
My Nerdy Vampire.

"Hey babeee!" I shouted.

Jieun turned around and ran to me. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. Its has been so long since I actually met her. She slung her arms around me and we started walking.

"Where on earth have you been?" She asked.

"Hahaha, I have always been here." I lied.

I couldn't tell her that I was freaking studying at the monster world, she would think that I'm a crazy girl. The both of us entered the mall and we had our arms linked with each other. Jieun is one of my friends that I'm really close with. I literally share everything to her. We share many secrets that nobody knows about us. You could say she's my best babe of all time. 

"Yah, wanna grab some coffee?" Jieun asked.

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled.

We went to a cafe and I ordered mine. Soon, our coffees arrived and we carried it to our table. We sat down and talked.

"'s life?" She asked.

"Great! How about you?" I asked.

"Well, yeah me too! Anyways, I've got a boyfriend." She shyly said.

"OMG! Seriously!? Finally!" I smiled.

Jieun wasn't really the type that wanted a boyfriend during middle school. I'm glad that she finally has one. I hope the guy isn't gonna hurt her. She can get very sensitive at times. I remember those days when the both of us fought and she would cry a lot, making me feel guilty. But still, those fights have made our friendship even stronger. Too bad at the monster world, we can't communicate with the people at the human world. I wish we could though...

"Show me his face!!" I said excitedly.

She blushed showed me a photo of her boyfriend on her wallpaper. My eyes bulged when I saw her boyfriend's photo.

"Waaaaait, isn't that guy, Bae Hoseok....that you hated so much last time?" I asked.

"Yeah...but he's so sweet to me now." She blushed.

"Yeap, you are totally in love." I laughed.

"Shut up, and tell me about your love life." She smirked.

"Well, I do have someone who is so called my boyfriend but no." I said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She said.

"Like, we like each other but we are not a couple. I don't know when he is going to ask me to be his girlfriend." I pouted.

"Aww...I'm sure his gonna court you soon. Now, show me that lucky guy's face." She said.

I showed her a picture of Chanyeol and her jaw dropped. She looked at me and I looked at her weirdly.

"His ing good looking even with those geek specs." She said.

"Yah! You just focus on your boyfriend." I said.

She laughed and I pouted. She lightly slapped my face and I chuckled. The both of us continued our day together, going shopping and talking and secretly judging people around us like how we usually do.


On the other hand, the guys are at the garden and decorating the place. The wizards use the magic and it got decorated instantly. D.O and Kai is cooking some food for the special event later on. And Chanyeol? He is out to buy a necklace using his old account savings during his time in the human world. As he was searching for the perfect necklace, suddenly one caught his eyes, when he saw it he knew that, that would be the one.

"Excuse me, may I have that necklace?" He said as he pointed at the necklace that he wanted.

"Sure sir." The salesperson smiled. 

After buying the necklace, he smiled and happily walked back home. He is glad that his friends are willing to help him out especially Kai who used to have feelings for SooAh. Yes, he is going to make SooAh his and this whole event is for her. He hopes she likes it because he seriously have no idea how to do things like this. 

"I really hope you like it SooAh." He muttered to himself. 

Soon, he reached home and saw D.O and Kai just finished cooking for SooAh and himself. D.O went to Chanyeol and showed him the masterpiece he had done with Kai.

"It loooks nice!!!!" Chanyeol said.

"Well, looked who cooked?" Kai smirked.

D.O slapped Kai's face softly and looked at Chanyeol

"Have you got the necklace?" D.O asked.

"Yeah." Chanyeol smiled as he showed the necklace that he bought.

"Oh my, its perfect. Its perfect for her." Kai smiled.

He nodded and smiled to himself. He went up to the room and started finding the perfect clothes to wear. Kai who is walking past the room and saw the annoyed Chanyeol who wanted to find the perfect clothes, chuckled and went in. 

"Bro, you don't have to wear something perfect. Just be who you are." Kai smiled.

Chanyeol nodded and Kai patted his shoulder. He sat down on the bed and Chanyeol did the same. Kai looked at Chanyeol and he made a serious face.

"I'm trusting you with her. Don't you ever hurt her. You better take good care of her." He said.

"Of course I will. And Jongin-ah, thank you so much. Thank you so much best friend." He said as he hugged him tightly.

"Yah!!! Stop hugging me like that you nerdy vampire!" Kai said, acting to be disgusted.

Chanyeol laughed and Kai laughed along. Suho, who has just finished decorating the garden is secretly looking at them and smiled. He finds their friendship very precious and sweet. He is glad that he has stop killing humans and making friends with those people who changed his whole life. He is glad that SooAh has helped a lot in conserving the garden just for him. He walked away and went to his room and sat down, doing his own things while waiting for SooAh to arrive home. 

SooAh who has no idea what is installed for her later on is having lots of fun with Jieun. They shared many laughter and embarrassing moments that day. It was finally getting dark and they decided to separate ways. SooAh decided to buy some macaroons for the guys to try and went to the bakery shop before heading home. She bought a lot because she also likes macaroons, she is a fan of it. Soon she was done buying and she drove back home.  

Once she returned home, she looked around and saw no one. She pouted and suddenly Kai popped out which scared hell out of SooAh.

"OMO!" SooAh shrieked.

"HAHAHA! You should have seen your face." Kai laughed.

"Yah! You meanie!" She shouted as she head locked him.

"Owwww, that hurts SooAh, that freaking hurts!" Kai whined.

"Serve you right you bad wolf." She smirked.

"Since when did you start acting like the inner you. Geez, both of you are scary." He pouted.

"As a matter of fact, the person you seeing right now is still me." The inner me said.

SooAh nodded and he whined even more. Kai didn't let her go to her room and kept on bothering her. SooAh ended up has to cater to his boredom and spent some time with Kai. They were happily talking and she realized that Kai has been staring at her all along. She felt a bit uncomfortable but just shook it off.

"Do you have anything to say?" SooAh asked.

"Nothing." Kai smiled.

He looked at the clocked and smiled. SooAh looked at him weirdly. He smiled at her once again and suddenly pulled her. He pulled her out and suddenly blindfolded her. SooAh shrieked and Kai covered . 

"Yah! What are you doing? Why are you blindfolding me!" SooAh shouted.

"Chill! No one is going to hurt you! Trust me!" Jongin said.

She automatically calmed down because she trusted Jongin. Jongin looked at SooAh and he sadly smiled. He knows that she will be more happier with Chanyeol, therefore he gave up on her and let her be with Chanyeol. 

*Maybe there's someone better for me. I'll just have to wait.* He thought.

"Are we there yet Jongin?" SooAh asked.

"Almost." He said.

SooAh nodded and soon they reached. Kai took a deep breath and turned SooAh around. He took out the blindfold and smiled at her. He fixed SooAh's messy hair and suddenly hugged her. SooAh just hugged him back.

"Now turn around and have fun." He smiled.

Kai walked away and SooAh soon turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw the garden being decorated beautifully. Then suddenly she heard a melodious voice. She turned to her right and saw D.O, Suho and Baekhyun singing. 

"My answer is you~"

She smiled as she heard them singing. She never knew that they had good voices. She closed her eyes and listened to the content of the song. It is really sweet and she felt like crying. Once the song is done, they walked away without saying a thing and she didn't know what to do. Suddenly someone hugged her from the back and she automatically knew who was it. She smiled.

"Park Chanyeol." She called.

He turned her around and she stared at the handsome Chanyeol who looked different than always. He smiled at her and brought her closer to him. 

"You are going to grant me my wish now." He said.

"What is it?" She smiled. 

"Gong SooAh, would like to be the Vampire's girl?" He asked.

SooAh's eyes widened when she heard his confession. Her tears were at the brim and she smiled widely.  The day that she has always been waiting for is finally right now. She just stared at him and then hugged him tightly. 

"Yes! Yes! I would love to be the Vampire's girl!" She said.

Chanyeol smiled and hugged her tightly. He kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"This is the wish that you wanted me to grant?" She asked.

"Not only that, I wish that you will always be mine." He smiled.

"I'm officially yours babo." She smiled. 

"Now close your eyes." He said.

SooAh did as instructed and Chanyeol went to the back and put the necklace around her neck. Chanyeol told her to open her eyes and she smiled when she saw the necklace. Chanyeol back hugged her and she lean her head on his firm chest.

"A phoenix necklace, thank you so much." She smiled.

"The second I saw this necklace, I knew it would suit you, my phoenix girl." He smiled. 

SooAh turned around and hugged his neck. She tiptoed and kissed Chanyeol's lips. He smiled and deepened the kiss. He hugged her and brought her closer to him. The both of them were kissing so passionately till they forgotten that the other guys were still there. Once again they saw them kissing and all of them smiled. 

"Ehem, not wanting to spoil the moment but the food is going to get cold if you guys gonna continue kissing." D.O said.

SooAh blushed and Chanyeol ruffled his hair. They quickly went to the dining table and was served by D.O and Kai. They soon left them alone and the both of them started eating. They were staring at each other and feeding each other although they were eating the same thing.

"I've been waiting for the day you ask me." She shyly said.

"I know..." He chuckled.

"You know?" She asked.

"Yeah, I heard your conversation with your halabeoji." He smirked.

"Oh gosh, that is so embarrassing!" She said as she covered her face.

"But babe, I'm happy. I'm happy that you want us to happen." He smiled as he uncovered her face.

She smiled and soon they left the place. Suho and Baekhyun just snapped and instantly all the decorations disappeared. They smirked and soon left the place too. On the other hand, SooAh and Chanyeol are walking back home, hand in hand. Although they have been holding hands even before they became a couple, this time it felt a bit more special. She could literally feel the electricity running through her spine. She liked the feeling. Never she had these feelings with her past boyfriends. She looked her boyfriend and smiled. 

"Can't stop staring at me?" Chanyeol smirked.

"Can you not." SooAh blushed.

Chanyeol chuckled and they soon reached home. He told her to go and bathe first while he goes to the other room to wash up. He took his clothes and threw one of his big t-shirt to SooAh. 


As I was bathing, I can't help to fangirl about what happened just now. I'm finally Chanyeol's girlfriend. I'm so happy omg! After fangirling for so long in the bathroom, I finally finished bathing and walked out from the bathroom. Chanyeol's t-shirts are comfortable that I wished that I can have some of his clothes for me to wear as a daily basis. Chanyeol is just lying down, doing nothing. I smiled and lied down beside him. He smiled and hugged my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I'm glad you are mine." He whispered.

"I'm glad too." I whispered.

"Goodnight baby." I said.

I buried my face against his chest and closed my eyes. This has to be the best day of my life. I hope that he feels the same way as I do. 

"Channie~ I can't sleep." I said.

"Me too. I still can't believe that you finally belong to me." He smiled.

"Me too. Babe, how about we walk around the beach?" I suggested.

"Yeah, good idea. Come on, let's go." He smiled.

We both wore our jacket and walked along the sea shore. The sky is beautiful and it is covered with stars. The moon is beautiful and it reminded me of one of the dates we had went we kissed under the moonlight. 

"Can I spent some time with the inner you?" I asked.

"Sure why not. Its still me anyway." He smiled.

"Wow, you guys finally work together!" I laughed.

"But then again, we are still the same person, why the hell should we fight for." He said.

I nodded and pulled his ring. As soon as he transformed, the inner him cupped my face and kissed me roughly, making me shock. He carried me and I wrapped my legs around his body. I deepened the kiss and messed up his hair. He slid his tongue and explore my mouth. I somehow was loving the kiss. We soon broke the kiss and panted. He smiled at me and I stared at him.

"From now onwards, you are mine, and only mine." He said seductively.

He bit my neck and I shook my head. He wiped his lips and looked at me. 

"With that no other monster can touch you. You are totally marked by me. You are mine now." He said.

I smiled at his possessiveness and nodded.

"I'm yours from now on." I smiled.


Hey guys!! Finally a new update! Oh gosh, I had so many test and it was totally stressing me out. I'm glad finally I could update. Sorry for the lack of updates!


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Chapter 42: this is really lovely. thanks for this wonderful write up
Chapter 2: Hahaha hahaha, author nim, you are so hilarious, it so funny. I never read this kind of fict. It refreshing, cute,weird but can relax my mind. Love you. I glad I found this fict when I having a bad day.
Chancey #3
Chapter 39: I thought Chanyeol can't play in the water?
Chapter 14: it's getting complicated haha
Chapter 42: What the story had ended I can't believe it. The Park's family is so cute love them so much . Thank you for the story author -nim
Chapter 40: really fluffy and cute hope Sooah gets. Pregnant soon. Waiting author-nim!!!!.
Chapter 40: awww this was so cute and fluffy. hwaiting, author-nim!!!
Chapter 40: Hahaha y vampire chanyeol. Happy new year author nim
Chapter 39: awwww!!!! nerdy!chanyeol has made a comeback. hwaiting!!!
Chapter 39: Hahahaha sooah is jealous when her husband surrounded by girls.