You Always...

You Always...

…. said that you loved me, that I was the most precious person to you.

Now you are telling me that I am nobody.


… said that I was perfect the way I am.

Now you are telling me that I am fat, ugly, stupid and good for nothing.


… said that I was the most handsome boy you ever laid your eyes on. You didn’t mind being gay.

Now you are flirting with every girl that you meet and talking bad about people like me.


… said that you would come running if I would call you.

Now you are ignoring my calls and ignoring me when I want to talk to you.


… said that you would never hurt me.

Now you are pushing me away every time I come a bit closer.


… told other people that you were happy to be my boyfriend.

Now you are acting as if you are ashamed of me.


… bought roses to show me how much you loved me.

Now you do not want to waste money because of things like this.


… made me happy. You only needed to be near me and I forgot all my worries.

Now you are hurting me and making me cry.


Why are you like that? Why did you change, or was it me who changed?

I don’t know… I can’t even ask you because you would push me away again.


Maybe it’s because of your new friends that you changed so much. I shouldn’t have introduced them to you. I now realised that it was a big mistake. They are important now, not me.

If I disappeared, you wouldn’t miss me or notice that were gone.


Seungcheol-ah… you don’t know how much it hurts. It hurts to think of the happy moments we shared because they are history now. There won’t be any moments like these anymore.

It hurts to know that the person you love the most doesn’t love you anymore.


But … did you even love me? I think you loved me… in the beginning.


The way you looked at me…

The way you talked to me…

The way you hugged me…

The way you kissed me…


Maybe it was all just an illusion and I was just blind. I heard that love could make you blind.

It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s over.

I will go and then you would be free again. I want you to find the person that makes you happy, the person who is perfect for you. Someone better than me, someone who is flawless.

I was an idiot to think that I am the one for you, to think that you were the one for me.


Even if you were trying to find me after you read this letter, you won’t be able to. I would be gone… really gone. I would be already watching over you from above.

I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for the happy moments I had.

I always loved you, although you hurt me. I just couldn’t stop loving you.


Seungcheol-ah… please stay safe and remember my words.



Jang Doyoon



Tears were flowing down Seungcheol’s face while he held onto the letter. Regret and sadness was all he felt in this moment, it all seemed like a dream to him… like a nightmare, which he couldn’t wake up from.


Doyoon was right… he grew more and more distant just because he wanted to please his friends. Seungcheol thought that they were cool and reliable. Later on, he found out that they acted as if they were his friends just because Seungcheol was good-looking and strong. They wanted to show everyone how cool their friend was. He hated himself for being so stupid.


The first thing he did when he had stopped crying was going to Doyoon’s house. Maybe it was just a dream, a really bad dream.

He rang the doorbell and Doyoon’s mother and his sister opened the door. Both had puffy eyes.


Seungcheol then realised that Doyoon was gone…

The love of his life was gone…

Really gone…



Sorry that it is so short ^.^'

I'll try to improve in the future I promise!!!

Thanks for reading it anyway~ Bye~

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Chapter 2: The original parents :"
HunieMineNahLuluis #2
Chapter 2: Am just watching their (old) video again on Utube and am try really hard too search their fanfic and am more than happy faund this fic ❤️ even it the sad one it's okay
Shagarin #3
Chapter 2: T_T don't break them apart
Chapter 2: I really like it ♡♡