No Where To Run

Kaze No Stigma

    A high pitch scream hit her ears. The young woman sat up, pushing her blonde hair out of her face. Suddenly her younger sister came rushing in her room and slamming the door behind her.

''Sica-unnie get up! They're here! They found us!'' she screamed. Her raven black hair was messy and had scratches and cuts all over her face.

''Wait what?! Where's Sooyoung and Jinri?!'' The older panicked shooting up from her bed. She quickly put on her boots and went to her sister.

''I'm not exactly sure. The last thing I remembered is them talking about us needing more groceries.'' she replies. Jessica put her ear on the door and held her shaking sister.

''Krystal, when I say go, climb out that window.'' Jessica says, pointing to thw window abover her bed.

''What about you, unnie?'' Krystal asks, voice shaking.

''Don't worry about me. Find Sooyoung and Jinri then leave to Jeju island.'' Jessica orders.


''but-'' Krystal stopped seeing her sisters stern expression. She sighed and looked down in defeat.

''Arasseo.'' Krystal replies. Jessica hugs and kisses the youngers cheek.

''Don't come looking for me. I will find you.'' Jessica says, ruffling Krystal's hair. She only nods and Jessica listens to whats happening on the other side of the door. Krystal got on top the bed, opening the window. On the other side of the door Jessica heard coughing and gagging. The knob twisted and the door flung open.

''Sooyoung! Jinri! How-''

''No time! We've gotta move. my poison can only keep them down for so long and more Kaze's are coming.'' the taller one says. Her short brown har was messy, and there were cuts all over her face. The other was just slightly shorter. She had long messy jet black hair, and her usual rosy red cheeks were pale.

''Arasseo. Lets move.'' Jessica says. Krystal climbed out the window first, followed by Jinri, then Jessica, and then Sooyoung who did her best closing the window. They ran as fast as they could away from the envaded house. They stopped to catch their breath at a meadow not to far away. In the distance they could see their small house on fire.

''What. How did they find us.'' Jinri managed to get out, panting. The other three shake their head and shrug. Sooyoung clutches her chest.

''That drained alot of my energy. It feels like I'm going to faint soon.'' Sooyoung pants. Jinri goes to hug her elder sister.

''Hang in there unnie.'' Jinri says, patting her back.

''This calls for a new plan. We should've done this a long time ago.'' Jessica says. Finally catching her breath, she looked up to the other three.

''We escape to Jeju. Change our names. My new name is Sooyeon. Jung Sooyeon.'' Jessica says.

''Mine will be Jung Soojung.'' Krystal says.

''Uh....Choi Sulli.'' Jinri says. Jessica nods and turns to Sooyoung.

''Choi-'' Sooyoung suddenly screamed 

''JESSICA MOVE!'' Abruply something stung Jessica's shoulder causing her to gasp. She turned around and running toward them was there worst nightmare. Men with guns, scientist, a helicopter sounded from above, and men with suits. In short, they were all the Kaze's.

''There are the Stigma's!'' one of them shouted. Sooyoung gasped and not a second later her head hit te ground.

''Sooyoung-unnie!'' Jinri screamed. Jessica's body went numb, head spinned, and eyes were getting heavy.

''Krystal, jinri run now! Remember the plan! Leave!'' Jessica demaned.

''But un-''

''Leave now!'' Jessica growled. Krystal and Jinri exchanged fearful looks then looked down at their sisters. Then the two fled and the Kaze's surrounded Jessica and Sooyoung. Unable to stay awake any longer, Jessica fell into a deep slumber.








Here is the first chapter! I'm doing the best I can on updates! Comment, upvote, subscribe! Luv to all!


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Nadyangela #1
Chapter 1: Seems very interesting and unique :3
Update soon please ~~~
oh and i'm waiting for Tae's appereance XD
nightgrimmies #2
At first when i read ur story's title i thought maybe the storyline is gonna be inspired by an anime of the same name.i couldn't have been more wrong! But having read the foreword i was reminded of elfen lied 4 some reason despite the two stories being essentially v.different.i guess the similarity comes in the part with unique specimens having supernatural abilities, an organisation wanting 2 use dat 2 meet their evil ends n ofcourse a lab sending ppl 2 capture these 'stigma' in ur case. I'll be really excited if ur story has da same level of intensity, violence and darkness as elfen lied.i wonder if u have the storyline planned out entirely? And did u ever check out elfen lied n did u like it?if u didn't then i would recommend it highly(moreso the manga 2bh) as it might serve 2 inspire u or make u curious due 2 it's genre or plot.
Update soon authornim
Nomnommonster #4
Chapter 1: Seems interesting so I hope u can update soon please