A Special Kind of Bodyguard

A Special Kind of Bodyguard

Japan. Seoul. Shanghai. Seoul.

They’re home, with finally a few days to breathe before their next schedule demands them to leave Korea for what seems like the thousandth time that year. Minho loves having the free time to do whatever he wants (who doesn’t?) but recently, he doesn’t like the idea of free time. It’s hard for him to enjoy himself when every minute spent away from work is every minute he spends worrying about Kibum.

More often than not, when their schedules are packed to the brim, they don’t even have the time to catch their breath. Let’s face it, they’re almost like robots, going through the same routine guided and supervised by their managers, performing the same songs, same concert over and over again to their fans like the popular idols they are. They don’t have time to dwell on anything before they’re whisked off to their next schedule. It’s only when they’re off-stage, free from schedules that they actually have the time to think, to feel. And that’s what worries Minho the most. He’s most afraid that Kibum will choose to shut himself off from the world as he grieves the loss of his grandmother, just like he did when he first heard the news.

It’s been about an hour since they returned to their dorm when Minho finally feels like he has settled down. He’s all refreshed from a warm shower and happy that he has managed to catch up with his family and friends through the phone and the internet. Left to wonder what Kibum is up to, Minho decides to go check on him. Stepping out of his room, he sees that the door to Kibum’s room is closed. Minho knocks on the door but doesn’t wait for Kibum to give him the green light as he opens it immediately after. Inside, Kibum is sitting on the edge of his bed and staring down at his phone in his hands. He doesn’t move or look away when Minho comes to sit next to him but Kibum does acknowledge Minho’s presence.

“The number…” Kibum begins but doesn’t continue as he bites his bottom lip and closes his eyes.

Instantly, Minho knows he’s trying to stop himself from crying. It kills Minho to see Kibum like this but the fear of making things worse is holding him back from saying anything and causing him to feel so useless. Minho only knows of ways to distract Kibum and make him happy. If only there is something he could do to take the pain away, he wouldn’t have to feel this helpless. But for now, all Minho can do is wrap an arm loosely around Kibum’s waist and pull him into a side hug.

It’s silent between them as Minho rests his chin on Kibum’s shoulder and Kibum leans back into his warmth while he takes the time to compose himself. Minho’s position allows him to see the screen of Kibum’s phone and he finds himself looking at Kibum’s call log. His heart sinks the moment he realises that the last call Kibum made was to his halmeoni.

“The number is not in service…” Kibum mutters, “I knew… but I still called.”

Shifting further back on the bed, Kibum brings his legs up and crosses them as he turns to face Minho.

“It’s like I forget that she…” Kibum breathes in and out, “-she isn’t around anymore.”

Minho mirrors his position, doesn’t say anything, and just simply listens.

“Minho…” Kibum says as he leans forward and drops his head against Minho’s chest, “I miss her so much.”

Minho brings a hand up and gently wraps it around the back of Kibum’s neck, thumb soothingly his skin, as he finally ends his silence.

“Let’s go visit her then.”

“What?” Kibum immediately sits up straight and stares confusedly at Minho, “But that means we have to go back to Daegu and travel out to…”

“I know.” Minho nods, “But you can talk to her… that’s what you wanted to do right? She’ll be listening…”


“I’ll drive.”

Kibum frowns, “Minho, you don’t have to do this…”

“I want to.”

Minho knows Kibum needs this trip back home and more importantly, he doesn’t want Kibum to go back alone.

Kibum shakes his head, “We don’t have the time.”

“We do.” Minho reaches out to cup Kibum’s face, “You even have the time to visit your parents too.”

Kibum falls silent and that’s when Minho knows he’s thinking it through and close to saying yes.

“I could go back alone.” Kibum utters.

“If that’s what you want…”

Minho wants to disagree but he respects what Kibum wants too.

Kibum sighs and holds one of Minho’s hands as he looks down and plays with his fingers.

Minho can tell that Kibum is only saying that because he doesn’t want to trouble him. He can’t help but smile at his boyfriend’s attempt at being nice and thoughtful.

“I’ll go with you.” Minho makes the decision for them, “And if your parents would have me, we could stay the night at your house.”

“Of course they’ll be fine with having you over.”

“Then let’s go, shall we?” Minho tilts Kibum’s chin up and smiles at him, “We should quickly catch the next train out of Seoul.”

“Are we really going to-”

“Yes.” Minho gets off the bed and pulls Kibum up with him, “Come on, let’s pack. Give me 15 minutes to get all my stuff and we can go.”

Minho is about to release Kibum’s hand when Kibum tightens his grip around him and holds him back.

“Yeah?” Minho asks as he turns around and looks at Kibum.

Kibum hesitates for a moment before he says, “Thank you…”

Minho’s smile reaches his eyes, “Since when were you this polite with me?”

In reply, Kibum squeezes Minho’s hand hard enough to make Minho wince in pain and pull his hand out of his grip.

“That hurts.” Minho pouts.

“Then don’t make fun of me.” Kibum simply says before he hurries Minho out of his room, “Go get ready, we should try to reach Daegu before it gets dark.”

As Kibum turns around and gets busy with packing his stuff, Minho smiles defeatedly and returns to his own room.

Minho doesn’t expect to spend his few days of free time like this but he thinks it’s just what Kibum needs. And he’s more than happy to be the one accompanying Kibum back home. It may be late but Minho thinks it’s time for him to assure Kibum’s halmeoni that he will take good care of her grandson.

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Kim_Luxita #1
*sobs* sweetie this was just perfect cause I can totally see Minho being there for Key and knowing exactly what he needs to feel better!!! I hope that with my comments I show how much I love and admire your work!!! You truly are a talented writer and your stories truly make me happy!! *^_^* ❤️
Chapter 1: thank you for wiritng this i was really sadden and shocked by the news and i couldnt imagine how much pain kibum was in :( u really capture kibum's grief and longing yet show how minho knew exactly how to help him :)
Chapter 1: This brought a few tears to my eyes but I really liked this c:
LOCKETflames #4
Chapter 1: i loved the story! i love how minho just knows exactly how to help kibum. c:
btw, do you think you could recommend some of the minkey stories you read that is related to kibum's granny's passing? ;;
the talented minkey writers you mentioned in your foreword. ouo
LOCKETflames #5
Chapter 1: i loved the story! i love how minho just knows exactly how to help kibum. c:
btw, do you think you could recommend some of the minkey stories you read that is related to kibum's granny's passing? ;;
the talented minky writers you mentioned in your foreword. ouo
Chapter 1: It made me tear up a little by just thinking of what Kibum really felt back then when one of the most important persons in his life passed away. He loved her dearly, and her death might probably the worst encounter he has faced. Though broken and crestfallen, he still managed to convince us the day after the 24th that nothing heartbreaking happened on his birthday.
Chapter 1: I still miss my grandma though it's been 11 years already. I bet kibum miss his granny so very much, we all know he loves her so much and I was worried. But kibum the one comforting us when he's the one who need to be comforted.
Chapter 1: That's so sweet ^^