02. getting comfortable

` Ignite the Reign #STORYSTARTING


  getting comfortable.
    December twenty-fifth...

To give each members time off to spend time with their family on Christmas Eve was nice, but to give them Christmas Day as well was just too generous. Rina knew it was too good to be true. That's when they were told to pack up all their belongs, she wasn't surprised. With their luggage, some more than others, all the members were gathered in the dance room with two unidentified men.

"Hello Ignite, I am Jo Ajang and I will be your main manager," said the taller and much tanner man. He was well-built and had a deep voice. If Choin didn't know any better, she would've thought he was a back-up dancer for TVXQ.

SM really lives up to their handsome manager rep, though Choin.

"And I'm Hong Hosun. I'll be your second manager. I'll be taking care of the girls most of the time." Hosun was a typical Korean man. Fair skinned, heavy pores, and scruffy hair.

Damn, Choin thought. 

"We have a lot to do. Until today each of your have been living independently. Because of the unprofessionalism of the new CEO, management and other things couldn't have been settled properly." Ajang said, purposely criticizing the new CEO. "For that we apologize."

Talking bad about the CEO? If only Lee Soojoon knew himself. 

"So bring your stuff with you." Hosun said, "Again today will be a busy day so we don't have much time to kill. Just drop off your things and we'll let you know who your roommates are."


"Is that a hole in the wall?" Soobin asked once they stepped in the dorm.

"Because you are all still trainees, the dorms won't be as fabulous as you're used to seeing."

That was an understatement. This place was . It was small, and he swore he saw mold underneath the crummy paint. This was worst than the cheap apartments in California. Jaesoon wanted to puke. Okay maybe it wasn't that bad, but he would rather live in his apartment.

"Has this place even be approved by the FDA yet?" Daeho mindlessly asked.

"FDA is for food, idiot." Jooeun replied, looking at the fist sized hole that Soobin brought up. 

"I know it looks bad but this is only temporary." Hosun assured. "Maybe just a few weeks or months."

"Just," Wesley scoffed.

"Okay enough chit chat, let's get down to business." Ajang clasped his hands, "Today you are all recording for your debut album and dance rehearsals. Since you already know the dance to Now and did partial audio, it shouldn't be so difficult." he continued, "Tomorrow all of you are scheduled for a fitting for your teasers and all that good stuff for your debut followed by more dance practices, vocal training, and maybe even make overs. The indecisive stylists hasn't made up their minds yet." He looked at Choin, "Ahn Choin, you're getting a bit thick so please do control yourself."

She wasn't even thick, it was her s that throws you off. Regardless she nodded, "Will do."

Rina looked at her leader and scoffed at the manager's claim. Her body was smokin' hot. Her size were gorgeous.

"Guys, you will all will have a mandatory hour session to build up that muscle mass. Ladies you will just need toning overall."

Yongshin tried to hide a prideful smirk. Lifting up boxes of 20 pound vegetables really does have its benefits. Meanwhile Jooeun felt pretty confident since yoga basically toned everything she needed to tone.

"What about our roommates?" Yongshin reminded. 

"Oh yes," Ajang nodded his head to Hosun, "Tell them, Ho."

Jaesoon, Daeho, Rina, and Wesley all burst out into laughter. Being the only fluent English speakers in the group, the three boys saw it the slang way. As for Rina, it was a no brainer. There were enough hoes during her years of high school for her to know what that word meant. Soobin lightly chuckled after finally realizing what was said.

"What so funny?" Hosun asked.

"Nothing," Jaesoon waved his hand. He cleared his throat, "Please continue, Manager Hong." he said politely this time.

The manager continued, "Boys: Jaesoon and Wesley. Yongshin and Daeho. Ladies: Choin and Jooeun. Rina and Soobin."

Just hearing their names together, Choin chuckled, oh boy was it going to be interesting.

Jaesoon and Wesley looked at each other and nodded their heads, already knowing that their spot was going to be the best.

Yongshin looked at Daeho and smiled, "So I'm guessing we're roommates now."

"Just as long as you don't go spraying trot music in my face, it's all good." Daeho paused, "Kidding."

"Hello Rina, I'm Min Soobin." the younger introduced herself.

Rina looked at her roommate and automatically laid eyes on the neon stripe on Soobin's shirt. "I hate neon."

Soobin looked down and covered her shirt, "I don't own many neon things."

Rina looked at her managers, "Good. Keep it that way and maybe our room could be okay."

"Drop off your things and let's go," Hosun ordered, "We're off to the recording studio."


Recording, although it was straining, was the easy part. Dancing? Not so much. With his long legs, dancing was difficult, especially when he was so tall. But with all that pushed aside, Jaesoon felt relieved that it was time for work outs.

"You seriously need to loosen up," Choin approached him. She drank some water from her water bottle, "You're too stiff. When you do the 'tell me now, now, now'," she said while dancing to his part, "You need to have a fluidity that flows with mine."

Jaesoon sat up and swat his towel at her, "Leave me alone we're not dancing anymore." he continued to do his lifts. She was still looking at him. "Shouldn't you be doing some taebo or something?" he said through grunts.

"Correction," she helped him balance the heavy weight, "Yoga. And that's not my forte, more like Jooeun."

"Come on Choin-sshi," Jooeun said with two rolled up mats under her arms, "Time for yoga."

She threw the mat at her and Choin caught it. "Fun."


"You've got some serious muscleage goin' on." Wesley looked his older member. "How much you lift? 30? 40?"

"80," Yongshin corrected. "But on days when I feel confident and in the mood, probably up to 100 but that rarely happens nowadays."

"Carry me, oppa!" Daeho squealed like a girl as he fell on the visual. Out of reflex, Yongshin dropped his dumbbells and caught him. "Impressive, now you can literally pull me out of bed." he said with his regular voice.

"Me after, hyunggie~" Wesley said with an annoying cute voice.

"Yeah right" Yongshin said followed by laughter.


It was 2 AM by the time they got home from their workouts. Ajang said only an hour, but what do ya know they were forced to be there for 3 hours. 'Mandatory debut workout' he said. There were four rooms and each room had two bunk beds, classic. Pairs of room were across from each other – one side for girls, the other side for boys – with one bathroom in between.

"I call the first shower!" Soobin shouted as she ran to the bathroom with her towel and toothbrush.

Jaesoon and Rina sighed in defeat. They looked at each other.

"Wanna shower together to save water?"

"In your dreams," she hissed before goign back to the room.

"Your loss!" he shouted across the dorm.

"I will, though,' a hand s behind his shoulder. Jaesoon elbowed the maknae and Wesley grunted, "I was just kidding!"

"You play too much!"

 AUTHOR'S NOTE whaddup everyone tis i again. i hope this chapter wasn't too lovey dovey 'we're all friends but we just met' and all that rainbowy . sorry for not adding the whole yoga thing. it just seemed really boring and i honestly couldn't think of anything interesting to have the girls converse about. anyway hopefully this chapter was okay, cos i honestly had fun writing it. i hope you all enjoyed your christmas!
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`IGNITE ; official members are up! congrats to chosen ones and thank you all for applying!


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Chapter 16: choin and jae are hot...that's all i can say for them. like holy their chemistry is so strong i imagine joey would be like 'NOW KISS' and push them towards each other lol
and awww joo :( don't get too upset with yen! he was just trying to do what the director told him to
i really like wes and mb together, but their relationship is like an older sister/younger brother kind haha
proud of my joey :') skilled at comforting the ladies, as always. gosh too bad rin has a love interest planned because i feel he would like her an awful lot
i'll sent the descriptions of joey's relationship with the members soon!
mytacism #2
Chapter 17: ok suddenly thought of this. i personally think it would be hilarious if wes was all like http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m34h5urMKB1qm0r9lo4_500.gif
mytacism #3
Chapter 17: oh. my. god. jae and ian- I CAN'T- PLS- THEY'RE SO HOT WTF /fans self while sobbing as my feels go through the roof. and joo and yen aw :( i honestly felt so bad. mb and wes' scene was just ;; adorable much?!?! ;;;; and wes smelling her hair lol you weirdo. i didn't expect jojo to actually be nice and comfort rina. i'm loving them together. they were so d'awww here yet i bet i'm still gonna laugh my off at any of their future bickering.

incorporating ignite into jonghyun's solo, verrrry clever... /slow claps. "for all we know it could've been obama with lashes on!" i'm crying. and laughing. craughing. ...ok craughing doesn't sound as smart as i thought it would. those comments tho. exactly what i would expect from allkpoppers i'm craughing. ok i'll stop. i am super excited for jonghyun's album like yaaaaas. and even more so now that ian and wesley are "in" it. jonghyun and ian tho = potential ship??

on another note, i accidentally typed weasley instead of wesley at first. well.
Chapter 17: the comments are so accurate tho lol
Chapter 17: I had a feeling that Jonghyun's solo come back might pop up here. It's good that Ian and Wesley can help on their sunbaenim's album and mv. The last comment on the article had me laughing. I am excited for Jonghyun's album since he's my favorite member of SHINee. I can't wait to see what is in store for these kids and can't wait to read more.
Chapter 17: this all goes together 0_0
Chapter 16: yay this is wonderful thank you!! i'm too tired to make any more commetns buts i loovee everything i ahd a smile on my face the whole time!
--Moonie #8
Chapter 16: gurl I missed you!!! anyway yongshin you little bastard watch yo strength. this chosoon ship is strong with them y bed action scene agdksh. Wesley and MB's adorable scene plus kiss #YoungNInLuv lol Joey and Rina's car scene was awesome. seriously I am lovig this group. thank you for the update and happy New Years to you too
Chapter 16: this chapter was fun to read! I really liked the filming of the BTS video. kinda shows how everyone gets along but not too cheesy. I like how the guys are comfortable enough with each other to tease one another. the individual parts really did for each couple. ugh I really like this and I'll PM you the relations
Chapter 16: I really like the song that you chose for their debut. I liked 'Now' a lot better than 'Troublemaker' for some reason. Anyway, I always giggle to myself when I read about these kids. Their interactions are always funny and make you giggle or laugh at them. The couple parts that they got for each pair kind of fit each person well. It was nice of their CEO to bring them food. I think that I might write Joo's relations with the other members and just pm you because I don't think it will fit in the comments.