Something Borrowed

I was sitting in between of my cousins. Both of them were at my place that night to solve the problem of their broken hearts. That was they told me before they came. I love both of them dearly and as the eldest cousin, I would do anything to comfort them. 


"I still can't accept him with her. He deserves someone who is better than her" Luna punched the small cushion on her lap. 


"What make you say that? I am pretty sure he knows better" I squeezed her hand to calm her down. 


"Unnie...he likes her because she throws herself at him! I don't like her. I didn't see any good in her" Ara wiped her eyes which was b with tears. 


I shook my head seeing them like that. Love is blind, that's all I could conclude at that time. 


"Do you know her so well? Look girls, I think it's time both of you to let him be with her. That is his choice and some more it's his private life. Both of you should happy for him because she makes him happy" I kept on giving them advice. 


"I can't! I love him and I can't let him go. I just want he breaks up with her. I don't want that twig to be his girlfriend!" Luna sounded so hurt. 


"And last night...we saw his pic with that b....." Ara added some more. 


"Watch your mouth, missy. Don't simply call people like that. She did nothing wrong to both of you" I played a good sister to them. Well, it's not alright to label someone we barely know with that kind of name.


" work with him...we know that you know more....but why you didn't tell us earlier?" Ara still not satisfied when I told them I knew nothing about the rumours. 


"I'm not his PA and we are only working under one roof and I barely see him....Like I said, his life, his choice and it's nothing to do with us. Let him be and he also needs love from someone that he treasures most"


"Is he gonna marry her?" Luna asked me with her teary eyes. I looked at her pityly. 


"We can't predict the future, Luna. Maybe yes, maybe no" I said. 


Luna and Ara landed their head on my shoulders. 


"He definitely will marry her. I just knew it. Our lives will be in misery, unnie" Ara spoke with her sad voice. She hugged my arm ans sobbed. 


"Misery? Ohh come on girls....both of you are 19 for god's sake! By the time you are in your twenties you don't need him anymore. I'm positive you'll have your own boys who you love dearly and you'll forget him" I chuckled. 


"No we won't! We will love G-Dragon until we die" Luna retorted. 


"Yeah...we promised to be by his side and love him forever!" Luna said then both of them changed high five. 


These girls were definitely suffered from Fangirls Syndrome! 


"Oh god! Both of you are completely insane!" I exclaimed. 


"Unnie!" Both of them slapped my bare thighs and that was hurt. 


"Last advice from me, move on. You guys still have Seungri, Daesung, Taeyang and Seunghyun Oppa" I reasoned out. 


"Seunghyun Oppa?!!" Both of them shouted in glee. 


"You call him Oppa?! Oh my god! How close are you with him?" Luna shook my arm violently. 


"Unnie! Are you dating T.O.P?" Ara looked at me with her big round eyes. 


Seemed like my tactic worked. 


"Hey, calm down! I am not dating him and we are friends, that's all. All of my friends, I mean my colleagues call him Oppa" I told them while laughing. 


"Unnie...I will approve immediately if you are dating him!" Luna giggled. 


"Yeah, me too! That Bingu is so suitable with you, Unnie" Ara made her dreamy face and squealed.


"Luna, what would you do if Unnie is GD's girl?" Ara suddenly asked Luna.


"ARA!" I widened my eyes and abruptly stood up. 


"Of course I will support unnie and GD! I will make sure all VIPs accept our beloved Unnie as G-Dragon's other half!" Luna happily giggling with Ara. 


Somehow I felt like their joke was making me hard to breath. 


"Stop this nonsense" I threw the small cushion on the couch then left those two brats. 


"Unnie! We are just joking! We are you going?" Luna asked me. 


"Nature calls" I replied. 


I entered my bedroom and checked my phone. Great! My phone was dead. I charged it then walked to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom, I heard the door bell rang. I wondered who would come to my house at 9.45pm. Few seconds after that, a loud scream filled my apartment. I rushed out to the living room to see what had happened and I only saw someone who was not suppose to be at my place that night. 


"I almost got a heart attack" he whined while his chest. 

"Hi Ara, Luna...nice to meet both of you" he bowed a little and gave them his perfect smile.


Both of them were clinging to each other to prevent themselves from collapse on the floor. 


Luna and Ara looked at me confusingly and I tried my best to connect with them thru telepathy signal. 


"What are you doing here?" I asked him with my shaky voice. 


"Tonight is movie night...have you forgotten?" he smiled and walked to me with a paper bag in his hand. 


The girls were gawking and gasping with his answer and I was sure they already knew he was the guy who always came to my place and watched movie with me on Thursday night. 


"You still got fever?" He touched my forehead with his back hand. 


"I have chicken porridge for you. Come eat it while it's still hot" he said sweetly. 


He took my hand and pulled me to the bar counter at the kitchen which situated right behind me. I just followed his order like a puppy. 


"You are not suppose to be here tonight. I told you, right? That tonight no movie night" 


"You told me? When? I didn't remember. Here the spoon, now eat"


"Luna, Ara...come join us" he called the girls as if he was already closed to them. 


"OK! Coming!" 




We were back at the living room for our movie night. 


"What movie do you girls wanna watch?" he asked us who were sitting on the couch while he was standing beside the shelf to find what movie to watch.


"He's just not that into you" Lara said enthusiasmly while Ara nodding her head. 


"We watched it already last month" he told them. 


Both of them once again gave me the ' what the hell is going on here' look. 


"Something borrowed" I said casually. 


"Agree! We want to watch SOMETHING BORROWED" Lara emphasized the title. 


"Yup! That's the perfect movie to watch. I love the ending though" Ara stood up and took the DVD from the shelf. 


 "Is it romantic comedy?" He asked while looking at me before he walked to my direction and sit on the floor cushion beside my left foot. 


"Yes, Jiyong. It is" I told him. 






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gbommie #1
Gosh finally the epilogueee!!! Thank you for writing the epilogueee!!! Thank you soo much its soo sweettt
tladybirdt #2
Chapter 2: He belongs to Kiko
aldimia #3
Chapter 1: Oh my ... The feeling ..
gingerALE #4
Chapter 1: the movies' title describe the way she feels huhu