Chapter 6

A Band of Brothers
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[Seoul, South Korea]


~ Donghae’s POV ~



I came in SM building early in the afternoon after my classes instead of going back to the dorms to take a short rest. Since it is still early, my fellow trainees are not here yet so I decided to do my assignments in the practice room.


I’ve been here for four months but so far I’m doing good as a student and a trainee. Although sometimes I spent late nights to accomplish my responsibilities there is nothing that I would not do for my dreams. I’m doing this for my father and I know I can do it.


The other trainees will arrive later so spread my books and notebook at the floor and started to atleast finish some of it. I have been sitting in silence until thirty minutes later someone walks in the room.


We looked at each other and politely bowed our heads in greeting. Then he went to the other side and sat on the floor. I have seen him many times here but I did not have the chance to meet him properly.


I decided to focus on what I am doing to avoid the awkward atmosphere. From my peripheral vision I see him taking some glance at me.


Maybe he wants to talk to me, I thought.


Deciding that I finished atleast half of my assignments, I started packing my things. I would take extra hours to rest before the tiring practice.


“Are you finished with your school works now?” the person inside the room asked me.


Surprised with his sudden question, I smiled. “Not yet. Too tired to finish it.”


“I see. From where do you live?”


“Mokpo. I grew up there but since its far I live now in the dorm. How about you?”


“I just live somewhere here in Seoul. You must be missing your family, do you go home to visit them?”


“Yeah I miss them, but I don’t have the time to go home. And it okay for me because I’m doing this for me and my father’s dream.”


“That is good to hear. We all have reasons of becoming a trainee.”


There was a brief silence before we noticed that we haven’t known each other’s names.


“Hey we haven't asked each other's names," I laughed at our silliness. "I'm Lee Donghae, 86 line."


"Why is it that everyone I meet is 86 liner? I'm three years older than you... oh and I'm Park Jungsoo," he replied while smiling at me.


"Oh really? Then can I call you hyung?" I carefully asked him. I don't have any close friends here yet but something in me that feels comfortable with him.


I don't know why but I see my father in him.


"Sure, why not? Many people here already calls me hyung."


Our conversation is interrupted for a while when some trainees arrived. The two were talking when they but they stopped and greeted us first.


"Hi hyung! You came here early huh?" one of the boys asked.


"Yeah, school was finished early. I have nowhere to go but here," Jungsoo replied.


"Oh by the way this person is the one that I'm talking about before. He is childhood friend, Junsu."


"So you are the best friend, nice to meet you," Jungsoo said then he looked at me, "This is Donghae, one of my friends here."


"Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Lee Hyukjae born in 1986." he replied while sitting at my side.


"We are of the same age... I think you have been here for a long time?" I started to get to know him.


"Hmmm... I think so? It has been almost a year I think. But it wasn't easy getting in here. I failed in my first try."


"Take note he almost did not take the audition again," Junsu butted in the conversation.


"Yah don't talk! I was just afraid to fail again."


"Of course we have our own worries. During my competition I did not expect that I would win. I don't have confidence in myself," I began to share my own experience with them.


"SM offered you a contract as part of the prizes right?" Jungsoo asked.


"Yeah, but we passed some audition clips too. There is also someone who won with me and we are training together."


"It is good that you had company here while you are away from your family. Where is he?" Jungsoo asked.


"He must be coming here later hyung."


"Wait, you are away from your family? Why?" Hyukjae asked.


"I am from Mokpo so I need to live in the dorms for now. I can't commute everyday for four

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hi guys :) i'm not abandoning this... i'll continue this fic once i'm done with my final exams... Thanks for all the subscribers!! :)


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KyuHeeTeuk #1
Chapter 27: Update?
nona_sj15 #2
Chapter 27: I thought i was dreaming when i found an update i really missed it alot thank you for updating
jesyuchiha #3
Chapter 26: Esto es Hermoso :3 adoro este capítulo espero la siguiente actualización :D
tsukuyomi-sakurachi #4
Chapter 26: Thanks for the chapter!! I really enjoyed it and it feels just right for it to be posted as a celebration for Super Junior's 10th anniversary. *cries* I'm glad I stumbled upon this group and although I'm kinda late in joining this fandom, I'll do my best to stay too! ^^
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 25: En comienzo de algo interminable me gusto ^w^ espero actualización :3
minimimay #6
Chapter 24: YAY!!! OMGEE WOOKIE AND KYU!!! I am Wookie-biased and occasionally, Henry, Kyuhyung and Donghae biased as well hehe :D
jesyuchiha #7
Chapter 23: Continua :3
minimimay #8
Chapter 20: amazing update!!i really appreciate your fic, good luck and will always be patiently waiting for your updates! fighting!!
tys_tys #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for making this awesome story.. it is always warm to read this kind of stories about my lovely super junior... u are awesome.. speechlessss... please continue on... fighting!!!!