The beginning

The beginning

Yunho looks up at the night sky and thinks of his family. He had always been the perfect child, he was straight-A student, top athlete, and very good looking. He was thankful for all of his support from his family and friends. Especially his most dearest chingu, his Jaejoong.

Jaejoong and Yunho met in a street fight long before they became a group in SM. Jaejoong was being robbed outside of a little store, but Yunho saw this and asked his friends to save the boy. He would never forget that day. The day he saw the most beautiful boy in the world. Jaejoong was 16 at the time. He had pale skin, almost transluscent. Looking at him closely, his face revealed soft, delicate features. His black hair was messy from the fight, but even so, Jaejoong took Yunho's breath away.

"Th-hank you", Jaejoong mustered.

"No problem", Yunho said with a small smile "I see that you're carrying some heavy bags, would you like us to help you with that?"

"Ah no thank you. You guys did so much for me already. I can do this own my own", Jaejoong said with pride. Jaejoong prodded up the street with bags in his arms confidently.

In fact, Jaejoong was homeless. He slept underneath a bridge in a little tent. He gathered all the money he had discovered on the sidewalk when he was doing his morning stroll and bought himself some snacks that night. A man from the night, came out from the dark trees and attacked him. He was thankful for that tall, skinny boy with crooked teeth. He saved his life.

Jaejoong had struggled to achieve his dream of being an entertainer. He worked countless hours saving up money for dance and singing lessons. He stayed up all night practicing his singing and dancing until he believed he had perfected it. Although Jaejoong's day was always busy, he felt happy. The day came when he signed up for an audition for SM. He remembers signing his information on that piece of paper. This could be his chance for a new life. It felt right. Jaejoong was a big believer in destiny, he was destined to do this, he could feel it in his heart. All of the blood, sweat, and tears were for this moment. He was scheduled for an audition a month from now. Good, he thought, my dream may come sooner than I planned.

Yunho had godly dance skills and could sweep any noona to adhjumma off her feet. He had that appeal and talent to go along with it. Yunho's friends signed him up for a dancing competition without him knowing. Yunho ended up winning first place and landed up a spot in a music video. One day while he was eating breakfast with his parents, the phone rang. His mom quickly answered with a soft hello.

"Hello, is this Jung Yunho's mother?" The man on the receiver asked.

"Y-yes", Yunho's mother answered with concern

"Ah Hello, very nice to meet you. Sorry to bother you but Lee Soo Man watched your son on tv and personally requested him to audition for SM", he said without fault, "We would like your son to audition for us in two weeks, I know this is such short notice but we think your son can be a great benefit to this company, ma'am."

"I'm glad you feel that way, I need to discuss this with my family first, we will contact you when we come up with a decision." Yunho's mom said

She gently hung the phone and leaned against the wall, put her hands on her eyes and started crying. She was crying tears of joy because her son's dream may finally become a reality. After she calmed down and told her small family about the phone call, she decided that she will leave the choice up to Yunho. Yunho loved dancing but he loved his family too. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving them. But he felt it was time to grow up and face his dream.

Jaejoong and Yunho were two strangers striving for the same dream.

Many would say that Jaejoong and Yunho's reunion was a coincidence but they know better than anyone else that it was fate.

Something wanted them to be together.

Perhaps they were destined.







Stay tuned for Chapter 2 tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Please list any faults in this poem or something you didn't like or something you want me to improve, it would mean a lot to me!! * ^-^ * v  thank youuuu

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Chapter 3: Ok, So this is how, they got title of omma, appa. Haha...
JiHoosgirl #2
Really like this idea! Can't wait for your next update!
Chapter 1: Nah, i think you're good...because i was horrible when i first start writing fics! Haha...