
Is this something called "LOVE"?

Several days later...

"Joohyun-ah, HyoHyeon is here" Mrs.Seo calling her daughter

"Ok, I'm coming Ama!" SeoHyun shouted from her room. She quickly rushed out and go down the stairs.

Today, HyoHyeon and SeoHyun will study together for the exam. Sunny can't join because of her-lovey-dovey.

"Hyeonie, let's go to my room!" SeoHyun pull her.

"JooHyun, don't act like that" Mrs.Seo told her daughter

"It's okay, auntie, she always like this" HyoHyeon smiled then run towards SeoHyun

"Aisshh.. The kids" Mrs.Seo continue reading her magazine


"Hm.. Hyunnie?" HyoHyeon intterupted. She fells boring doing much exercise like this. But SeoHyun seems didn't hear her. She stil concentrate to the questions.

"Yaahh!!" HyoHyeon yelled and pinch SeoHyun's chubby cheeks

"Ahh... What are you doing? It's hurt!!" SeoHyun yelled then caressed her red-chubby-cheeks

"Aw.. Your cheeks are soo000 chubby make me always want to pinch them" HyoHyeon give SeoHyun a naughty smile

" You have no any permision to do that" SeoHyun stuck out her tounge like an elementary school student  a kinderganten student


HyoHyeon's phone rang. She quickly open the message.

"Nonsense!!" HyoHyeon suddenly yelled which make SeoHyun shocked

"Mwoh?" SeoHyun answered with confused face

"No..No.. It's not you" HyoHyeon smiled at her then continue glare at her phone

"Ne?? So Why you yelled like that?" SeoHyun asked confusedly

"Hm.. You know this number??" HyoHyeon show up her phone. SeoHyun took a glare awhile then she shook her head.

"No.. Whose number is it?"

"Yah.. If I know, I won't ask you, pabo!" HyoHyeon pinched SeoHyun's cheecks again

"Huh.. What he/she sent you?"

"Look at it yourself" HyoHyeon show up her phone"

"Whoa.. It such a VERY NONSENSE message!!" SeoHyun shouted happily

"Why you look happy?" HyoHyeon pouted

"Nope. Let's continue. Look, we only have done 10 papers. There are 20 papers left"

"Anioooo!!!!!" HyoHyeon shouted


"Hyunnie" Someone knock the door but no one anwer it. So She come in

"Yah, KyuHyunnie!!! Turn it off!!" Ara stand up near her little brother. But her brother seems not listening to her. So, she pulled the computer's cable

"Noonnaaaa!! What are you doing? I almost win!!!" KyuHyun pouted

"No games this week, My-Lovely-Brother. You should study. The exam is in two days, remeber? And I'm sure you haven't prepare anything" Ara start her speech

"Okay..okay.. Stop your speech, noona" KyuHyun put his hands on his ears

"Okay. If you can't pass this test. I won't let you play games until you can get good mark!" She shouted while go out from his brother's room

"Aishh. Why is she so fussy" He begin to read his book. But not long after it. He fall a sleep.


After eating her dinner SeoHyun rushed to her room again..

"Omo! I forget to find out who is the stanger!" SeoHyun panisked as she search for her phone.


"Hyeonnie, can I have the number?" SeoHyun asked

"Which number?" HyoHyeon look confused

"Yah, you're still ypung but have a pretty bad memory. The Stranger's number" SeoHyun pouted

"Oh.. Okay but with one offering"


"Find out who is the stranger. Deal?"


End of Flash Back


"Huft, you're here" SeoHyun mumbled then sent a message to the stranger

Text Message



Dec.03 2011 20.38

To : Stranger


Right after send the message, SeoHyun feels something bad..

“Omo!! What did I do?! What will happen if that was a sunbaenim?? Eotoke??” She shook her head..

“Better I ask it to HyoHyeon” she mumble while type a message to HyoHyeon.


Text Message

Um.. Do you think it’s a sunbaenim?


Dec.03 2011 20.42

To : HyoHyeon


Text Message

Maybe.. I dunno to..


Dec.03 2011 20.44

From : HyoHyeon


Text Message

Hyeonie.. Arghh..



Dec.03 2011 20.45

To : HyoHyeon


“Yah, HyoHyeon.. Why don’t you reply my message??” SeoHyun yelled at her handphone


“Omo!” SeoHyun shocked to hear her hanphone ringing. It is a message..


Text Message

Who is this?


Dec.03 2011 20.53

From : Stranger


SeoHyun’s heart beats faster..

“What must I do then?? C’mon Hyunnie” She shook her head, but finally she reply it..


Text Message

Oh, I’m sorry..


Dec.03 2011 20.56

To : Stranger


Text Message

Sorry? - -”

For what?


Dec.03 2011 20.58

From : Stranger


Text Message

Nope.. Never mind..

By the way, can I know who is this?


Dec.03 2011 20.59

To : Stranger


Text Message

I’m YGH?


Dec.03 2011 21.01

From : Stranger


“YGH? It’s such a funny name” SeoHyun giggle


Text Message

YGH?? I dunno..


Dec.03 2011 21.04

To : Stranger


Text Message

Ne? You really dunno who am I?I’m YongHwa from 11th grade..


Dec.03 2011 21.05

From : Stranger


SeoHyun shocked when she read the message.. She feel lucky not trick him

“YongHwa? Is there my sunbaenim named YongHwa?” SeoHyun mumble


Text Message

Oh, I’m sorry..

I was wanted to trick you..



Dec.03 2011 21.07

To : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

It’s okay. Just have fun.. :D

Anyway, who is this?


Dec.03 2011 21.07

From : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

Oppa won’t know me..

If oppa want to know it.. Try to guess.. :D

Why oppa not studying?


Dec.03 2011 21.08

To : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

I’m still confuse about the lesson..

Really? Maybe I know you but you don’t know me.. :D

How can I guess if there’s not any clue..


Dec.03 2011 21.09

From: YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

Okay.. What clue do you want?


Dec.03 2011 21.11

To : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

Hm..How if it’s a puzzle?


Dec.03 2011 21.13

From : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message


My nick name started by S

It contains 7 words


Dec.03 2011 21.13

To : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message





Dec.03 2011 21.18

From : YongHwa-oppa


SeoHyun startled


Text Message

How can you know it?


Dec.03 2011 21.19

To : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

You really dunno me?

I know you since in Middle school


Dec.03 2011 21.20

From : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

I really dunno.

I want to see how is Oppa like :)


Dec.03 2011 21.22

To : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

Hahaha.. Okay, If I see you at school

I'll call you, okay?

Oh and good night..

Study for the exam, okay! :)


Dec.03 2011 21.24

From : YongHwa-oppa


Text Message

Okay, oppa!

Fighting! :)


Dec.03 2011 21.28

To : YongHwa-oppa


Then SeoHyun put her phone and enter her sweet dream.. :)













Hello, readers. Sorry for sooooo long update. I busy with my school and piano..

Sorry for this boring chapter..

Please no silent readers, okay? :)

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shawol-elf-elf #1
great i had fun
seokyu please..
milkyberry #3
She will end up with Kyu? omg please let seokyu end up. well, bad boys always win in all korean drama :p
seorin_11 #4
@strawberi1928 : Don't worry, there'll be yongseo :)<br />
but I don't think seohyun will be with yong at the end of the story because..... (It's secret)<br />
Just wait, okay!^^<br />
I've make the ending.. :)<br />
@queengurl58: There'll still yongseo here.. :)<br />
@SuperSeoKyuShiDae: okay.. :)
i want SeoKyu please....they really looked good together.:P
AHHHH i reallyyyy want yongseo... D:<br />
please? :)<br />
update soon!!!
seorin_11 #7
@Missdancer: SeoKyu shipper^^
Missdancer #8
Are u a yongseo shipper or seokyu shipper?
seorin_11 #9
@Missdancer : I want to.. But just see who will be with seohyun :D