Perform for and with SNSD

I am Merely a Fan

“I am Jessica though.” A voice came from the door. I then looked at the source and my already widened eyes just widened a bit more. “Jess?” I can’t be wrong…She is Jess, the one who saved me from humiliating myself last week.


“Amber?” Jess asked upon seeing my face. I nodded. I then noticed the girl behind her who was wearing a cap with her head down, doing something on her phone.


“Krystal?” I asked said girl. She didn’t respond. So, what am I now to her? Someone Invisible? Everyone was silent. I looked at Jess who was staring at Haneul with her eyebrow raised. Haneul just nodded and smiled which got me curious. What was that? 


“We aren’t late are we? Seohyun and Sunny will be coming in a few.” Krystal said and looked around. Wait…Krystal? That doesn’t sound like her. I looked at her face which isn’t fully covered by the cap now and…


“She’s not Krystal.” Jess said and I looked at her. Everyone laughed except me and the girl. The girl was confused why everyone was laughing. 


“Amber here thought you were SooJung.” Sooyoung said while stifling her laugh. “Eh? I really am beautiful then…because the Jungs are beautiful, right Sica?” The girl said and earned a pinch on the shoulder from Jess. “Of course we are, but you’re not a Jung so just hush.” Jess replied and turned to me. “Her name is Yuri. She’s a member of SNSD too.” I just nodded and bowed to Yuri-noona. “I’m sorry noona, I really thought you were Krystal. I am Amber by the way.” Yuri turned to Jess for translation which was granted by the latter. “Oh. It’s okay. Many say we look alike.” She replied and smiled.


So, is he the guy oppa?” Yuri turned to Haneul who nodded and said, “But before anything else…you guys know each other?” while pointing at me and Jess.


“I know her as Jess. She helped me once when the guard stopped me from entering the building.” I answered. Jess nodded and added, “He was the guy I told you about when I was late for the meeting last week. I didn’t know about him being the guy Haneul-oppa wants us to meet though.”


“You’re right…he’s cute.” Hyo said.


“He is. But I won’t make it easy for him.” Jess said to Haneul in particular. “Relax, ice princess…there’s plenty of time for you guys to know more about each other. In the mean time, do you guys want to see some performance from him while waiting for Sunny and Seohyun?” Haneul said while smirking at me. What’s he thinking now? He did not just tell these girls something embarrassing about me, did he? 


“We have plenty of time for our dongsaeng and future label mate.” Taeyeon-noona said and pat my shoulder. Everyone but Haneul and I went to the side, leaving us in the middle of the room.


“Uhmmm…What’s happening? I only had a few hours of Korean lessons so please don’t expect me to understand everything yet.” I said with confusion. I was about to follow them but Haneul pulled me back and said. “The audition’s semi-finals will be this Wednesday that’s why I asked you to come today to show us what you got.” 


“What?! You mean I’m going to perform in front of them?”


“Yeah…You’ve performed in front of people unprepared in the last audition, so this will be nothing. Oh, by the way, do a dance number this time. The judges already know you have an amazing voice so they won’t expect you to be good with dancing too.” Haneul said and left me to join the others.


This is nothing? Seriously, I have the sister of my dream girl in front of me! Not to mention, the other dream girls of South Korea! I was just standing there when Jess spoke up,”Yah Amber! Taeyeon said we have plenty of time for you but that doesn’t mean you can waste it!” Yes, she said that with her scary glare…Where is the cute and sweet girl I talked to in the elevator last week? But now I know why she seemed familiar the first time I saw her. Her eyes do resemble Krystal’s.


“Amber Hwaiting!” Yoona then shouted and did a fist pump. That was actually the first time I heard her voice out loud and it was cute. She’s also smiling from ear to ear which helped me get back to reality. 


I then pulled out my iPhone and looked into my playlist. I gave it to Min and asked her to play Chris Brown’s ‘Yeah 3x’. The girls started clapping and shouting while I waited for the cue. Once I started moving, the only sound that can be heard was the music from my phone. Everyone was watching me intently. My heart was pumping uncontrollably but once I got the rhythm, I started feeling at ease and move like Chris Brown. Yeah, I’m not bragging really…but I do know my moves and I don’t just mean basketball. I was also lip synching to feel the song more and be one with the song. There were surprised shouts when I did some cartwheels and back flips which I perfected of course. By the end of the first chorus, Hyo-noona went in the middle and danced with me followed by Yuri-noona. The three of us danced while the others started chanting and waving their hands up, including Jess. Sooyoung and Yoona noonas also joined us and by the final minute, everyone was in the middle, dancing, including the two newly-arrived girls. 


(A/N: You may refer to the video and imagine Amber doing this)


When the song ended, Yuri, Sooyoung and Hyo noonas high-fived me. I thanked them and said they really are good. The American girl then went to me and introduced herself since we didn’t have the time a while ago. She introduced herself as Tiffany and also introduced the other two members who just arrived as Sunny and Seohyun noonas. The remaining members also praised me, that includes Jess, though she merely said, “I liked it.” By the way, she said it in a seemingly uninterested voice. That’s okay though, ‘like’ is still a like, so I think I did well in the eyes of the sister of my princess. Min and Haneul on the other hand, were happily talking with DongSun so I went to them. They were however talking in Korean so I can’t understand what their conversation is about.


“I think the girls just liked the performance?” Haneul said. “I will be lying if I say they didn’t” DongSun said and smiled. “So girls, what do you think?” DongSun asked SNSD who came over us. I think I need to change my Korean class schedule to at least 5 hours a day! As an American who only speak English and Chinese, it is indeed difficult being surrounded by Korean speakers. My thoughts where then interrupted when someone held a towel in front of my face.


“Towel?” Yoona said with a smile—I was busy staring at her face, again, so she wiped my forehead once which brought my attention back, then, took my hand and forcefully handed me the towel. “Yah! Didn’t anyone tell you that staring at other people is rude?” She then said with a cute smile and looked at where DongSun was discussing. Was she angry at me for staring? I don’t know…she doesn’t look like it. Nevertheless, I whispered “I’m sorry.” Yoona-noona just nodded, without taking her eyes away from the group who are currently in a discussion.


“It’s settled then!” Haneul said excitedly. He then looked at me and said, “You will be performing the dance with Yuri and Hyoyeon on Wednesday.”


“What?” I asked without realising it came out as a shout.


“Yah! Dongsaeng, you not want perform with us?” Yuri-noona said with a pout.


“Ah, no! Sorry noonas…I was just surprised.” I answered. “Okay. Understood! We help you. You win and be S.M artist with SNSD.” Hyo-noona said proudly. I smiled and nodded. 


“If I were only good with dancing, I would’ve joined Yuri and Hyo with you. But I assure you, these two are SNSD’s dancing machines so you won’t have much problem…except with English, they’re really not at the top in class.” Tiffany noona said and giggled. “Yah! You didn’t just insult us in front of our dongsaeng did you? Amber, you not believe Tippany. We are good.” Yuri-noona said and pat my shoulder. 


“You see what Tiff was talking about? You are gonna have problems with them…tsk tsk.” Jess surprisingly butted in. “You don’t believe Sica too. She jealous we dance machines.” Hyo noona said and winked. “Yeah yeah, whatever. Everyone has their own talents.” Replied Jess.


DongSun then joined our conversation and said, “Anyway, Yuri and Hyo have SNSD practice at 2pm-8pm so available time is 8am-12pm tomorrow…What do you say?” 


“Anytime they’re free is fine with me really. I know they are busy so I don’t really want to waste their time on this.” I admitted. Tiffany noona was translating so Yuri and Hyo noonas immediately said “No! We okay with helping.”  


“So I guess it’s settled then? Anyway, Yuri and Hyo know the song so they said it will be just easy practice for you guys. And with the chemistry you three had a while ago, I know you’ll do well.” DongSun said.


“Thanks! But before I forget, is it even allowed for me to have back-up dancers? Not to mention, SNSD will be my backer.” I asked.


“They didn’t say a rule against that. But if you’re uncomfortable, Yuri and Hyo may wear masks.” Haneul interrupted. I just nodded. Haneul then added, “Anyway, I need to check on my group. Wanna come?” That’s tempting really. Considering that I really want to see Krystal and have my questions answered…but I don’t think I can face her now. I’m not ready for her answers. 


I then looked at Min who just said, “I’m staying here for a while.” “Me too…if it’s okay with the noonas?” I said. Tiffany then said out loud with her eyesmile, “Dongsaengs are always welcome, right girls?” SNSD then erupted with cheers. Min confirmed my thoughts, “We’re staying then.”


SNSD went to their positions and started practicing. These girls…I now know why they are considered as one of the top and rising groups in Korea and the international scene—they not only have pretty faces, but talent and the right attitude too. 


(A/N: Was anyone pissed after finding out that 'Krystal' was actually Yuri? And that there was no Jessber vs Kryber? Don't blame me please, I really do think that Krystal resemble Yuri and Yoona including Seohyun xD. Anyway, if you found this chapter will be surprised in the next chapter or two. Because there will be the ultimate revelations, the most important part of the story. I hope you'll look out for it. Also, I think I put some hints in this chapter which could have confused you but worry what I said, a lot will be revealed next. I also noticed that a lot has been wanting for Jessber...please brace yourselves for the coming chapters, I don't want to reveal any right now. Just be prepared because I will be too--for your bashing or appreciation, I will be prepared.)

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To any one who reads this...yes, there is a SEQUEL.


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Chapter 39: Omg what amber said was the sweetest thing ever!
Chapter 3: Ambro who broke your heart
bluegandalf #3
Chapter 45: The endingggg pleaseee
Chapter 45: ok,i start to hate th ending part ... but i love this fanfic...
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 45: one favorite stories!! Thank you!!!
YourSmile-I #6
Chapter 45: Yeah he's coming back
kuroshiro1992 #7
Chapter 45: Moooorrreeeeeeeee
Chapter 45: You left me hanging right now ;)
Chapter 45: Oh my god! I cried like crazy. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
bep510 #10
Chapter 45: I loved it. Reading the ending chapters made me ball out crying but the last chapter made me very happy. Can't wait to start reading sequel. :)