Towards The Unknown




Yesung: (tapping on Kyuhyun’s feet) Hey, wake up. You’re late.

Kyuhyun: (open up his left eye slowly) Ugh, it’s you. Go away.

Yesung: You asked me to wake you up today, remember? (open up the curtain in the room)

Kyuhyun: I hate morning …and you.

Yesung: You’re not a vampire and uh…you’re welcome? (sigh)

Kyuhyun: Why won’t you just find someone and be their wife already?

Yesung: I’m a guy.

Kyuhyun: So?

Yesung: You mean…a husband.

Kyuhyun: (gargling) Em, nope. I stand corrected.

Yesung: Why you little… (kick Kyuhyun till he fell off from bed)

Kyuhyun: Okay, okay. I get it. I was wrong.

Yesung: Good. Now –

Kyuhyun: You should be a maid.

Yesung: Why you – (suddenly) Yes, master. What would you like me to do)

Kyuhyun: (looking around) Em..ah! Here! (show Yesung his glass) Fill this up.

Yesung: As your wish, sir. (take a jug of water nearby) Here you go, (pour it on Kyuhyun’s head)

Kyuhyun: Alfred! (Batman reference) What is the meaning of this!?

Yesung: All better, sir? Now, would you still like me to be your maid?

Kyuhyun: Dude, Alfred is a butler.

Yesung: I know, I introduce Batman to you, Nimrod. (throw the jug to Kyuhyun)

Kyuhyun: Hey, hey! Watch it! This thing is expensive!

Yesung: (take back the jug and examine it) Oh, sure (pointing at the price tag) a 8000 won jug…so ‘expensive’…

Kyuhyun: Hey, you take that back. I bought it with hard owned money –

Yesung: You mean, my money…

Kyuhyun: That’s rude, Alfred. So. Very. Rude.

Yesung: You might as well ask your mom to give me a salary or something. Taking care of you is hard work.

Kyuhyun: Oh, you would love that, wouldn’t you? Asking money from my poor family –

Yesung: Dude, your dad’s an engineer and your mom’s a doctor. What part of ‘poor family’ is there?

Kyuhyun: They’re stingy.

Yesung: Right, right. (searching something in the drawer nearby) I’m sure it has nothing to do with your habits of using your allowance money (holds a bundle of lottery ticket) to gamble and buy lottery ticket. (throw the ticket at Kyuhyun)

Kyuhyun: Hey, at least I try. (smile)

Yesung: Really? Enlighten me.

Kyuhyun: Well, sometimes…I used your money instead.

Yesung: What!? (grab Kyuhyun’s pillow and start hitting him with it) Give me back my money! Give it back!

Kyuhyun: Hey, hey…chill~ I’ll pay you back later, okay?

Yesung: (laugh) That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in my life!

Kyuhyun: That’s a fake laugh..

Yesung: This is the most sincere, genuine laugh I have ever make in my entire life.

Kyuhyun: Hey, Guardians of The Galaxy reference. Liked it.

Yesung: Prediction of you not be able to pay my money back? Not liking it one bit.

Kyuhyun: Chill, man. When I get there, I pay you back with my salary.

Yesung: There? Where is this ‘there’?

Kyuhyun: I’m going to Korea, baby! Living the world! That’s why I asked you to wake me up today.

Yesung: Seriously?

Kyuhyun: (searching under his bed) Ah! Here it is. Take a look.

Yesung: This is a joke, right?

Kyuhyun: Nope. So, you can stay here and rot while I living the world –

Yesung: And pay back my money.

Kyuhyun: Yeah, yeah. That too.

Yesung: So, when is your flight?

Kyuhyun: 9.00 a.m.

Yesung: Um, dude? Now is …8.45 a.m.

Kyuhyun: What the heck!? I’m late! Oh you’re a !

Yesung: Sure, blame me for everything. (leave the room)

(after 5 minutes)

Kyuhyun: Oh, crap! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late! See you later!

Yesung: Kyu – Geez, always like that...good luck. (smirk)

(outside the house)

Kyuhyun: Where’s the taxi!? Oh, there’s one! Taxi!! Taxi!! (rush in front of the car)

Driver: What the – (break instantly) Hey, you –

Kyuhyun: No time to talk! Airport! Now!

Dirver: But I –

Kyuhyun: Thanks!

(inside the taxi)

Kyuhyun: Come on, we’re late!

Suzy: Excuse me!?


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