The Truth. Chapter 3.

The Truth-A Sonic the Hedgehog Story.

Here's Chapter 3 ;)

Chapter 3.

Snoring erupted through the room as Sonic laid on his back snoozing away. He started to toss and turn hoping to find a more comfortable spot but no matter how many times he tried, it was no use.

"Sonic... Sonic..." A voice called out faintly. "Sonic... Awaken..." It said again as the cerulean hedgehog slowly opened his orbs realizing that he was not in his bedroom anymore; instead, he was in an all white background looking around his surroundings wanting to find out where he was. "Sonic..." "Who said that? Who's there?" He answered up in an instant wanting to know where the voice was coming from.

"It's me Sonic... Do not be afraid...I'm here..." "Where here? I can't see you." Just then, a swift of a hand signaled him to look behind and standing before him, made his entire body look frozen.

There, stood a tall woman with her entire figure as white as snow bearing ever-flowing platinum blonde hair that flowed gracefully in the calming winds that sparkled so greatly and majestically that it literally blinded him as Sonic shielded his eyes. Her outfit consisted of a long flowing platinum dress so long that her feet were not present. Around her neck, laid a silver necklace with the pendant in the shape of a snowflake; she smiled warmly at him.

"Greetings Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, I am Eirwyn, The Spirit of Ice, I have come to you to guide you on your journey." Sonic looked up at her in confusion. "Okay, first of all, how did you know my name? And second, what kind of journey are you talking about anyway?" 

"The journey is to discover the secret...of your past.

Look out for Part 2.

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