Open the Door


You woke up to the smell of bacon, scrunching your nose; you realized that someone was cooking. The first feeling you had was fear, what if a robber was in the house? But wait then why would they be cooking bacon, let alone at 6am in the morning. Then you felt relieved, because there’s only one person who would be in the house right now at 6am making food. You jumped out of bed and quietly made your way down the stairs.

“Sehyuk-ah… is that you?” you yelled out as you made your way to the kitchen. The sound of movement finally stopped and that made you curious. You started walking faster and as you turned the corner, P-Goon popped up in front of your face.

“Holy hell Sehyuk, I almost punched you!” you screamed at his face. He just started laughing hard and did nothing but point at you.

“You should’ve seen your face oh my God, want me to recreate it for you?” he taunted you as he walked towards the dining table. You frowned hard and just gave P-Goon a dirty look. He smiled mischievously at you while munching on a piece of toast.

“Come on, I made breakfast for you~ I know how much you like strawberry jam on your toast so I made it into a sandwich.” He smiled as he presented the ever-so-full plate of food in your face. You glanced at the clock and groaned. It was only 6:10am.

“Jesus Sehyuk do you know what time it is right now? Normal humans don’t wake up at this time to make breakfast, they are usually still in bed sleeping.” You answered him, annoyed that he would wake you at this time. His smile faded and was easily replaced with a pout.

“Hey, I made the effort to make breakfast okay. At least have some of it please~” He pleaded, and let’s be honest how can you turn down that adorable pout. You sighed in defeat and gave him a smile.

“Fine… just because you’re so damn cute and pouting makes you look like a pig.” You laughed as you pulled the plate towards you and picked up a fork. P-Goon immediately shot up from his chair and hugged you before you could even put a piece of the egg in your mouth.

“You’re the best you know that? You’re smart, pretty, funny, understanding, pretty, did I mention smart already? See this is why I refuse to let my friends come over.” He whispered into your hair as he hugged you.

“Why not? Your friends are hilarious Hyuk-ah, specially the tall one with the curly hair.” You answered back at him.

“Gohn? Yeah no he isn’t going anywhere near you now, I sense the favoritism.” He replied with a frown.

“Jeez, keep frowning and you’ll look like an old man sooner than you think.” You answered as you gave him a light push, signaling that you wanted to eat your breakfast.

“When you’re done wait for me in the living room okay, I have a surprise for you~ and I promise you are gonna love it” He smiled and walked towards the storage room by the door. You were curious about this surprise because knowing him, it could be anything. You finally finished the breakfast and waited for him in the living room. It was a bit colder than you expected, so you took the blanket that was draped over the couch and wrapped yourself burrito-style into the warm blanket.

You heard shuffling and looked up to see Sehyuk holding a bouquet and a giant white teddy bear. He gave you the biggest smile and handed them to you. The only feeling going through your body was shock. Has he gone crazy? First, making breakfast and now the bouquet and teddy bear.

“Yah Park Sehyuk, have you gone insane? First you wake me up at 6am to eat breakfast, and then you show up with flowers and a teddy bear. Is there a special occasion I missed? Did you do something that I don’t know about?” you slowly started to interrogate him and all he did was stand and laugh. He took a seat beside you and hugged your waist, and buried his head in the crook of your neck. You started to feel stiff; he usually never did these kinds of things unless it was special day or he did something wrong and this was usually the ‘calm before the storm’.

“I just wanted to make you feel appreciated… You wake up early every day to go to work; sometimes you even skip breakfast, and come home late. You work so hard every day and I feel like I don’t do enough to say thank you. So this is my thank you, for everything.” He whispered as he held on to you tighter. Your heart was beating hard and your face was RED. He was a sweetheart, but this was new. Your heart warmed at the thought he had and the effort he put into doing all this. You put down the roses and the teddy bear on the floor, and turned to give him a hug.

“You idiot, I work hard for us and you just being there for me is more than enough. Now can we just go back to sleep? It’s like 7am right now and it’s a Saturday, have some pity on people who are tired.” You laughed as you gave him a kiss on the cheek. His face lit up and he stood up from the couch with a grin.

“Yes ma’am, whatever you say.” He replied as he carried you bridal style and made his way into your room with a huge grin on his face. Sometimes he gets under your skin, but when he does, it just makes you love him even more. And sometimes it makes you want to just give him a good kick in the face.


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Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! Thanks you so much, it was absolutely ADORABLE! Very touching and everything, like getting kicked in the feels. Thanks you!!!!!! :)
Chapter 1: Very fluffy and heart-felt (in a good way, don't worry)! :)
I don't know if I can do this, so feel free to completely dismiss my comment, but if I could, I would like to ask if Seogoong or P-Goon could be next. NO PRESSURE IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE PLANNED!
Keep writing and have a great day...! :)