Forever Yours, Forever Mine

Forever Yours, Forever Mine

“Do you think… say in ten years’ time, we’ll still be together?”

They’re lying in bed, face to face, with Minho drifting off to sleep when Kibum suddenly reveals what’s on his mind.

Too sleepy to open his eyes, Minho blindly reaches out and feels around for Kibum’s waist. When his hand lands on the curve of his boyfriend’s waist, Minho slides his hand to Kibum’s back and pulls him closer.

“Is this what you think about before you sleep, Bummie?” Minho questions with his eyes still closed but his lips curled into a smile.

“Is this funny to you?” Kibum brings a hand up to Minho’s face and uses his fingers to force Minho’s smile down, slightly annoyed that Minho doesn’t seem to be taking him seriously.

Minho turns his head and tries to bite Kibum’s finger but Kibum is fast enough to move his finger away in the nick of time.

“Idiot.” Kibum huffs, “Stop playing.”

Minho laughs, “I just think you’re cute.”


Minho peeks one eye open, checking which sort of angry Kibum is with him first, before he opens both eyes.



“Still love me?”

“Not enough to be sure I want to be with you for ten more years.”

Minho sticks out his bottom lip, “I’m hurt.”

“You’re not taking this seriously, Minho.” Kibum groans as he pushes Minho away and rolls himself over to face the other side, “Forget it. Let’s just sleep.”

Minho smiles and simply moves closer to Kibum again, easily hugging him from the back.

Kibum attempts to shake him off but Minho tightens his hug around Kibum.

“We’ll be together.” Minho mumbles into Kibum’s hair.

Kibum stops wriggling, “What?”

“In ten years’ time, I’ll still love you like I do now…” Minho repeats before he adds as an afterthought, “Maybe even more.”

“And what if I don’t?” Kibum asks with every intention to spite Minho, “What if things change and I don’t love you the same anymore?”

“You can try to forget me, Bum,” Minho says with a look of determination that Kibum can’t see in his face, “But I won’t let you easily.”

Kibum scoffs, “And how, may I ask, will you do that?”

In one swift action, Minho pulls Kibum backwards, easily turning his body, and pins him on the bed.

As they come face to face again, Kibum’s eyes widen the same time Minho smirks.

Slowly, Minho leans down and Kibum naturally closes his eyes, expecting a kiss from his boyfriend. However, in the next second, instead of feeling Minho’s lips on his, Minho’s warmth suddenly disappears. At the same time, the bed shifts under him and Kibum instantly opens his eyes. He looks around the room and finds Minho walking away from his desk and holding what seems to look like a pen in his hand.

It’s only when Minho is back in bed with him, moving back into the same position as before, that Kibum realises it’s not just a pen that Minho is holding. It’s a black marker.

“Why do you need-”

Kibum’s question is replaced with a gasp as Minho pushes his shirt up and positions the tip of the marker on his hip.

When it registers to Kibum what Minho is doing, it’s too late. Minho is already admiring his masterpiece.

“Let’s see how you’ll forget me now.”

Kibum feels like he has lost his ability to speak as he stares at the name written in English on his left hip.


Yeah, Minho’s right, Kibum thinks, because if the marker isn’t going to wash off, he will hate Minho for life.

(And of course, just to be fair, Kibum snatches the marker from Minho and writes his own name on his boyfriend’s inner wrist.)

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Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 1: i swear- that was too cute.
salome620 #3
Chapter 1: *gurgles* crazy kids.
Chapter 1: Our babies are so cute!!! Of course minho would do that~
SashaHRH #5
Chapter 1: My sweet babies! Such cheese I think I need some wine and crackers to go with it!!!
ykitty #6
Chapter 1: cuteeeeee <3<<3
I felt something warm inside my heart, thank you unnie <3
Chapter 1: Too cute to be described as cute!
Chapter 1: okay that was way too cute. ♥︎
Chapter 1: wahaha!!! cute!!!