Chapter 5: Goodbye


A.N: So you may or may not have noticed, but I made a couple careless plotholes in the last two chapters, which I just managed to resolve: please note that Krystal's best friends are Wendy and YOUNG-JI, not Raina, and that Jong-dae hasn't left yet, like I wrote he had at the end of chapter 2 (I've changed it now). I just figured that changing the earlier chapters to accomodate the plotholes would be the easiest solution. So with that out of the way, enjoy!


I cried so much that evening that I fell asleep almost the second my head hit the pillow. I dreamed weird, vivid dreams, which is apparently something that happens when you're pregnant, and didn't do much to ease my mind when I woke up the next morning.

It was about five minutes after I had gotten up that I remembered my meeting with Jong-dae in the park- and realised that he hadn't given me a time. Idiot, I thought, somewhat sadly.

I unplugged my phone from it's charger and sent a quick message to Jong-dae asking when he wanted to meet me. The reply came about thirty seconds later: 9 o'clock.

I checked the time- it was eight. I was out the door in about thirty minutes, having taken a shower, gotten dressed and eaten breakfast. I'd nearly skipped it, but then my growling stomach had reminded me that I was eating for two now.

I walked fairly slowly to the park, wanting a bit of time to think before my meeting with Jong-dae. Should I tell him? I thought as I walked, unconsciously placing a hand on my flat stomach, and then taking it off again once I realised what I was doing. 

I still hadn't really given much thought as to what I wanted to do with the baby- if it even lasted 12 weeks, that is. It's a harsh thought, I know, but the first three months of any pregnancy are the most dangerous, and I knew this well. Maybe it was because of this knowledge that I had been slightly more careful when showering and getting dressed that morning.

Eventually, I arrived at the park, where I saw Jong-dae leaning against a tree- the one which we had our first kiss next to, I noticed. Those had been much, much simpler times.

I tentatively approached him. "Jong-dae?"

His head snapped up, and he gave me a strained, thin-lipped smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Oh, hey Krystal."

I walked up to him. "So...what did you want to talk to me about?"

He sighed, looking down at the ground for a second. Then he took a deep breath, looked up at me and said, "I'm leaving."

There was a moment of silence. Then I said, "...what? Where to?"


"Japan- why?"

I saw the hint of a blush on his face as he swivelled his eyes away from mine and said, shyly, "My parents found some...magazines under my mattress and...they weren't very happy."

I remembered his panicked scramble on the day that I had gone round to his house to carry out my stupid plan, and the rustling sound when I had sat down on his bed. So that's what that was... I thought to myself.

"But...but I don't understand," I said, sweating slightly, "I thought we had kicked this thing!"

"...I lied to you," he confessed guiltily, "You had tried so hard to help me, and I realised how much I meant to you, so...I just couldn't let you down like that. And now I'm being sent to live with my aunt." I noticed his eyes getting redder, "I'm so sorry, Krystal."

I don't know why, but I didn't feel all that shocked. Maybe it was just because I was still recovering from the discovery of the existence of our child, I don't know, but-

Our child.

I couldn't tell him. Not now, not when he had just told me that he was leaving- it would be too much of a burden on him, knowing that the girlfriend he was being forced to leave because he was gay was having his child because she'd tried to degayify him (God, our lives are messed up)!

I looked down at my feet. "When are you leaving?"

"In an hour. My parents are probably freaking out right now," he said, with the faint hint of a smirk in his quiet voice.

Unable to stop myself, I threw my arms around him, and let the tears fall. I felt his arms lock around me too, and we just stood there for a few minutes, crying into each other's shoulders, me more obviously than him. Eventually we tore ourselves away from each other.

"Well, we can still text and call each other, right?" I asked him, sniffling.

"My parents took away my phone," he said, hopelessly.

"Well...what about email then? You know my email address, right?" 

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged. "I just...God, I can't believe this is happening..." He wiped his face angrily with his hand and sniffed.

"Email me the moment you get there, you hear me? The moment."

He nodded quickly, with a tearful smile on his face.

"And...and say 'konichiwa' to your aunt for me!" My voice was still quivering, but I didn't care, and I knew that I was just trying to find reasons to keep talking to him, but I couldn't let him go. Not just yet. 

I went up to him and hugged him one last time. "I love you," I said, "Whether you like boys or girls, whether you live here or in Japan...I just love you, so much."

He hugged me back, "I love you too, Krys. And I always will. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny, kind girl in the world and no matter what happens from now on, I want you to remember that, okay?"

I nodded, sniffling again, "Okay. I will."

And then we released each other, let go of each other's hands, and turned around to walk away in the opposite directions. When I had walked a few steps, I turned around to watch him. A second later, he did the same thing. We waved at each other, both desperately holding back tears, and then turned around again to walk away. 

I knew that I would rather have a thousand litres of blood drawn from my body with the longest, most horrible-looking needle imaginable, than go through the torture of saying goodbye to him.


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Chapter 9: I don't really like the idea of Krystal being pregnant, BUT, aside of that, the story has been great!
I honestly visited & read this story bcoz I was browsing through "Wendy" & "Krystal" tags, hoping that this story would have "Wendy×Krystal" pairing/couple storyline.
But I guess this isn't a Wendy×Krystal fic, right? Hehe..
But I don't dislike the idea of Suho×Krystal, bcoz I personally like Suho, out of all EXO members.
Can't wait for the update~ ^^
hwaleemin #2
Is this a kryber story??!! Author??
Chapter 7: don't mind me here casually waiting for amber to show up OTL
Chapter 6: Poor Soojung.
I got a watch, cute shirts, pretty purse, money, and a guitar!
Chapter 5: Aww she should've told him? Now what gonna happen authornim?
Chapter 4: Great chapter. Poor Soojungie. I hope you get better!
Chapter 3: This story is very entertaining. I was never a fan of pregnancy stories but I find this funny. Keep it up!
tikdoltok #8
Chapter 2: OMG! This is so awkward, but i love it!
Hey everyone- quick update, my schedule will hopefully be once a week, at least while I'm at school, and they'll probably be on the weekend since I just get soooo much homework during the week (we're talking 2 hours a day here). Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me!
Chapter 1: I really didn't expect it!!!! Gay??? Oh god, Jongdae-yah!!!!!!!!!