Chapter I

Taming the Dragon

  Six weeks after Jenna left, and Jiyong was one extremely broken little dragon. He hadn't gone back to yelling at s, being the stubborn perfectionist. In fact, he wasn't doing much of anything. His heart wasn't in it when he tried to record, he couldn't write, he only ate when someone dragged him to the table and practically shoved food into his mouth. He wasn't even sleeping much since he kept dreaming about his Noona. He didn't even cry, although that might have helped him by releasing his feelings. Whenever YoungBae or Daesung and Seungri suggested going somewhere just to take his mind off things, he curled into a tight little ball and if he was home, pulled a blanket over his head. Seunghyun moved back to the dorm again since he was the only one who dared wrestle the leader's clothes off and scrub him down in the shower. The only time he ever showed any animation at all was when Jenna would call or text, but his cheefulness seemed forced when he talked to her, and he also looked twice as depressed afterwards.

  One day it finally happened. Jiyong got a summons to the head of YG's office. He trudged out to the waiting car, head low. When they got to the building, his manager had to grab him by the arm and drag him through the building, into the elevator, and down the hall to the office. Inside, it wasn't just the head waiting for him. The rest of Bigbang was there, as was his mother of all people. She hugged her baby and shoved a piece of paper into his hand.

  "What's this Umma?" he asked, puzzled.

  "Your boss, the boys, Manager, and I have been talking. You're no good like this moping around since Jenna left. We all agree. You need to talk to someone."

"So, this is the address of a therapist?"

 "No Son, you need a long vacation." Jiyong was still focused on his mother when Youngbae dropped a traveler's pouch around his best friend's neck.

  "Your passport, birth certificate just in case, and American money."

 Daesung shoved an envelope into the startled dragon's hands. "Plane tickets. You leave here at three, and you'll have to change planes in New York."

  Seungri grinned, pushing a computer printout into his leader's other hand. "Information for the driver that will be picking you up once you're in the airport in Detroit. Pay the man and leave a good tip. It'll be a long drive"

  Seunghyun took the papers out of Jiyong's hands, tucked them neatly into a folder and handed it back, along with a book and a laminated card. "Korean to English, just in case you forget something, and a conversion chart. It handles money, weights, measurements, and temperature. It's mostly for if you're someplace without cellphone reception."

  The manager cleared his throat. "The boys packed for you last night while Seunghyun was scrubbing you in the shower. Clothes, toothbrush, notebook, pen, phone charger with plug adapter. You'll be able to buy any toiletries or whatever else you need once there. Your suitcase is in the trunk of my car."

 Jiyong's mother smiled and hugged him again. "Thank goodness she gave me her parents' information.I called Auntie and Uncle and got Jenna's address and her best friend's phone number. He'll keep her at the house til you get there. The paper I gave you has her address on it. Give that to your driver, and have a safe trip. Call me when you land and let me know you're okay. I gave her friend your number, just in case of emergency. He only speaks English though, so remember that."

  His boss clapped Jiyong on the back, so hard he winced. "I don't want to see you back here for at least a month. You two work something out cause you being depressed isn't doing anyone any good, and from what your mother said her mother and friend told her, Jenna-shi isn't much better. We'll release a statement saying you're taking time off for personal reasons, and the boys assure me they'll be able to take care of things here. Now, you have some time before you have to be at the airport, so I suggest we all have a nice lunch first, my treat." Jiyong could only blink, speechless. Youngbae dragged him by the arm out to the manager's car, his mother and Seunghyn following behind. Daesung and Seungri were told to ride with the boss, who wanted to speak to them about their relationship. The two youngest looked worried as they climbed into his car.

  After a lunch Jiyong couldn't remember much about, and many hugs from s, handshakes from the boss and manager, and kisses from his mother, he was dropped off at the airport, along with his carryon suitcase. Somehow he got through security and to the right gate. Sitting on the plane waiting to take off, he finally thought, is this really happening? Once in New York, he managed to get through customs all right, and after some confusion, ended up at the right gate and got on the plane to take him to Michigan. Once there, he made a few inquiries and managed to find the car service and his driver. Handing the address to the man, he sat back once he was in the car and tried to sort his thoughts, though he was still partly in disbelief. He did remember to call his mother like he'd promised, and she said she'd call the rest of the boys for him.

  One long car ride later, the exhausted little dragon paid the man, adding a generous tip. Grabbing his suitcase, Jiyong was heading up the sidewalk when doubts began to set in. Is this okay? What if she doesn't want to see me? I'll be stuck here! Will I be able to remember enough English? Will I have enough money to find a hotel and get a ticket home? How would I even get to a hotel? Would that friend of hers be willing to help a stranger? Right now, he was having trouble remembering his name, let alone a whole other language. He swallowed hard as he reached the door. He took a deep breath and knocked. A minute later, it was opened by a balding man who was rather hairy everywhere else. The man smiled and said in English, "Good, you made it safely." He turned and yelled, "Hey Red! Get your out here! Package for you!"

  "Pipe down Gay Man! Can't you let me be depressed in peace? What's so flippin important?" Jiyong thought he'd never seen anyone more beautiful as Jenna padded out barefoot, in a tank top and pajama pants, hair stuck out at all angles. Her jaw dropped as she saw who was at the door. "JiJi?" she asked in disbelief, before running into the arms he instinctively held out for her. Both of them were crying as they hugged each other tightly. "It's really you right?" she asked in his ear. "You aren't a hallucination?"

  "Yes Noona, it's me. I missed you, so much."

  "I missed you too Little ."

  They held each other even more tightly, feeling how each had missed the other, as their lips connected, kissing passionately even through their tears. Jenna's best friend slipped into the living room and set up a call with their mothers. "He's here, and pardon my French but it's about damn time. Judging by the way those two are face, I don't think either of you have to worry about anything. They'll figure somehow to make it work. I'm taking off now. I'll drop back by in a couple days, once those two have had a chance to talk and I'll let you know." He hung up. Grabbing his back off the couch, he pulled a small box out of it before slinging it over his shoulder. He slipped into Jenna's bedroom, setting the little box on the bed where it could easily be seen. Grabbing a nearby sticky pad, he wrote a note, leaving it on the box. Grinning to himself, he checked that Jenna and Jiyong were still in a liplock before quietly letting himself out the back door.

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?