chansoo (feat. kai)

university au drabbles

prompt: my roommate’s boyfriend is staying over so can i please sleep on your floor


characters: chanyeol, kyungsoo, jongin


rating: pg


length: 709w

chanyeol jerks up from his desk to a loud banging. slowly, drowsily, he realizes someone is knocking on his door very, very violently. groggy, he turns his head towards his roommate, who’s curled up in bed, arms tight around his pillow. “expecting someone?”


you ing get it,” jongin groans back at him. chanyeol takes that as a no.


there’s a pause in the noise, and he briefly considers waiting for it to go away, but when it comes back he decides that he’d better answer before whoever’s on the other side breaks his door down. “i’ll be right there!” he calls out to the door.


it abruptly quiets.


“thank ing christ,” he hears jongin mumble into his pillow.


chanyeol lugs himself out of his vaguely uncomfortable school-issued chair (how the hell does he keep managing to fall asleep in that?!) and over to the heavy wooden door. “alright,” he murmurs, and pulls the door open.


just across the threshold, do kyungsoo stares up at him with unblinking, owlish eyes, pillow and

blankets held tightly in his arms. chanyeol unconsciously finds himself swallowing, and inwardly panics a little. or maybe a bit more than a little, like a lot, because he’s pretty sure kyungsoo can smell fear.


he’s also pretty sure that kyungsoo hates him and can and will use chanyeol’s weaknesses to his advantage.


“normally i wouldn’t bother you like this,” kyungsoo begins, and chanyeol thinks that, had kyungsoo a choice, he wouldn’t come to chanyeol at all, “but my roommate’s boyfriend is sleeping over, and i really am not comfortable with another night of that.” if chanyeol wasn’t so sure that kyungsoo didn’t have a soul, he could’ve sworn the shorter boy shuddered a little.


“o...kay…?” chanyeol asks, drawing out his words in confusion. “so… why are you here?”


kyungsoo gives him A Look like he’s stupid, and chanyeol feels embarrassed to have asked. “i was wondering if i could borrow your floor for the night.”


chanyeol blinks down at him. “um, i guess so. just… don’t wake jongin up. he can get grumpy.” the statement is received with a pillow colliding with the back of his head, and he whips around sharply. “hey!”


“you had it coming,” jongin drawls. chanyeol could swear he was smirking. “now give me my pillow back.”


“come get it yourself, ,” chanyeol grumbles, but picks up his roommate’s pillow and tosses it to him all the same. he turns back to kyungsoo. “come on in.”


kyungsoo quietly follows him inside, and chanyeol makes an effort to shove all of his and jongin’s underneath his bed. neither of them are particularly good at containing their messes, and chanyeol is really regretting that under kyungsoo’s judgemental stare.


chanyeol awkwardly indicates to the newly-cleared space. “so, um, here you go! you can just… sleep there.”


the shorter boy nods, then shuffles over to the space and spreads out his pillow and blanket. “thanks,” he says quietly.


“no problem,” chanyeol tells him. “you good?”




he flips off the light switch, then feels his way over to his bed, praying he doesn’t step onto kyungsoo in the process. he’s not sure what will happen to him if he does, and he’s not exactly eager to find out.


thankfully, he makes it to his bed without injuring the smaller boy, and collapses onto it with a satisfied moan. it’s not his bed at home by any means, but it’s worlds better than the ty chair he keeps falling asleep in.


he’s quiet for a moment, eyes open and staring into the darkness. “hey, kyungsoo?” he asks, almost pensive.


“what?” kyungsoo’s voice floats up from the floor, quiet. he sounds tired, chanyeol thinks.


“why’d you ask us?” he says before he can stop himself, then winces. so much for a simple *‘good night.’


he thinks he hears kyungsoo sigh from below, and after kyungsoo speaks, he’s sure of it.


it’s quiet, barely audible, but chanyeol’s confident he hears correctly when kyungsoo murmurs, “you two are the only people on this floor that aren’t afraid of me.”


he responds with silence, quietly breathing in and out and wondering if maybe kyungsoo isn’t as scary as he once thought.


“...hey, kyungsoo?”






“good night, chanyeol.”

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