Say It


You were at home preparing for your night out with your boyfriend. Well, your secret boyfriend. Why secret you ask? Let’s just say he’s an idol, and he is pretty fresh in the entertainment industry. But to him, not even his career or his company can keep him away from you. Although you hate that he has it this way, he managed to keep your relationship a secret. You stared at the mirror and gave yourself a small smile. You were dressed in a simple white blouse with black shorts and some tan wedges.

“This should be enough… Don’t want to draw attention anyways.” You said to yourself as you grabbed your bag and left your house with confidence.

It took about an hour but you finally got to where you needed to be. As you took a step out of the bus, you wondered if this was a good idea. Looking around, you finally saw him. You laughed a little to yourself seeing his silly outfit. A bucket hat didn’t suit him at all but what can you do. He ran up to you and immediately lifted you up and spun you around.

“Yaaah! Gyun-ah don’t do that!! Your hat will fall off and people will see you!” You yelled at him.

He gave you the goofiest smile, and fixed his hat. He took your hand and led you into the park. It was a little late at night but neither of you cared. It was beautiful out and both of you didn’t want to waste this chance. He held your hand to a hill where you saw a blanket, pillows, candles and a basket laid out. You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself at how much he tried. Both of you sat down on the blanket, and he started to nervously scratch the back of his head.

“Well?... What do you think?” He looks at you with nervousness. You smiled at him and give him the biggest hug.

“Oh Kim Sanggyun, you’re such a softie. I love that you prepared this for us, even though you’re so busy.” You gave him a soft smile. A-Tom turned a bright red, and he returned your hug.

“Anything to make you smile, ja-gi-ya~”  He cooed into your ear. You slightly jumped at how close he was and ended up falling back, holding on to A-Tom as you fell. You looked up and noticed how much closer he was to your face. You took this opportunity to run your finger down cheeks and his nose.

“You really are good-looking Gyun-ah.” You told him. He frowned and hugged your waist and dug his head into the crook of your neck. You were shocked at the slight skinship he showed, but you accepted it anyways.

A-Tom sighed into your neck, and you looked down at him.

“What’s wrong Gyun-ah?” You asked him in a worried tone.

“I’m sorry we have to keep meeting like this… I’m sorry I can’t be with you all the time… I’m sorry I don’t make as much as time for you… I’m sorry we’re a secret…” He mumbled as he tried to bury himself into your neck again. You lightly laughed and shook your head.

“Kim Sanggyun, I am happy the way we are. I am happy with how everything is, no matter what the circumstances are because we have each other.” I reassured him. He hugged me tighter and soon after, he fell asleep. You his hair and held him closer.

“Pabo… I would never leave, even if things get harder. That just means we need to work harder to keep us together.” You whispered as you both fell asleep under the moonlight. Nothing can ever beat the time he makes for you. Whether it be an hour, or even 5 minutes, Sanggyun will always treasure the time you two have together.


AHHHHHH okay so that was the first chapter. I know it wasn't as strong, so please leave your comments below and let me know what you think.

Please and thank youuu :3

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Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! Thanks you so much, it was absolutely ADORABLE! Very touching and everything, like getting kicked in the feels. Thanks you!!!!!! :)
Chapter 1: Very fluffy and heart-felt (in a good way, don't worry)! :)
I don't know if I can do this, so feel free to completely dismiss my comment, but if I could, I would like to ask if Seogoong or P-Goon could be next. NO PRESSURE IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE PLANNED!
Keep writing and have a great day...! :)