Baking with Love
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Seunghyun walked into the room quietly and saw Jiyong curled up on the bed with tears stained along his cheeks, fast asleep. He slid onto the bed before wrapping Jiyong in his embrace; placing light kisses on the crown of his head.

“Don’t hate me, don’t stop loving me.” He could hear soft murmurs from the younger. He pulled Jiyong even closer to him, resting his head on top of his lover’s, whispering sweet nothings. He felt tears on his cheeks, to find out Jiyong was crying again.

“Shhhh baby… don’t cry please.”

“You hate me, don’t you, Hyun?” Jiyong paused before continuing. “I can never give you a child of your own. I can never do that. I’m such a loser. I can’t give you anything.”

“Jiyong. Listen to me. You’re not a loser. You’re giving me everything. Just your love for me alone is sufficient, you know? I love you dearly.”

“I hope you wouldn’t hate me, I hope you wouldn’t leave me.”

“I love you. I will never stop telling you that I love you.”



Jiyong chewed his fingers nervously while waiting outside the clinic again. The queasy feeling in his stomach had yet to go away and he was quite certain it wasn’t food poisoning anymore. He laced his fingers with Seunghyun’s, looking at the older before turning away to calm himself down. What if it’s something serious?

“Jiyong, Kwon. Room 805.” The couple stood up, walking towards the doctor’s room before a nurse stopped them.

“I’m sorry, Mister. Only the patient is allowed to be in there.” Seunghyun nodded and placed a kiss on Jiyong’s forehead before taking a step back.

“I’ll wait for you here.”


5 minutes turned into 30 minutes. Seunghyun had no idea what was happening behind the door, but he prayed for nothing serious to happen. He stood up immediately when he heard the door unlocked. He saw Jiyong coming out from the room looking even more nervous than before.

“Seunghyun, the doctor said she wants to talk to you.” Seunghyun saw the redness in Jiyong’s eyes and the tears threatening to fall off.

“What is it, Doctor?” Seunghyun clasped Jiyong’s hand with his, holding them in place on Jiyong’s thigh. He felt Jiyong constantly fidgeting on his seat, glancing in his direction once every 3 seconds. He watched the doctor’s eyebrows knit while looking at the papers.

“You must be Mr Kwon’s husband?” Seunghyun felt his cheeks reddened as he shook his head slightly.

“Oh! How may I address you?”

“Just Seunghyun will do.”

“So, Seunghyun, I told Jiyong earlier, this is something we’ve never encountered before. But we will try our best to help you both. This 35 weeks will be tough for you both, but you both have to stay strong.” 


Seunghyun widened his eyes with fear.

“What do you mean Jiyong only has 35 weeks to live?!? How can this be, Doctor?! Is this curable, can you make it go away? I love him so much, Doctor! I can’t live without him! You have to save him!”

He heard Jiyong’s soft chuckles at the side, before he noticed the grin on the doctor’s face.

“You’re so silly, Hyun. The doctor meant it in a good way. 35 weeks.”

Seunghyun had no idea what was Jiyong talking. There is a good way?

“In other words,” Jiyong leaned closer towards Seunghyun’s ear before whispering.

“You’re going to be a Daddy.”


It took Seunghyun a full minute to grasp whatever Jiyong said. He looked at Jiyong before turning to the doctor, who gave him a nod in agreement.

“OH MY GOD! I’m going to be a Daddy? How is this even possible!”

“Like I said earlier, this is one of the rare cases. You can say, it’s an early Christmas present from God. Jiyong, I’m going to give you some vitamins, make sure you take them daily. Remember not to do any vigorous activity.”

Seunghyun did not catch anything the doctor said. Instead, he looked at Jiyong with a small smile while squeezing the younger’s hand tightly in his.



8th week.

Seunghyun rested his head against the headboard with Jiyong beside him. It's been a couple of weeks since they both found out they're expecting a baby, but it still felt so surreal.

“Seunghyun? What are you thinking?”

“I’m so happy. You’re giving me such a wonderful present. It feels so unreal.”

“Oh Hyunie…” Seunghyun felt a bite on his right earlobe, letting out a soft yelp.

“What was that for!”

“So that you know this is real.”

“I love you Jiyong. I love you so much I’m going to marry you and make you a Choi.” Jiyong blushed at Seunghyun’s confession. He wouldn't deny that he was slightly disappointed in the clinic a couple weeks ago when the doctor asked if Seunghyun was his husband, but after hearing Seunghyun's thoughts, he felt overwhelmed.

“You don’t have to, Hyun… You don’t have to marry me because of the baby…” Deep down in his heart, he wished for Seunghyun to marry him. He couldn’t wait to for Seunghyun to be his husband; to be able to spend the rest of his life together with Seunghyun.

“I'm not marrying you only because of the baby. I will marry you because I want to, Jiyong. And I will.”



12th week.

Seunghyun jumped onto the couch beside Jiyong.

“It’s Daddy and Baby’s secret time!”

Jiyong anticipated eagerly, wanting to join in, only to get rejected.

“Cover your ears, Jiyong!”

“I’m the daddy too!”

Jiyong knew he lost the argument. He reluctantly covered his ears, watching Seunghyun inched closer towards the barely visible baby bump.

He watched Seunghyun talk for a while, before moving his hands away slightly from his ears.

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Bianca_MSP #1
Adoro mpreg
Chapter 2: I wouldn't call myself a huge fan of mpreg, but this is definitely one of my favourites. It's so precious and sweet and I'm craving for more like a little child! Thank you.
Isse95 #3
A very sweet ff
anonymoux #4
Chapter 2: I read your sequel first before this, but this is too sweet! (:
Chapter 3: Omg this is so precious!
Chapter 2: I enjoyed this story, thank you (:
Chapter 2: so cute!:) thank you for sharing!:)
g_topx #9
Chapter 2: sequel please~ i love this