
Something Borrowed

My mind and my fingers were so itchy to write the epilogue after I saw GD's pic at the airport just now kekeke. 


Thank you for reading this story!



I was in the kitchen toasting garlic breads for brunch when my phone beeped. I took the phone on the kitchen counter then slide it. 

It was from Ara and I laughed heartily when I read her whatsapp. 


'Unnieeee! Thank you sooooo much! We love you forever! We decided to be T.O.P's loyal fan from now on! His white hair made us went crazy yesterday! We're gonna love him to death!'


"Crazy girls!" I chuckled looking at the pic she sent to me. 

Ara and Luna were smooching T.O.P's pic from the magazine they bought in Japan. I gave them two VIP tickets of Big Bang concert at Sapporo as a pre-Christmas gift cos those tickets were FREE! 


 I put back my phone then took the garlic breads from the toaster and put them the plate. I smiled while scooping mushroom soup from the pot into a bowl. Garlic breads and mushroom soup reminded me of Jiyong. Everytime he was here for supper or movie, he would request me for those simple food eventho he brought other foods. He told me the mushroom soup that I made was the best in the world. I would make the stock and kept it frozen just in case he asked for it. 


Gosh! I missed him! 



Later that I evening, I went out to the mall to buy Christmas gifts for Jina and Boona. After I got the perfect gifts for them, I went to Twosome Cafe to get my coffee fix. 


"Hi, Hana-ssi!" A female barista greeted me. Well, I always came there after work so most of the baristas knew me. 


"Hi, Angie! For today, I want hot hazelnut coffee in medium size" I ordered the drink.


"Would you like anything else? Cakes or pies?"

"Hmmm..." I looked at the shelves and my eyes spotted chicken pie. That was Jiyong's favorite.


"One chicken pie that's all. Ohhh...take-away ya. Thanks" 


"Alright, Hana-ssi. The total is $17.40"


I gave the money to Angie then waited at the pick-up area.  My phone beeped then I took it out from my bag. My eyes almost popped and I stopped breathing. 


From: Jiyong

I'm on my way to your house. I wanna take the green and the black rings that I left there. 


It was straightforward text, no hi, no how are you...it sounded cold and dull. I felt upset but I had to accept the fact that we were not friends anymore. I couldn't believe after a month he hadn't contacted me but on that one fine day he ruined my day by sending me that message. 


Chill, Hana. How I want to be chilled when he wanted to come at my place? 


"Hana-ssi, your hazelnut coffee and chicken pie" Ji Woo the barista called me. 


"Thank you" I smiled. I forced myself to smile.



I hailed a cab then got back to my home sweet home. I usually walk to get home but that day my mood has gone with the chilly air. Once I arrived at the main entrance, I saw a black van parked at the visitor parking. I knew he was in it. I hop out from the cab then made my way to the lobby. 


"Hana" A soft voice like whispering to me. I turned to see who called me.

"Can I use your toilet?" The man spoke but I kept on staring at him who was wearing beanie and large sweater. 

"Please...." He begged by shaking my arm.

"Ohhh...ya...this way" I walked to the elevator and he followed me. 

"You are lucky no one recognizes you. Aren't you suppose to get ready by now?" I asked him once we got into the elevator. 

"I can fix my hair in the van but I want to go to the toilet first" He smiled uncomfortably.


I wanted to ask where was Jiyong but my mind helped me to answer it by saying that he sent Youngbae to get those rings for him. The elevator stopped at my level and I quickly walked to my unit and unlocked the door. I gave the way to Youngbae and at the same time I told him where was the bathroom. I chuckled seeing him almost stumbled when he didn't took off his shoes properly. 


I walked to the kitchen and put my coffee and chicken pie on counter then I poured some orange juice in the glass for Youngbae. After that, I walked to my bedroom to take Jiyong's rings, jacket and t-shirt. I put them in the paper bag. 


"Thank you, Hana" Youngbae said shyly. 


"No prob, Bae. Here's the orange juice. You want cookies?" I asked him. He just smiled at me cutely.


"Orange juice just fine. I need to get back to the van to fix my hair" He said before he sipped the juice.


"Can you pass this to Jiyong. The rings are inside the box" I handed him the paper bag. 


"Why you want to give it to him? I'm here" 

I startled when I heard that voice. The voice that I missed to hear. I did listen to his songs everytime I missed him but that was not the same. I missed him in flesh and blood. I missed his presence. 


"Got to go...thank you, Hana. See you around" Youngbae stood up from the bar stool then hugged me before he  walked to the door. 


"Ji, you have 10 minutes" He told Jiyong while wearing his shoes. 


Youngbae winked at me before he closed the door. My legs were rooted on the floor while my hand were gripping the paper bag's handle. 


"I'm hungry. What's on the counter?" He opened the paper bag and his eyes glittering.


"Chicken pie! Can I have some?" He grinned. 


I nodded my head. My eyes were following his move, he took out the chicken pie then put it on the plate before heat it in the microwave. He leaned his back on the counter and looked at me who was hadn't move a bit. 

"Can you make me honey lemon tea?" 


"Okay" I replied.


I took the electric keetle to boil some water then I took the mug. He made me suffocated by watching me intensely. The kitchen was not too spacious and it made me hard to move around freely. My step stopped when he was still leaning in the kitchen counter where the tea and honey were there. 


"Can you take the tea and honey?" I asked him. 


"Come here" he reached for my hand. 

He pulled me beside him and he moved a little bit. My whole body was shaking nervously because I wasn't ready to be closed to him. I hid it well by taking the tea and the honey bottle then I walked to the area where I boiled the water. I placed the mug and the honey on the counter then I took out a lemon from the fridge. The lemon slipped from my hand when the microwave dinged. 

"Aigooo" he said while taking the lemon which was rolling to his feet. 


"Are you ok? You look tense" He tugged my hair behind my ear. 

I nodded and took the lemon from him then I walked to the sink to wash it. 

"I miss you so much" 

Once again the lemon slipped out from my hand. I didn't dare to turn to face him who was standing closely behind me. My both hands were supporting my body by holding the edge of the sink. 

"I can't stop thinking of you, Hana. I tried but I just can't. I really missed you"

His front body was pressing my back while one of his hand pulled me to him and the other one turned off the tap. He buried his face my on my shoulder and he mumbled how much he missed me. All I could do was weeping because I didn't know what to say or to act with what he did to me. He was hugging me tight. 


"Hana" he called me while turning my body to him. 

I looked up to face him. His eyes were b with tears. 

"I missed you too, Jiyong" I spoke up. 


He pulled me and my body crashed with his. He kissed my forehead then hugged me again. He peppered my shoulder with his kiss. I froze when he started to kiss my neck up to my jaw. I closed my eyes and my hands were gripping his jacket. My eyes widely opened when he kissed the corner of my lips. He stopped from doing any further and we were staring at each other. 


He cupped my face while wiping the tears on my cheeks with his thumbs. I held his hands and tried to pry from my face. I couldn't take it anymore. He's taken and I didn't want to be labelled as someone who stole someone's boyfriend. 


"You should go, Jiyong. You have to be at SBS" I reasoned out. 


"Come with me then" He caressed my cheek. 

I pushed his hand and I felt guilty with his cheesy mushy action.

"Do you know how hard for me to forget you? And today you come and told me that you missed me and you asked me to come with you to the concert. I don't understand why you did this to me. What would happen next? Asking me to be your girlfriend? You want us to cheat on your girlfriend?" I poked his chest harshly. 


I just let me lashed my anger towards him before his next move made my heart dropped to my feet. His fast moved successfully made me felt like I was in the tropical hot country. 


He kissed me hard. 


"I love you, Hana. Only you. No one else. It always you that I needed all this time. From now on, you are mine and I am yours. I am truly yours"


Before I could say anything he crashed his lips on mine. He kissed me hungrily. Once I opened my mouth he deepened his kiss. His tongue dominated my cavern while his hands caressing and my body. I was in the mess and my hands got into his jacket exploring his chest and back. My back was leaning on the counter and it made more space for him to glue his front body to mine. When I felt something poking my belly I pushed him softly. 

Both of us panting heavily. He rested his forehead on mine. 

"They are waiting for you" I said. 

"Come with me, pleaseee"  He whined then he buried his face on my neck.

"Come back here after the concert" I said while hugging him back. 

"Aishhh... okay" He looked at me and pouted. 

"Good boy" I pecked his lips and pushed him before kissed me back. 


"I love you, Hana" 

"Okay" I replied. 

"You are suppose to say, I LOVE YOU TOO!"

"Here's the chicken pie" I gave him the chicken pie in paper bag together with the rings in the box. 

"I won't go until you say that you love me" he protested while wearing his shoes. 


I walked to his direction. I opened the door for him. He stepped to the door and glared at me. I smiled at him but he kept on glaring at me while I fixing the muffler to cover his neck and mouth. 

"I will wait for you tonight" I said while pulling the beanie on his head. 

"Do the best for tonight, be a good boy" I told him. 

His face was red because he might think that I would say the three magic words. He walked passed me in fume. 

"Bye, Jiyong!" I shouted. 


"I LOVE YOU, KWON JIYONG!" I shouted a bit louder. 


He turned and ran to me then claimed my swollen lips. 

"Don't go anywhere. I will be here ASAP" He pecked my lips before he left me. 


I said okay and flashed the sweetest smile just for him. I waved my hand and told him to hurry up because Youngbae was calling him twice.


"I am not borrowing him ANYMORE!" I beamed and pumped my fist to the air. 




I wrote My Boys the story of Choi Seunghyun aka TOP & his little family. In that story, I wrote a bit about Jiyong & Hana in the future. Do check it out! 









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gbommie #1
Gosh finally the epilogueee!!! Thank you for writing the epilogueee!!! Thank you soo much its soo sweettt
tladybirdt #2
Chapter 2: He belongs to Kiko
aldimia #3
Chapter 1: Oh my ... The feeling ..
gingerALE #4
Chapter 1: the movies' title describe the way she feels huhu