


Jong in back to his house. Humming a song that no one can't understand what that song. He is in his mood till not realized that his friend already waiting for him to come back home.

"Jong in, where have you been?" Jong in startled when someone asked him. He look around and found his friend already have popcorn in his hand and watch film. Jong in smile, run to his friend and sit beside him. Not forget to steal some of his popcorn.

"Hey, how long have you been?" jong in asked.

His friend look at his watch and thinking for a while. "Maybe 1 hour ago. Yeah, 1 hour till i have watching a half of this film."

"No one in house?"

"Nope. Your father already went to work. So i enter by my self."


"So, where have you been?" He asked but jong in just give him a smile.

"Kyungsoo., am i crazy?" his friend who he called kyungsoo just looked at him with weird feel. 

"Are you just realized that now?" Jong in's eyes wider.

"So, who is the one who called you crazy this time?" Kyungsoo asked without looking at Jong in and munch his popcorn.

Jong in relaxing his body and start smilling like a crazy. "You remember the girl who i told you 2 months ago?"


"1 month ago, i decided to make a move. Hitting her obviously and 2 days ago, i started to introduce my self."

"So, how her reaction?"

"She called me crazy and maybe she said that i was from another planet in her head." Jong in playing his finger and his smile wider.

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Gong Minji." Kyungsoo stope munching and look at jong in. "Gong minji?""Yeah... You know who is she?"

"She is one of the best dancer. You don't know her?"

"She can dance?"

"Yeah. But she just show up once. The day when you couldn't went in underground dance because you sick, that the only time she show up, but she just watch."


"Dunno. but i heard, her personality is bad." Jong in positioning his sit to face Kyungsoo, 

"Why? Is she doing something bad?"

"If you know, are you willing to back off of her?" but jong in just smirk. "Never. WHat she did till people keep talking bad at her?"

"I just heard, she beat a man back then when she just freshman. The man who she beat is Yongguk. You know him right?" Jong in nod. He met him when he went to underground battle n Yongguk rap was like a madman. "But after that, they two become best friend." while jongin still busy with his mind, Kyungsoo asked him. "How do you can fallin with that girl?" And this question succses make Jongin smile.

"You asked me how?" kyungsoo nod and back to munch popcorn. "I don't know hahahha." Kyungsoo hit him with pillow. "I'm serious." But jongin just smile and hug pillow. "I'm serious too, Kyungsoo!"

"Heish, forget it! It's useless to talk to a crazy person."

"~kkkkk..." Feeling his mood will go down just because of jongin, kyungsoo decided to continue watching film. But not till 5 minutes, Jongin begin to talk. "I met her when she cursed to a table."

"She? Is she normal?"

"~kkk, she said ', why are you block my way when i'm on rush?!' to a table and immedietly moved it so that table won't block another people. 2nd, when she tease a baby."

"Why are you always met her in weird way?"

"Firstly, i don't know that i would met her again. When i just sat on park and then i saw her. She just sat on grass and she just drew something. There was a baby who played alone. And she started to tease and play with a baby. I can't forget how she laugh and a sound of her laughter. But that time, I'm not sure if i already met her."

"So, when are you sure that you have something for her?"

He look at Kyungsoo eyes than at the pillow. Smile. "When 3rd time i met her. When she help me. So, althought she maybe did something bad like beat Yongguk but i'm sure, she has a good heart."

"Yeah yeah, thats up to you but Help you? When?"

"Are you remember when i was sick and then tried to go to practice in your place but end up in your bed?" Kyungsoo nod. he remember that. Jongin like a zombie. That time, he wonder how Jongin could reach his home. "She helped me when i almost faint and car almost hit me."

"So thats why you looked so dirty that day. But how could you almost hitted by car?"

"Ah, that day, i forgot how but i only remember when she help me. She was in hury but she helped me when people around me busy in their own world. She pulled me so i won't hit by car. She waited for me till i have my conscious back and take care of me, walk me near your house. It seems like i was the girl not a man who suppose to be strong and can take care of him self. She was like my Black Rose."

"Black Rose?"

"You never heard about it?" Kyungsoo shake his head. "You know, if a fairytale story has white knight, why i can't have black rose?"

"thats WHITE and yours BLACK. Hero should be white not black. And black-white are different, Jong in. Obviously."

"Why? Black is cool and suit her. Hero can't be with Black? Thats a joke..." Kyungsoo choose to give in on Jongin. It's useless to talk to stubborn guy who fallin in love with someone.

They not talk each other till film end after that and now they are watching tv. "I still don't know, why you decided to obviously show your self in front of Minji after 1 month being her stalker?" Kyungsoo asked as he walk to kitchen to pick some snacks.

"Hey, bring me a water. And kyungsoo, i'm not her stalker."

"Am i your maid? Not a stalker? How come? You follow her and show up in caffee, watching her everytime you met her, and you said you are not her stalker?" but jongin just chuckled. Kyungsoo back to his place and waiting for jongin's answer.

"Stalker is someone who follow in the dark."

"You are already dark, no need to hide in the dark."

"Ouch, you are being racist in here? No one can resist my dark-brown skin which makes me exotist." Jongin pretend he feel hurt and then smirk at Kyungsoo with eyes full of confident.

"Whatever mr.Kim, now, just tell me why you show up?"

"Ehmmmm, maybe because i'm tired being her secret admirer who could only watch her over from far. I want she know that she has admirer too. I want to be one of her friends who can hear her laugh when she near. I want to know her more."

"But you need 1 month more to say your name."

"I don't wanna she see me as a ert guy who show up to her then introduce my self and say, 'hey i'm kim jong in, your admirer, are you want to be my girlfriend?' its looks creepy." 

"Jong in, you know what, they way you do this now it's looked more like a ert guy than what you just said."

"Am i?"

"How not? you stalked her for 1month and..." "Admire her, kyungsoo, correct your word" jongin said as he cut Kyungsoo's words. "Okay, you ADMIRE her for 1month," Kyungsoo glare at Jongin who smile ear to ear. "and you obviously following her and come to a caffee where she works on in 1 month and you just introduce your self 2 days ago. I don't know what have you done after that, but from they way you smile like a crazy person, i guess you are really didi creepy things. Think about it Jong in." he pat jongin head and then set his eyes on TV.

"I'm not!! or Am i??" now Jong in confussed. 

"Don't think about it, you are really slow if it comes to think," kyungsoo said like he saw smoke above of Jongin head."So, what will you do for next?"

Jong in scratch his head. "I don't know." Still thinking. "Maybe for now, i have to try to make her look at me and Make her accept me."

"Huh, you are so full of your selft ha?" Kyungsoo smirk at him and rise an eyebrow.

"Of course. I have to!" Jong In smirk too. He got his bestfriend support.



"Hachiuuuu....." minji her nose.

"WHy? Are you sick?" Dara asked.


"So why are you keep sneezing?"

"Dunno. Maybe somebody talk about me."

"Heish, thats imposible...."



"Wait for me, My black rose, my wildflower...." jong in murmured.

"Stop that wild imagination in your head!!!" Kyungsoo hit Jongin head to make his sense back...

done for chap 3

thank you n please leave a comment =)

have a nice day


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milanbl #1
Chapter 8: Update pleasee
Nurindri #2
Chapter 8: What??who is jimin for minzy??
I'm so excuted with your story!!!
Continue your good work :):)

waiting fof the next chapter!!!
jiwonku #3
Chapter 8: What? What's jimin for minzy? Gahhhh, can't wait. Please updateeee soon
jiwonku #4
Chapter 7: Minzy, how can you keep that problem for a long time. I like how kai protect our baby minzy. Please keep her
mairimzm #5
Chapter 7: I'm in love on how kai protects minzy
Etch-A-Sketch #6
this story started off cute but then it got so serious... why is minzy hurting so much? who hurt her in the past? I hope she will be alright and maybe open up to let Kai in...
mairimzm #7
Chapter 6: kai is very cute trying to protect minzy
jiwonku #8
Chapter 6: First of all I want to say thank you for the update. I like this, really like butttt what happen with minzy? What make she that hurt? I'm so sad I think I can feel the hurt that she feel..
jiwonku #9
Chapter 5: Author, I just want to say hi 'buing buing'
k-pop_navia #10
Chapter 5: Please please please i love this story.
Please i want more dont stop!!!!
Chapter 5!!! Then six ... seven... PLEASE!