
Is this something called "LOVE"?

"SeoHyun!! Go away from me!!" a girl shouted while running away from SeoHyun

"No, I'll catch you!!" SeoHyun smirk evilly and chase her. It's easy for SeoHyun to catch the girl because she is pretty good at running and the girl doesn't.

"Yah, I catch you!" SeoHyun yelled when she hold the girl's wrist.

"Argghhh.. Go away from me!! Go!!" she shouted and try to take her hand away

"C'mon, Hyeonie.. I won't hurt you.." SeoHyun pouting

"I don't believe you" she start to pout too

"Why?" SeoHyun show an innocent face

"Because you're EVILSEO!!" finally the girl had her hand from SeoHyun and try to run again but SeoHyun already catch her.

"You can't go from me.." SeoHyun smile evilly

"Please SeoHyun" she begged

"No.. Now, let's go back to the class" SeoHyun try to drag her, but it's not as easy as she think..

"Hey, SeoHyun!!" a voice called her, so she turn her head. She see her cousin, TaeYeon sit in front of her classroom with Jessica-unnie.

"What's up, TaeYeon unnie?" SeoHyun come to TaeYeon while drag the girl.

"Stop acting like a child SeoHyunie.. You're in High Scholl now, not in a elementary school anymore" TaeYeon pouted

"But unnie.." she show her aegyo to TaeYeon

"Ughh.. Okay..okay.. I can't beat your aegyo.. I wonder who have thought it to you?"

"It's.." SeoHyun started

"It's me, unnie!!" Sunny comes with her aegyo.

"I know if it was you.." Jessica show her cold face

"Don't look at me like that, unnie" Sunny pout in front of Jessica

"Hahahaha.. I was kidding" Jessica laugh loudly

"Then, you two"

"Me?" SeoHyun and Sunny answer together

"Yeah, go back to your classroom now! The bell will ringing few minutes again" TaeYeon look at her wristwatch

"HyoHyeon, let's-" SeoHyun stop talking when she look HyoHyeon had already gone.

"Aishh.. Unnies, I must go and search HyoHyeon. Bye" SeoHyun waved and run to her classroom.

"I'll go to.. Bye unnie" Sunny wave at them.

"Your little sister is so cute" TaeYeon smile at Jessica

"Aish, but she often make me confuse. Especially if she show up her aegyo" Jessica giggled

"Let's go in.. It's quite cold here" Jessica stood up

"okay" TaeYeon held Jessica's hand and walk in..


"Hyeonie!!!!!" SeoHyun shouted when she entered her classroom

"You left me" she pouted and sat beside HyoHyeon

"Hahaha.. Don't mad at me like that"

"I'm not mad" SeoHyun turn her head away from HyoHyeon

"Hyunnie.." HyoHyeon shake SeoHyun's shoulders

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you" SeoHyun turn her head and give HyoHyeon a wide smile

"Oh, and here it is" SeoHyun pulled HyoHyeon's hand and put something on it

"KYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEO JOO HYUNNN!!!!!!!!!!" HyoHyeon quickly shake her hand and jump away from her, whole class look at them, curious.

"Hyeonie.. It's only a catterpilar.." SeoHyun pick the catterpilar and show it to HyoHyeon

"JooHyun!! Put it outside!!" Victoria shouted at SeoHyun. SeoHyun just can pout and walk outside, she put the catterpilar on a leaf. Accidently, she saw KyuHyun with Yoona. She don't know why but she feels mad. Then she walk into her classroom to avoid it.

"H-have you put it outside?" HyoHyeon sit beside her.

"Yeah" SeoHyun show an angry face

"Hyunnie, don't mad at me. You know? The one who must angry is me. Why? I'm afraid of it but you're so naughty, you put it on my hand.." HyoHyeon sighed

"I don't mad at you" SeoHyun answered shortly

"Ne? So why your face like that?"

"Nope.. Never mind. I'm okay" SeoHyun try to smile

"O-Okay.. But if you want to share it with me.. I will hear" HyoHyeon stopped talking and sit silently because the teacher is coming


"Good morning students"

"Good morning, Mrs.Kim"

"Next week is the winter Exam, so prepare yourself. I don't want any student failed at the exam, especially you, Mr.Cho" the teacher give a glare to KyuHyun who is still busy hearing music with his i-phone. The whole classroom turn their head towards KyuHyun.

For few minutes, the classroom is so quiet. No one dare to talk. There's only the sound of the clock and wind outside. Not long after it, KyuHyun realized that whole class look at him and the teacher give him a death glare. He turned off the music and took off his earphone.

"What's happen here? Why you're look at me like that?" KyuHyun spoke innocently

"Mr.Cho!! How many times have I told you?! Don't hearing music when the lesson is going!! And please pay attention to your teacher!!"

"Um.. Maybe 57 times?"

The teacher can't say anything again. She too tired to look after KyuHyun. If he isn't the son of the school's owner, she would have kicked him out the school.


"Mwoh? Next week?" SeoHyun shocked when she heard what have the teacher told.

"Yes, Ms.Seo.. It'll be held on December, 5th"


"Why it's just so quick? I haven't prepare anything" SeoHyun mumbled

"Me the same" HyoHyeon drink her hot chocholate.

"Don't worry, SeoHyun. You're smart. You always can pass the exam easily with wonderful score" HyoHyeon tap SeoHyun's shoulder

"It's right, Hyunnie. I haven't prepare anything too. I think the test will be held 3 weeks again" Sunny eat her bread.

"Okay, then I'll work hard for the test!!" SeoHyun clapped

"But don't workk too hard, okay" HyoHyeon tap SeoHyun's head

"Okay then!" SeoHyun smile


"Hey.." someone tap KyuHyun's shoulder and then sit beside him.

"Oh, noona" KyuHyun continue playing with his PSP

"KyuHyunnie!! When will you stopped play that game? The test will be held next week and I bet you haven't prepare anything" Cho ARa pick KyuHyun's PSP and start to walk away

"Noona, give my PSP back" KyuHyun begged and follow his elder sister

"NO! I'll give this back to you after the exam is over" ARa walk away. KyuHyun can only pout and walk to his table again to eat.


"Hyunnie, I'll go to the dance class.. Bye2" HyoHyeon stood up and waved to SeoHyun

"And I.. I'll go to the theater class" Sunny started to stand up.

"Hey?? You said you'll take the music class with me??" SeoHyun pouted

"Um..It's.." Sunny bit her lower lip

"Sunny!!" a boy came towards them

"Who is he?" SeoHyun glare at Sunny. Bue Sunny doesn't answer SeoHyun.

"Sunny-ah, let's go. We almost late" he held Sunny's wrist. Sunny blushed.

"Okay then, bye-bye Sunny-ah!!" SeoHyun give a naughty smile to Sunny. Sunny stuck her tongue and continue walk with him.


"Welcome to the dance class students. It's our first meeting here. It seems not many students here.. Let's see.. There's only 2 students from tenth grade and 4 students from eleventh grade"

"Wow" HyoHyeon mumbled, but it's quite loud because the room is very quiet and there's only seven people there.

"Lower your voice" a sunbaenim warned HyoHyeon.

"Oh, I'm sorry" HyoHyeon bow to him.

"Hey, don't act like that. Anyway, I'm YongHwa from eleventh grade. You're HyoHyeon right?"

"How do you know me?" HyoHyeon ask confusedly

"I used to study at Seoul Middle School too" he gave HyoHyeon a wide smile.

"YongHwa-ssi" the teacher give a glare to YongHwa

"Yes, Ms.Park"

"Give a good example for your dongsaeng"



"Ah.. Sungmin-ssi" Sunny started

"Ne?" Sungmin turn his head

"Um.. Our hand.." Sunny look at their hand.

"Oh, sorry" Sungmin immediatelly took off Sunny's hand. He looks very nervous

"It's okay, Sungmin-ssi" Sunny smile

"Sunny-ah" Sungmin started to blushing


"P-Please c-call me oppa" Sungmin is really blushing now

"o-okay.." Sunny's cheecks become red. They stand up quietly for awhile.

"Oppa, let's go in.. We're late now!!" Sunny shouted and rushed into the theater

"Hey, wait me!" Sungmin chase her


"Huft.. Where's the music class??" SeoHyun walk around the whole school but she still haven't find it. She bumped into someone at the corner.

"Ouch!" SeoHyun fall down

"Hey, where's your-" the man stopped when he saw it was SeoHyun.

"S-SeoHyun? Are you okay?" he try to help SeoHyun to stand up.

"K-KyuHyun??" SeoHyun fells her heart beats faster..

"What is this feeling??" SeoHyun wonder

"SeoHyun?" KyuHyun call her again. His heart beats.. He never see SeoHyun's face from near..

"Oh, she's so beautiful" KyuHyun mumbled

"What did you say?" SeoHyun stand up

"Nope. Anyway, where are you going?"

"Music room. But I can't find it anywhere"

"Oh, let's go with me.. I'm going there too.." KyuHyun started to walk

"What? KyuHyun take the music class too??" Seohyun mumbled

"Hey! What are you doing there? We already late! Be quick!"

"Okay.." SeoHyun run to KyuHyun.







Hello, readers..

This is the first chapter. I hope you like it.. :)

Sorry if there's many mistake here.. English isn't my first language..

And please no silent readers.. Your comments and subscribe will cheer me up.. :)

And, there's sunsun in this chapter.. (and maybe in this story, but seokyu and yongseo will be the major couple)


(don't ask me will seo with yonghwa or kyuhyun.. I still confuse about that.. :D )

Thanks for reading.. *bow


(I think I wouldn't update for a week, maybe.. Sorry)

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shawol-elf-elf #1
great i had fun
seokyu please..
milkyberry #3
She will end up with Kyu? omg please let seokyu end up. well, bad boys always win in all korean drama :p
seorin_11 #4
@strawberi1928 : Don't worry, there'll be yongseo :)<br />
but I don't think seohyun will be with yong at the end of the story because..... (It's secret)<br />
Just wait, okay!^^<br />
I've make the ending.. :)<br />
@queengurl58: There'll still yongseo here.. :)<br />
@SuperSeoKyuShiDae: okay.. :)
i want SeoKyu please....they really looked good together.:P
AHHHH i reallyyyy want yongseo... D:<br />
please? :)<br />
update soon!!!
seorin_11 #7
@Missdancer: SeoKyu shipper^^
Missdancer #8
Are u a yongseo shipper or seokyu shipper?
seorin_11 #9
@Missdancer : I want to.. But just see who will be with seohyun :D