Late Night

Late Night

The clock seemed beating slowly as it had been one a.m. Jimin rubbed his eyes. There's many papers in front of him. He yawned for the umpteenth time but still forcing himself to work. He heard footsteps behind him. And then second later, a pair of palm caressed his head softly.

"Sleep, babe,"

Jimin shook his head. He adjusted his position and started to write his essay. The man behind him grabbed his palm. He took the pen and put it away. "No over-working," a light peck landed on Jimin's cheek.

"But Yoongi hyung... I need to...,"

The man called Yoongi kissed the corner of Jimin's lips. The word was cut and Yoongi entwined their fingers together. "I wanna cuddle," he nuzzled the top of Jimin's head.

Jimin relieved a deep breath. "I'm gonna regret it soon. Let's go to bed."

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bingkk #1
Chapter 1: In another ff there will be always jimin who loves to cuddle. But now it's yoongi. And i find it soooo cuuute ^^
Chapter 1: aww cuddle bear yoongi~ ^^
swagminsuga #3
Chapter 1: Aaaaawwwww...