Extra 1

Darling, you fool


Weeks after Seokjin entered the school, during break
"Okay, guys," Namjoon excitedly sits down on the floor in the recording studio. 
"Wait, before you speak, why are we sitting in a circle? I did not sign up for college to join a cult group." 
"Taehyung, this is how most teenage groups sit on the floor." 
"Yeah I'm pretty sure that teenagers are cults. But I'm a cult for muffins," Taehyung beams and fishes out a box of muffins from her bag, placing it in the center of their circle," we can start the sacrifice now." 
"Listen," Namjoon grits his teeth. The rest looks back at him sheepishly. 
"So, right, I won some lottery thing, and the prize is free passes to Adventure Cove." 
"Oh!" Hoseok perks up," it's that water place with the slides and all!" 
"Yep, it's like a water theme park!" Jungkook confirms. 
"And the free passes are for ten people or below," Namjoon adds smugly. 
"Great, let's plan the date and time!" 
"Tomorrow, nine in the morning," Namjoon immediately suggests with a straight face. 
After school 
"Um, Jungkook?" Seokjin walks up to the latter," can I ask you something?" 
Jungkook closes his locker and smiles," sure." 
"I need to buy a swimsuit," Seokjin got straight to the point," I haven't swam since I was eleven." 
"Oh, that's fun! I'll buy one too!" Jungkook exclaims," hey, Hoseok's over there, wanna ask him to come?" 
Seokjin nods, and the both of them walk up the Hoseok, who was coincidentally talking to Taehyung. 
"I'm telling you, Taehyung, I'm sure I cut my balls the other day when I tried to fix the zippe-" 
"Hi Jin!" Taehyung greets cheerfully as they got closer. 
"Hey g-g-guys!" Hoseok almost screams and stutters. 
"Um...hi.." Jungkook tries to ignore that he clearly heard Hoseok's personal problems, and disturbing problems they were. 
"Oh my gosh are your balls okay?" Seokjin worriedly asks, clearly ignorant of how awkward that sounded. 
Taehyung clicks her fingers and points at Seokjin," and that's what I look for in a man." 
"Uh yes, I'm pretty sure, Seokjin hyung," Hoseok said, weirded out," thanks for asking...? I think..." 
"Anyway, Hoseok hyung," Jungkook changed the subject eagerly,"we're gonna buy new swimsuits, you want to come?" 
"It feels like I'm watching white girls shoot the opening of a music video," Taehyung comments. 
"I'll come," Hoseok says," tis the season of new abs, henceforth new swimsuit." Taehyung mutters 'gay' under her breath. No, of course she didn't. She shouted 'GAYYYYYEEEE' right into his eardrums. 
"I want to come!" Taehyung says as she stares at Seokjin with eyes that both Hoseok and Jungkook were a tad creeped out by.
"No," Hoseok says," it's weird and embarrassing." 
"Aw come on!" Taehyung whines," Jimin and Yoongi have projects to do! I'm bored!" 
"I don't see why she can't come with us," Seokjin shrugs nonchalantly. Taehyung brightens. 
"Well, mister, you should see it before she devours your whole body with her eyes," Hoseok hisses, over dramatic. 
"Hey. You're exaggerating. And the author wants to keep this pg," Jungkook says lightly. 
"Come on, Hoppie," Taehyung teases, using Yoongi's nickname for him. Hoseok immediately turns red," you could use a girl's perspective. Huh? How about it? I know what Yoongi likes~" 
"...Okay fine. Just don't cause a public nuisance." 
"I can't promise you anything there, sweetie." 
"Imma tell you a secret," Taehyung coaxes Hoseok to come nearer to her. Just to let you know, they were in the subway, where there were quite a few people. 
"Come closer, you idiot," Taehyung beckons. When Hoseok finally does, Taehyung grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up, exposing Hoseok's - he wasn't lying - toned abs. 
"Hm...very nice...and you even have a V line! I love V lines. Like V from Bangt-" 
Hoseok shrieks octaves higher than his normal voice and quickly pulled his shirt back down. Other commuters stared at them and his sudden outburst. 
"I am not with them," Jungkook says hollowly. 
"Why did you do that?!" Hoseok hissed. 
"Yoongi likes V lines," Taehyung says coolly," and you have it. We can start right away and get a low-cut swim trunks." 
"I want to crawl in a hole and die..." Hoseok groans, hiding his embarrassed face in Seokjin's shirt. 
"Don't flirt with Seokjin like that!" Taehyung snaps, and tugs the boy away. 
They arrived at the shopping mall and bolted immediately to the nearest place they saw the word SWIMWEAR. The girl at the cashier looked at the three boys, interested. 
"Hi! Welcome!" She batts her eyelashes," anything I can do to help you?" 
"Yeah, screw the off," this time Taehyung did mutter under her breath. 
Soon, Jungkook was first shoved with a bunch of swimming trunks recommended by Taehyung. He literally staggered into a changing room with the mountain of trunks. 
"I'll make Jimin have a !" Taehyung declares ecstatically. 
"She's a girl, Tae."
"You never know, Seokkie." 
After a few minutes, Jungkook does come out first in black trunks with a pattern of white streaks across it. 
"Don't stare!" Jungkook squeaks.
Seokjin and Hoseok looked at Jungkook in awe. Their younger friend looked amazing. 
Taehyung snapped photos. 
"I'm gonna crop it and show Jimin only your face to your shoulders to !" She cackles at what a taunting idea she had. 
Yes, Jungkook looked nice. Too nice, until the cashier girl started to hover around their group as they critiqued Jungkook's body. 
"Umm, I wouldn't go for that guy, honey," Taehyung finally got enough of the cashier's extraness and pointed at Jungkook," he's got this girlfriend boyfriend thing with my friend....and she's a total nutcase, oh yeah she's a savage sHE JUMPED OUT OF THE SCHOOL WINDOW ONCE THROUGH THE BROKEN GLASS, SISTER."
"Noona..!" Jungkook flushed," she isn't like that!" 
"You like a psycho, Jungkook," Taehyung replies," believe me." 
But the cashier just shrugged. 
"I bet the other two are nice too," she says to Taehyung cattily, soft enough for only the orange haired girl to hear, and boy did the orange hair girl see red. 
"Okay, um, woman," Taehyung retorts," that guy with the horse face? He's already in a relationship. Sort of. His girlfriend is kinda confused. And the other guy over there with the beautiful face? He's mine. Back the out." 
"Stop arguing with the poor girl," Jungkook pulled Taehyung away, embarrassed. The cashier furrowed her eyebrows, unable to comprehend the threat. 
"Try this, Jin," Hoseok gives him a red swimming trunks and pushed him into one of the changing cubicles. Seokjin wordlessly started to his pants when the curtain parted with gusto. Seokjin screamed. 
"How are these?" Jungkook grinned, ignoring Seokjin's horrified face. He held up dark blue trunks. 
Seokjin snatched them and swiped the curtain close. He was clearly aware that his underwear was exposed and that cute nice girl, Taehyung, saw it and stared back at him with her jaw dropped. 
Seokjin placed both hands against the big wall mirror and hung his head low, turning beetroot red. He didn't even know why he was so embarrassed. Last time a girl saw his underwear was in 8th Grade. His friend pantsed him and a girl saw. She kept texting him afterwards. That incident was embarrassing, but Seokjin had never felt that much heat rushing to his cheeks until now. 
"It's because you're a grown man now," Seokjin told himself," get over it." 
He tried on Hoseok's recommended red one and stared at his reflection. He wasn't sure....was he supposed to show them his bare chest? That's what Hoseok and Jungkook did....Do they feel no shame in front of Taehyung? 
Whatever. Seokjin stepped out and nervously waited for Hoseok and Jungkook's criticism. 
Instead, he was greeted by their awed faces. The both of them had their eyes wide and jaws dropped. 
"D-D-Do you work out?" Hoseok manages to get out. 
"No...?" Seokjin answers. 
"Then how did you get this damn body?!" Jungkook hoots," teach me your ways, hyung!" 
"Red looks good on you," Hoseok says," lets get red." 
"Wait! He hasn't tried my blue one yet!" Jungkook whined. 
"Um, where's Taehyung?" Seokjin asked in a small voice. He hoped she wasn't here because he's sure he can't look at her in the eye again. 
"She went to buy doughnuts," Hoseok grinned," man, imagine her face if she was here!" 
"Try the blue one!" Jungkook pushed Seokjin back. 
"He's an art piece," Jungkook sighs," Da Vinci would cry tears." 
"I agree. But he looks better in red." 
"....Blue. Look at him." 
"I...I think both is fine either way..." Seokjin tries to in," so please don't figh-" 
"Red. The colour of blood." 
"Blue. The colour of the sea." 
"I'm not really into that..." Seokjin bites his lip worriedly. The fight was heating up. 
"Red. He's gonna buy the red one." Hoseok sneers and steps closer to Jungkook. 
"Blue," Jungkook frowns and goes eye-to-eye with Hoseok. 
"Hi guys- wow..." Taehyung came back with bags in hand, just to drop them when she looked at the sight before her. 
"Taehyung please don't look," Seokjin covered his eyes with his hands. 
"Taehyung! Red or blue?" Hoseok grabbed her left arm. 
"Blue. So blue right?" Jungkook grabbed her other arm. 
"I'm attracted," she just says with dreamy eyes, and Seokjin fidgets uncomfortably under her glance. 
They were going to walk out of the shopping mall when Taehyung spotted two people. 
"Isn't that Jimin and Yoongi...?" 
Hoseok and Jungkook perked up immediately and saw the two girls sitting at a open cafe, talking animatedly. Before Taehyung could even say 'desperate es', they zoomed all the way there.  
That left Seokjin and Taehyung with all the shopping bags in their hands, watching the two run their way to the shocked girls. 
"We should probably follow them." 
"Yeah," Seokjin trailed off and paused," hey. You need help with those?" He looks pointedly at the amount of bags Taehyung was carrying. 
"I'm fine," Taehyung smiles. And Seokjin starts having this uneasy feelings. He doesn't know why, but its a feeling that crawled on his skin and made him shudder inwardly. Taehyung usually smiles really big and brightly, but that smile was so soft and pretty. 
....Nah. Its the cold, Seokjin laughs to himself. The shopping mall was really chilly. 
"Seokjin? Are you okay?" Taehyung's voice snaps him out. 
"I'm good." 
"Today was fun," Taehyung hums happily. 
Seokjin doesn't understand when his heart squeezes in his chest. 
a/n: uhmhmhm this is just an extra chapter idek it just happened. but ah ha Seokjin is not so clueless anymore..! ok still clueless he doesn't know what's feelings. this was just for fun so don't hurt me if it alright. the next one should come and its full on love triangle baby 
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Chapter 4: I JUST CAN'T
Chapter 2: omg he is so clueless I CANNOT
anna1128 #3
Chapter 4: you should consider to continue this fic, it's really great. i'm enjoying the all chapters especially with tae's behavior.
churroseventeen #4
Chapter 4: Jungkook and Hoseok fighting over red and blue was pretty hilarious XD Update soon please~
blacksmirk #6
Chapter 4: I'm wondering when will you update this fic, authornim? Hehe ^u^
ManlyJeon_1997 #7
Chapter 1: ... This made me like Taejin. Hahaha xD

Update soon please.
sapphire0taku #8