The Beauty In You


Taekwoon never realized how in love with Hakyeon he was until he sees just how beautiful his heart is.


a small bit of fluff for my unnie, Tufalla *snugs*


Hakyeon was never much of a cat person, Leo knew this. Heck, Hakyeon actually broke out in a rash just by touching the fur. Leo was a cat person though, he loved felines down to his core. He never knew how much he was in love with Hakyeon until he saw how beautiful his heart was. 

Taekwoon says this, because despite it being freezing and the water being deathly cold and Hakyeon is pregnant, he had no hesitation when it came to jumping into a river to save a drowning kitten.


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 1: Aawww..its soo cute..i love it.. :)
Chapter 1: Hakyeon such a sweet person, instead of avoiding the kitten, he bravely take the kitten from the edge of death :)

Thank you for writing this awesome story :D.
wryhun #3
My mom also did something like this once - she got to the edge of a cliff-side to pull back a puppy who was clinging on to sparse grass. She got scolded by everyone though. :)
taopandalover #4
Chapter 1: Awwwh its so soooo cute;^; my feelz