Day 1: Auditions

Joining Exo

November 24th 2014 _SM Entertainment Building


Oh. My.Gosh. Look at all these people! When I walked into SM building, I was not expecting to see many people. In fact, I though I was going to be the only one! Well I guess I was wrong because there was about 100 people inside the waiting room. Once I saw all these people, a wave of nervous slapped me in the face which made me freeze for a while. Eventually I had to move because some girl pushed me over and cursed at me in Korean. I don't really know Korean as much, but I knew enough to know that that was not an appropriate word.I moved to Korea from Canada and lived here for a while. My appartment was a pretty small place since that I live in with my friend Ai. When I got to the line of 100 people waiting to audition, I decided to stretch a bit. I was only here for dancing since thats basicly my only talent.

When I got to the front of the line, my heart started to race. I saw all those people leaving the audition room looking sad and crying and it didn't bother me untill now. WHY NOW??? I looked around and saw that the guy behind me was just as scared, actually scratch that. Everyone was scared. I guess now they know that its not going to be easy to get in SM.

"NEXT!" someone in the audition room said in Korean

I walked in to the audition room slowly holding on to my sweat pants to the middle of the room. A bright light shined on my face that made me squint a little bit untill my eyes ajusted. There were about 6 judges sitting down  in front of me. One of them sighed. I guess they knew I was going to dance or somthing.

"What is your name? " The man in the middle of the six people.  Is that Lee SooMan?

My name is Yoon Flora." I said and then quickly did a 90 degree bow.

"What are you going to be going for us Flora?" The lady at the end asked me.

"I will be dancing for this audition." I said realizing that I was already starting to sweat even though I didn't even start to dance.

I walked over and handed the man next to the CD player my song and waited for him to play it. Once the music started I started to get more comfortable and imagined that I was alone practicing. I was dancing to Shinee's Lucifer which I found was a pretty popular song all over the world. When the song ended, I realized that all of the judges were standing appauding...For me!

"Bravo!" said the lady at the end.

"Yoon Flora I must say you are an amazing dancer!"The guy who I think is Lee SooMan said "I guess we all agree that you are very welcome into SM Entertainment."

"감사합니다 very much" I once again did a 90 degree bow.

"My name is Lee SooMan. Ha! I knew it. Please come back tommorow with your things at 9:30 in the morning and we will take you to your new dorm."

"Okay" I said "Thank you once again!"

"One more thing. Do you by chance know the boy group Exo?"

"Yeah I love Exo!" I replied

"Well thats perfect! We will get you in a group in no time!" 

"Great! Thank you so very much sir." For the last time I did a 90 degree bow.

Wow! I actually got in SM Entertainment. I wonder why he asked me if I know Exo... Well I heard that they were planning and making a girl verison of Exo. I hope nothing bad happens this day Is just to perfect!

Apartment home~


When I got home, I couldn't wait to tell Ai. She was the one who forced me to do this so I guess she will be so proud! I oped the door only to find Ai sitting down with her boyfriend Ryongok. She's been dating him online for a while untill she forced me to move to Korea with her. Now he lives with us and they keep me up all night.

This is Ai




Anyways back to what I was saying, I walked in and closed the door, thinking that they would notice me. But of course,They don't even budge. I went to my room and put my stuff away and took a shower. Once I was done I changed into my pyjamas and packed since I'm moving out. Even though I should be telling Ai that I'm moving out, its best that she has her time with her boyfriend instead of me so I usually don't bother them. After two hours of emptying my close and drawers, I decide med to get some milk and cookies  (which obviously means check on the two lovebirds). When I got to the living room, I realized that Ai was in the bathroom and Ryoungok was still watching TV. I still didn't even bother since I hardly knew Ryongok so I ignored him and went to the kitchen for some banana milk. I sat on the counter like a child and drank my delicous banana milk until Ai came out of the bathroom and ignored me once again and sat on the couch with Ryongok. I still didn't mind at all but it did kind of hurmt my feelings. Come on Flora. For the love! I really hope they hit it off well when I'm gone. They are a cute couple and I wish I was in a relationship like that. Once I finished my banana milk I turned over and saw that they were watching my favorite show. Ai knew I liked that show of course so I don't know why she didn't call me. Well of course her boy friend was there but come on! It was a new episode and thats the only Tv in the house! I decided to sit behind the couch where Ai and Ryongok couldn't see me and I could watch the show. 

Everything was going well and they didn't see me ( even when I giggled), but suddenly, Ai and Ryongok kissed randomly. My mind went completly blank and I just ran off to my room. I could feel my face getting hotter and all I could think of is what there doing now. SLAM! Omo! That sounded like the door closing to Ai's room. Well I guess we all know whats going to happen tonight. I was hoping to get some sleep tonight but hopfully there done by 9pm.


THERE STILL NOT DONE. I need to sleep for pete's sake! I really don't want to bother them but I have to move out tommorow! I have only one choice... I have to tell them to stop. They have been doing this none sense for a while and I always end up being late for work since I can never get sleep! These guys go at it untill 3:00 in the morning most of the times unless they have a fight or something. But I dont hear any shouting so I guess I have to tell them to stop. I pushed myself out of my bed and walked to Ai's room. Knock knock! The banging sound stopped and whispering began. I heard half of what there saying and eventually Ai answered the door.

"Hey whats wrong?" Ai asked with a blanket around her.

"Can you guys just you know... keep it down please? I'm going back to SM tommorow at 9:30 am and I need to sleep."

"Oh we're so sorry. Wait why are you going back to SM?"

"I might have made it in SM Entertainment"


"Yeah, heh heh.Woo."

"Okay sorry about that ... noise. We'll stop good night Flo!" (Flo is Flora's nick name)

"Good night Ai"

WELL THERE YA GO! My very first episode. PLease comment on how I can improve and subscribe!

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