Chapter M

Taming the Dragon

  "Wife? Married? How, no when? And how come we weren't invited?" Everyone was trying to ask questions at once. Jiyong put his hand up to quiet them.

  "We'll tell you the whole story, but can we sit down first, and maybe get some coffee?"

  "Water for me please boys." This was from Jenna.

  "Sure thing Noona, or should we be calling you Adjumma now?" Seungri asked cheekily.

  Jiyong smacked the maknae. "Don't be rude Lee Seunghyun." Jenna had finally given up trying to stand and had slumped against her husband's shoulder, even more tired than he was, since she'd never managed to fall asleep on the plane. Jiyong carefully steered his wife over to the couch and collapsed next to her, lacing their fingers together. "Thanks Ri" he said as the panda handed him a coffee. "Yeobo? You awake?" the dragon asked as he gently nudged Jenna, who had gone back to leaning against him.

  "Not really." Jenna attempted to sit up while rubbing her eyes.

  "You want to go lie down? I can talk to these four."

  "No, just let me use you as a pillow." Jenna snuggled closer to her dragon and closed her eyes.

  Jiyong wrapped his arm around his wife and looked at his band mates, who were obviously waiting for an explanation.

  YoungBae nudged his friend with a foot. "Okay Ji, spill. As I recall, we sent you on a vacation, not a honeymoon. So, what happened?"

  "Well, it started with a hello kiss..."

  "That was no kiss. That was a full blown make out session, not that I'm complaining. Kale told me later he half expected to come back and find out we'd each others' lips off. Stupid gay man." Jenna yawned as she broke in.

  "Who's Kale?"

  "Her best friend. Flaming and hyper, but he and his boyfriend Ester were the ones to help with the proposal and were our witnesses at the ceremony. Okay, so it was quit obvious we missed each other. That night while we were in bed talking, after deciding all we knew were erts because of all the condoms, from Kale as well as you guys, I asked her whether or not she'd consider becoming a couple with me, because I've always loved her. She said she'd already been working on how to split her year between here and Michigan, because she loved me too. I knew it was really really soon, but I'd never have forgiven myself if I hadn't at least asked her to marry me before I left. I was expecting to miss my girlfriend, or fiancee if she'd said yes. I wasn't expecting to be bringing my wife back with me."

  Jenna broke in again. "It was such a sweet proposal. He had the boys come out on the beach while we were having lunch with this big banner he asked them to make that said "The dragon is smitten with his Noona kitten. If you're not a fraidy cat, become the dragon's lady stat!" Awful poetry from the lyric writing genius, but his face was so cute, and I never thought I'd ever see the great G Dragon down on one knee." She smiled, kissing her husband's cheek.

  "So, how long have you been married, and how come we weren't invited?"

  "Almost a week. I wasn't about to let JiJi to come back without me, but I wanted our marriage license to be from my home state. I was the one who dragged him and the boys to the courthouse. We figured now that we're here, we can take our time to plan and throw a big tranditional ceremony and have a huge party. We'll fly my parents and the boys in for that."

  "So, where are you guys going to live? You can't be planning to live here, and what are your parents going to say about this?" Seunghyun, who had been quiet so far finally spoke up.

  "Our parents couldn't be happier, even if it was just a quickie at the courthouse. Umma and appa hunted up a house for us. We sign the papers tomorrow. My original plan was to buy it and decorate before my darling wife here came over, but this way we can choose everything together." Jiyong took back over, not even trying to hide his pride at being able to call Jenna his wife.

  "So, how many babies are you going to have?" Daesung smacked his boyfriend for asking such a personal question.

  "Babies aren't very likely. You still have to behave maknae. We'll be staying here til we get the house fixed up and buy furniture, and who knows how long that will take."

  "Here's a major question. What's YG going to say?" YoungBae took the questioning back over. The other boys fell silent at that. What was going to be said?

  Jiyong just grinned. "Already talked to the big boss. He said, and I quote, "Good. Glad you had the sense to marry that girl as soon as possible. She's a damn fine woman, and an even better dragon tamer." end quote."

  "Noona, what about your job?" Jenna didn't answer, as she had finally fallen asleep.

  "She still works for the same place. She'll just be emailing everything when we're here."

  The others looked stunned. "What do you mean, when we're here?"

  "Six months here for concert season. Six months in Michigan. I can email songs just as easily as she can articles. If I have to, I can fly you guys over if we need to record anything, and there's always Skype. You really think I'm going to let my wife leave without me?"

  "Sounds like you have everything figured out pretty well. It's going to be weird without you breathing down our necks though."

  "I'm honestly hurt you would doubt my ability to solve this. I'm G Dragon, but more importantly I'm a husband now."

  "I can't believe YG's wild child is a family man. I know we've been grilling you, but we were just surprised. Congratulations though really, to both of you." The others chimed in, agreeing.

  "Shut up Bae, and thank you. We'll talk more tomorrow, but I should really get my wife to bed now. Yeobo? Come on, bedtime." Jiyong gently prodded Jenna awake enough to stumble into his old room.

 The other four all looked at each other and thought, is that gentle man really G Dragon?

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?