ch 3

Good Love


Dae Hyun: Yah… Palli! Answer my question! A, B , C, D or E ??

You: Dae Hyun~ah…would you stop asking me question? I felt uncomfortable.

Dae Hyun: Y/N~ah…just answer it. In my opinion, I think you will choose E!

You: E? Why do you think so?

Dae Hyun: I’m your boyfriend of course I know you very well. You always listen my ‘explaination’ every time we got into trouble.*smiled

You froze again. The word ‘explaination’ makes you thought about Him Chan,again and again.

Dae Hyun: Yah…What’s wrong with you? Is it hard to answer my question?

You: Dae Hyun~ah…please stop it…

You ignored Dae Hyun’s question but your mind still thinking about Him Chan. You remembered everything that you and Him Chan did before he broke up with you. You felt very upset.

Even though, you didn’t gave any reaction to Dae hyun’s question,he still force you to answer the question. You can’t stand it anymore.

You: Can’t you just STOP IT? How many times I want to tell you?!

Dae Hyun: Y/N~ ah… Why are you acting different today?


Everyone in the café looked at you. Dae Hyun looked at you with a shock expression.You stood up,grabbed your bag and left the café.

You ran even it was still raining. Dae Hyun also left the café and he tried to stop you but you ran away from him. Dae Hyun couldn’t stop calling your name.

Dae Hyun: Y/N~ah…wait for me. I’m really sorry.. I promise I will never do it again…Y/N~ah!* shouted while running.


You felt very despressed. You don’t know why you felt so angry when Dae Hyun asked the question. It’s just a question. Nothing at all. Maybe it because of Him Chan. You love Dae hyun but why were you still thinking about Him Chan. Maybe you still have a feeling for him.

You: No…No way… I hate Kim Him Chan. *Monologue


It’s not Dae Hyun’s fault. Dae Hyun just want to know what your answer. These thought ran through your mind.

While crossing the road,your realization took place. You decided to apologize to Dae Hyun. When you turned around to Dae Hyun,you heard a horn sound. You stopped. You can’t see clearly because of the heavy rain and your eyes were covered with water. The horn sound got louder and louder. Suddenly, You heard a voice calling your name.

Dae Hyun: Y/N~ah,careful!

You: Dae Hyun~ah...I’m sor…

You couldn’t finish your sentence because someone push you out of the road.

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