New Stigma's

Kaze No Stigma

''Yah, get up. If you want to eat breakfast, you best wake up.'' a young man says, shaking his room mate. He groaned, pulling the covers over his head.

''Five more minutes, hyung.'' he mumbled. The elder rolled his eyes and snatched the covers off.

''Up now, if you not up when I'm done in the bathroom, I'm leaving without you.'' The elder says, heading toward the bathroom door.

'Maybe I should just skip breakfast.' the younger thought. After abut two more minutes he came out the bathroom and sighed.

''Whatever, see you later Myungsoo. Don't complain when we're training.'' the elder says, leaving the room. The younger blows a rasberry.

''Why was I cursed with a nagging hyung like him?'' he mumbled to himself.



''Aish hyung, what took you so long?'' a raven haired man asks. The elder sighs.

''Myungsoo, such a curse to have as your younger brother.'' 

''It can't be that bad. At least you have a brother...alive.'' he whispered the last part, but the other heard it.

''Mianhae Woohyun, I-''

''No need to apologize Gyu-hyung. I'm just, overly sensitive. Next question, you know her?'' he asks, pointing at a table, a few tables down. It was full of girls, chattering and what not.

''Um...which one are we talking about?'' Sunggyu asks, squinting his eyes.

''The one with the curly short hair, shes short, next to Taeyeon.'' Woohyun says. Taeyeon is Sunggyu's girlfriend, and has been like that for the past four years.

''Sunny? Of course I know her. She's Taeyeons bestfriend.'' Sunggyu replies, sipping his orange juice.

''She's totally into me.'' Woohyun says, confidently. Sunggyu chokes on his juice.

''What makes you so sure?'' the elder asks. Woohyun scoffs.

''Trust me, I can tell. She thinks arguing with me hides her feelings, and besides its already been rumored.'' Sunggyu sighs and then laughs.

''Whatever oh so 'Greasy-Nam-Prince'.''

''Just watch, a little more grease and flirting and we'll be two pea's in a pod.'' Woohyun says, not taking his eyes away from her.

''You hate pea's.'' Sunggyu states.

''And I'm about to hate you if you don't just shut up and go with the flow.'' he hisses.

''You can't talk to me like that, I'm your hyung and you can't hate me. I'm your best friend.''

''Don't hold your breath.'' 

''Sunggyu, Woohyun hyungs!'' a cheery voice called. Before the two could register who called them, a young boy came in between the two.

''Yah Sungjong-ah! What do you want?'' Woohyun asks. The feminine boy pouts.

''No need to be so rude.'' Sungjong says, crossing his arms. Suddenly, the whole cafeteria rushed out, crowding the exit.

''Whats going on?'' Sunggyu asks. Sungjong puts his arms around the two.

''And that my hyungs, is why I came over here. We have new stigma's!'' Sungjong announced. Immediately, Woohyun and Sunggyu got up and ran into the crowd.

''Aish, those two.'' Sungjong mumbles. He follows them into the crowd and they squeeze their way through. The three were near the front and saw what was going on. At the front doors, were a bunch of Stigma's running around everywhere and in the center of all that was two rolled in exam beds with young women on them. On was shorter with messy blonde hair with black streaks. The other was taller and her hair was short and messy. Both's clothes were torn up and dirty. Both their faces were scratched up and bloody.

''Damn, wonder what they've been through.'' Woohyun says.

''Yeol-hyung, Yoona-noona, and I snuck to the roof again and we saw a bunch of kazes surrounding the area. I read one of their minds and it looks like they discovered new stigma's.'' Sungjong explains.

''You three are going to get caught one of these days, along with my stupid brother.'' Sunggyu says. The younger jusrt shrugs.

''By the way, where is L-hyung?''









Sorry for the slowest updates in the world. I promise I never stop thinking about this. Anyways, comment, subscribe, and upvote! Love to all!


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Nadyangela #1
Chapter 1: Seems very interesting and unique :3
Update soon please ~~~
oh and i'm waiting for Tae's appereance XD
nightgrimmies #2
At first when i read ur story's title i thought maybe the storyline is gonna be inspired by an anime of the same name.i couldn't have been more wrong! But having read the foreword i was reminded of elfen lied 4 some reason despite the two stories being essentially v.different.i guess the similarity comes in the part with unique specimens having supernatural abilities, an organisation wanting 2 use dat 2 meet their evil ends n ofcourse a lab sending ppl 2 capture these 'stigma' in ur case. I'll be really excited if ur story has da same level of intensity, violence and darkness as elfen lied.i wonder if u have the storyline planned out entirely? And did u ever check out elfen lied n did u like it?if u didn't then i would recommend it highly(moreso the manga 2bh) as it might serve 2 inspire u or make u curious due 2 it's genre or plot.
Update soon authornim
Nomnommonster #4
Chapter 1: Seems interesting so I hope u can update soon please