Two hearts

" her favourite colour was black, just like her heart and soul. "

Sarang stepped into the elderly's room. She was beyond pissed and hurt on the inside but managed to control her facial expressions.

"Are you disappointed?" a smirk hung off her lips. Of course he was, I'm standing in front of him, alive, after all.

"Oh my darling Sarang, why would I be disappointed? Have you done anything wrong?"

Shamless er

"If saving myself from getting shot was something wrong, I guess I'm completely at fault, aren't I?" Sarang turned to leave. After all, her purpose of visiting her grandfather was to rub it in his face that she was alive and well.

"I'd be more careful if I were you. Wouldn't want Kai and his little friends to get hurt, would we?"

Sarang narrowed her brows as she clenched her fists. Slamming the door hard, she stormed out of the suffocating mansion.

The girl panted hard as she fell to the ground, exhausted. She had overworked herself with the intensive boxing session with the sandbag but she needed something to distract her. Her grandfather's words before she left the place was haunting her. 


Her eyes widened in horror as she quickly stood up and grabbed her belongings, rushing out of the gym. She didn't really care if her grandfather was out to kill her, but she couldn't let another person get hurt because of her, not again.

Her fingers trembled a little as she called for Kai.

please be safe.

"Hello? Kai? Are you okay? Listen, I.. I .. Just go home now, okay?" Sarang was slightly hyperventilating as the memories of the past resurfaced on her blank mind. Blood. Murder. Death. All because of her. 

"Sarang..! What's going on?" his voice laced with worry.

"Kai.. Just.. just go home with Exo now.. please." she was desperate. 

Sarang hung up as she leaned against a wall unsteadily and crouched down, trying to calm herself down and catch her breath. If the only way to ensure their safety was to cut off her connections with them, she would. After all, Sarang was meant to be alone in this world. She was too dangerous and she didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her. 

Kai looked at his phone worringly. Sarang's sudden phonecall has been suspicious. She sounded so urgent, so desperate, but most of all she sounded afraid.

"Just go home."

He closed his eyes in frustration. How could she sound like that over a phone call and expected him not to worry?

"Who called, Kai?" 

"Hyung, go check on Sarang and make sure she is safe. Thanks."

"Why won't you go check on her yourself?" it wasn't as though Luhan didn't want to do him the favour but he was getting puzzled. Why is Kai trying so hard to avoid Sarang?

But with the look Kai gave him, he didn't question more but instead ran to his Porsche Boxter and zoomed off.

"Sarang?" Luhan called out. 

He ran between the alleys nearby the location where her phone stated she was and slowed down his footsteps when he saw the girl crouched down with a painful expression of her face. Luhan didn't know why but he felt his heart clench upon the sight.

"Sarang.." he took baby steps towards her, not wanting to alarm her. He slowly lowered himself to her level as he hesitated a little before placing a comforting hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. He heard her small sniffles and was quite positive that the girl was crying but did not say more. Silently he took off his blazer and set it on her petite frame. What was she doing in the cold dressing in nothing but thin sportswear? Luhan looked at her as his eyes softened. 

Well, even strong people break down sometimes.

With one hand on her back, he leaned forward as he cupped her head gently and pushed it towards his shoulder to let her cry.

-She's fine.

Luhan sent Kai a text. He decided that Sarang wouldn't want Kai to find out about her little crying episode.

-Thanks Hyung.

The reply came almost immediately. Luhan let out a little sigh. Why was everything so difficult for everyone?

He looked up when Sarang stepped out of bathroom. They had ended up in one of his many apartments which was conveniently near the area as Sarang was pressing for Luhan to go home after she calmed down a little. Knowing that he should not leave Sarang alone in that state, he insisted she came along if she wanted him to go home.

"Sorry for causing you all this trouble.. guess that I really attract trouble wherever I go.. haha.." despite trying to crack a joke to lighten up the atmosphere,it was no to avail as it was obvious to the both of them that Sarang was not exactly okay.

"I.. was just having a slight anxiety attack.. It's nothing much, really." Sarang opened hesitantly.

Luhan was slightly surprised. Sarang was actually explaining the situation to him without him even asking. But then again, she left out most details but Luhan knew it was a big step for Sarang to even start the conversation.

"Sarang, you've got to realise that not everything bad that happens to you is 'nothing much'." Luhan gently spoke. The girl had totally no regard for her own wellbeing and safety. Luhan found it frustrating that Sarang treated everything that harmed her so insignificantly. But most of all, he actually found himself worrying for the girl in front of him.


Update!!! I'd been so busy with school and studying and I have tons of tests this two weeks but i am glad i am able to update today! That aside, I would like to thank everyone for showing support and subscribing to this story. I promise I will work harder to let the story be more interesting for everyone so please put up with me. 

Once again, please comment and subscribe to show your support. Thank you! 


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jiyeon107 #1
Chapter 18: pliz update soon,i luv it so2 much
Chapter 14: Aish people shouldn't unsubscribe. This is a such good story, whoever does is missing out *crosses arms*

Also I'd comment more, but I'm not very creative so I don't know what to say most of the time ㅋㅋㅋ but I read every chapter and if I don't comment I'm just silently cheering you on lol ^^
Chapter 11: Omg bang! Haha please update more im really loving this story!!! <3 <3 ^_^ :))))
Chapter 9: Update soon please? ;D
xiustal_monstar #5
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim! !!!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Wow, this story is so cool!! I'm really interested in finding out what is going to happen.... Update soon please :)
exotic_dark_paradise #7
Hi! This seems like a really interesting story so I hope you update soon!