Letters To Bangtan


We're all fans. We're all human. We're happy, sad, and mad, and other things make us happy, sad, and mad. This isn't a story, only my thoughts, but you're welcome to just take a look, even if it's for only a minute.


Hi Everyone

As you can see, it's pretty plain here, but there's a reason. This isn't a story. This isn't a fanfic. There's no connecting plot and there isn't a single character involved, aside from the 7 characters that we've grown to love and appreciate.

Yup. only little ole me here. And you guys.

So why am I writing this in the first place? This is AsianFANFICS. This kind of writing belongs in a blog. However, I didn't want to limit this to a blog, because what I'm thinking now, I can't be the only one thinking it. So I guess you can say that this is my story. Kind of.

Who knows, maybe one day I'll find inspiration to turn it into a story. A different story. But right now, there's only you, and me, and these letters.



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