The Truth. Chapter 3. Part 2.

The Truth-A Sonic the Hedgehog Story.

Here's Part 2 sorry that I did not get to this from earlier, Hmph! If you know what I mean -_-' but anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 3. Part 2.

Sonic blinked twice in order to comprehend what this strange woman was saying. "My Past? What is it about that I need to know?" Stretching out her hand, and nodded slowly for him to take it, the blue hedgehog didn't hesitate as she lead the way, all the way back to 16 years ago.

"Close your eyes, and take a deep breath, the truth will come to you..." Saying her final words, The Spirit of Ice slowly faded away leaving him to reveal the mystery.

16 Years Ago... 3220...

Northern Tundra...

The blizzard... One of the most disastrous weather changing climates anyone had ever experience in their lives. Mobians of every shape, size, and color quickly ran for cover in their temporary homes away from the attacks, the same vicious attacks that started the Great War leaving them to seek shelter on various parts of the planet they could find possible. All because of one evil, malicious, and conniving human being known to man and that was Julius Robotnik who wanted to rule like it was his own to begin with having no remorse for his unnecessary actions what-so-ever.

Two hedgehogs were in their nice, warm igloo. The female purple hedgehog with blonde hair was fixing up some soup,while the male blue one with brown hair was reading his newspaper disgusted by the current events which were about the evil scientist taking in mobians to Robotropolis to have them roboticized to become his slaves. Clenching his teeth, he rowed the paper sending it flying to the waste basket.

"I cannot take this anymore. So many lives lost and so many lost their freedom all because of this...tyrant! Who is indeed guilty for what he is putting us through!" Stopping mid-way from mixing, the female, known as Bernadette walked over to her husband giving him a well-deserved hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Now Jules, don't be so angry, he might have taken the souls of many, but deep down, they still have their pride and dignity that they will forever have, and cherish to hold near. I know this has been rough on you since this whole mess was evolved but we need to focus on the good in order to battle the outcome of what's going to happen." Jules smiled giving his wife a peck on the lips. "You're right dear, sorry that I blew up a bit; you do have a point. What we truly need is a miracle that will help see us through everything and to help us surpass in life." 

Later that night, Bernie sent him out to get some firewood for them to have another warm night together. Deep in the forest, he was busy using his most trusted axe chopping away to make sure they were wide, and sturdy enough. With the cutting instrument raised high up in the air, he could hear a wailing cry not too far from where he was. The axe was held tightly in his hands for protection as he got nearer and nearer towards the bawling sound; what he saw, shocked him more than 20 SwatBots.

There, in the corner of a tree trunk, laid a new-born baby blue hedgehog who was wrapped up in a blue blanket for warmth. His tiny peach colored arms waved frantically around, tears were pouring down his chubby cheeks as a Platinum colored force field shield protected him from the frigid bone-chilling winds. No words could describe how Jules felt at the moment; he was asking himself a million questions all at one time. How did this infant get here? Where were his parents? And who would leave a baby this tiny alone in the cold? So many thoughts wounded up in his head to the point, he felt slightly dizzy then, he made the ultimate decision.

Slowly picking the tiny animal up from its resting area. He rocked him back and forth in a gentle and calm manner. 

"There, There, no need to be afraid it's okay I've got you you're safe with me. Come on stop those tears, and let's see a smile okay little guy?" Slowly opening his eyes, which appeared to be the most twinkling emerald green anyone has ever seen before, he formed a tiny smile and without thinking, he tried his best efforts to touch his cheeks making the elder hedgehog smile seeing this sweet and innocent little miracle whom he was holding as he nuzzled his cheek.

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