Appa And Oma's Explanation

Unexpected Love

(____'s P.O.V)

When our guests live our home .'


"Appa!!,What is going on?"I asked my Dad.


"____-Ah,We will explain it to you"Dad said.


"Appa,How did that guy become my Fiance' I dont have a boyfriend"I asked Dad


"____-Ah,Because when your only 1 year old your mom had a chronic disease,She have to do an operation but that operation cause 5 Million dollars"My Appa said.


"Then,What happen?"I asked


"Your Appa don't have enough money"My Mom said.


"Then I borrowed to my Childhood friend a Money"My Dad said.


"He asked your Appa to sign a contract,The he have to return the money after 1 year"My Mom said..


"But your Appa can't afford that big money"My Mom said..


"Your Appa used the money for my operation"My Mom added


"After a year,I don't have enough money"My Dad said.


"He asked his childhood friend to give his another one year,But your Appa's childhood friend didn't agree with him"My Mom said.


"But he asked me If I don't have enough money,There is another way"My Appa said


"I asked his what is the other way"My Appa said..


"He said that his Daughter have to Marry his son"My Oma said..


"And in the contract,My daughter have to be with his son when she became a senior in her middle school"My Appa said.


"I didn't know what to do that time,So i signed the contract"My Appa said..



While my Dad and Mom is crying

I Cried to because of what my Oma and Appa said..


"Now,that your a senior you...youu have to live at their house"My Oma said.(her voice was trembling)


"Appa,Oma I don't want to be at their house"I said crying..


"Appa,Oma I want here.I want here besides you"I said ..


"Your Appa and Me too,But you have to."My Oma said while crying ..


"____-ah hope you understand us"My Appa said while hugging me.


"Appa,Oma"I cried


"sshhh,stop crying our princess"My Oma said..


"Please ______"My Appa said.


"Please,They will going to bring me on jail if you don't agree with the Marriage Agreement"My Appa begged..


" " I cried


"Don't worry ____ we will going to visit you everyday"My Oma said.


"Oma,Appa for you I will"I said.


"Do you agree now?"My appa said..


I Just nodded..


"Thank you,Thank you"My Oma said..


"_____,remeber to take care of yourself"My Oma said..


"And if someone hurt you,Just call your Appa"My dad said..


(____'s P.O.V)

That night.My last night in our house.We had a family time,We watched movies.I  really love my Appa and Oma.But I have to do that for them.

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Jessixie #1
Sorry,My laptop is broken
i lyk ur story n ive been waiting for a month for u 2 update. its goood though! i will still be waiting for updates! ;3
Jessixie #3
@MBTupan0721 really?It's ok to me...<br />
I cant update soon..
rockmochi #4
Update soon please(:
Hi^^ i'm a new reader and I LOVE your story~ :) but, I feel uncomfortable reading your fic bcoz of wrong grammars and I understand english isn't your first language..if you want I can correct it for you^^ if you just want to:)
kawaiinotes #6
new reader here! i like your story~ can't wait for your next update kkk~~~
Jessixie #7
Thank You !!
aww so cute!
lovethemall #9
waiting for the next update !