was going to be another long night.



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jiyeon107 #1
Chapter 18: pliz update soon,i luv it so2 much
Chapter 14: Aish people shouldn't unsubscribe. This is a such good story, whoever does is missing out *crosses arms*

Also I'd comment more, but I'm not very creative so I don't know what to say most of the time ㅋㅋㅋ but I read every chapter and if I don't comment I'm just silently cheering you on lol ^^
Chapter 11: Omg bang! Haha please update more im really loving this story!!! <3 <3 ^_^ :))))
Chapter 9: Update soon please? ;D
xiustal_monstar #5
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim! !!!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Wow, this story is so cool!! I'm really interested in finding out what is going to happen.... Update soon please :)
exotic_dark_paradise #7
Hi! This seems like a really interesting story so I hope you update soon!