2 - Stunned

Stunning and Cunning

“Crazy, right?” She turned, her eyes wide and that was when it struck him. It hadn’t been a trick of the light. Her eyes were truly green.

It was a beautiful shade of green—emerald, like the deepest of seas. He recalled what his mother always told him, that witches had green eyes whenever they cast a spell. Vampires’ eyes turned red when experiencing bloodlust, while werewolves had yellow eyes in wolf form. She fit into neither. She was definitely not casting a spell, but her eyes shone the most beautiful shade of green he’s ever seen.

“I don’t see anything wrong, Miss.” He bowed slightly, finally remembering the rumors of a Halfling with green eyes. He never knew they were true. Rumors are based on truth, after all.

“I’m a monster, Guard. You don’t know what I’m capable of.” Perhaps that is why they want you to be our Queen. Chanyeol cocked his head to the side, careful not to speak his thoughts. It had taken him years of training, much longer than it had taken for others, to keep his thoughts to himself.

Seeing no appropriate response, he remained silent.

“See? You don't deny it.” She snorted, throwing her clothes into a bag. He noted, from the corner of his eyes, that she had another green coat. The colour was nothing compared to her eyes.

“Sometimes, Miss, the worst things in our own opinion could actually be the best.” He didn’t say that from experience, but someone else had told him once. She stopped, looking up from packing to face him.

“What’s your name, Guard?” Her voice was soft, her tone amused as she asked the question and he bowed.

“Chanyeol, Miss.” She smiled, looking at her books then back at him. Every time he met her gaze, it was like dropping into the sea. He couldn’t really breathe well.

“Well, Chanyeol,” she looked down then, her eyelashes fluttering as she said his name, “my name is Ji Hyun.” She looked at him through her luscious lashes, a soft smirk on her face. “You don’t have to be so shy. Come on in.” She gestured for him to, and the tall male wore a look of hesitance. His cheeks went red, and she fought hard to keep her amusement to herself.

“I’ll carry your things for you.” He took a small step into her bedroom then briskly went over to the stack of papers and books, and back to her door again.

“Why thank you, Chanyeol.” She seemed to like saying his name a lot, and every time she did he felt a little lightheaded. Maybe it was from the running he did earlier.

“Let’s go.”


“My lady.” Another young man greeted her at the bottom of the stairs, of about the same height as Chanyeol. He bowed, lowering his cap to her before extending a hand to help her up the carriage.

And this is why I hate dealing with the royal families. Expressionlessly, she took his hand and got on. Moving in, she watched as Chanyeol bowed to the man who had greeted her then mounted himself on the horse.

“I believe you already know who this is,” he gestured to Chanyeol, and she nodded her head, the slightest of movements. “I am the Crown Prince of the Vampire Court, Kris.” He raised his hat, before placing it at his chest and bowing. In reply, she dipped her head.

He seemed to hesitate, sparing a look at the empty seat beside her before smiling.

Then, he got onto the other horse.

It didn’t seem to surprise Chanyeol, and she smiled softly to herself. He’s not as bad as I thought he would be. For one, he understands enough to not sit in the carriage with me and make things awkward.


“Your chamber is this way, my lady.” Kris wore a polite smile, and she found herself liking him more than she thought she would.

“Please, drop the formalities.” Ji Hyun smiled, keeping her eyes averted. The green tended to scare people, and over the years she’d learn how to conceal them in a normal human brown.

“Thank god you said that,” came his reply nearly immediately and she looked up, startled by his change in tone. His polite smile was gone, replaced by a more relaxed smirk.

“I… how did you even keep that princely thing up?” She smirked back, before pulling her eyes away. She always had to do that around others—her eyes scared people. Strangely, though, Chanyeol hadn’t seemed afraid.

Maybe he was trained to not be.

“I’ve practiced. For most of my teenage years.” He looked at her, a seemingly carefree glance thrown over his shoulder but she knew it wasn’t as simple as that. That movement had been rehearsed in the mirror, finally perfected to achieve the kind of carefreeness he wanted.

And she knew, because she was the same. The year

“Dinner will be served soon, my lady.” He stopped before her door, opening it for her then bowing slightly. “Till then.”


The royal families didn’t have huge, grand castles, or complex key codes to every corner. The Vampire Court, apparently, lived in a large mansion that had fairly spacious rooms.

Ah, my bag and books. Taking her coat off, the girl threw it over the back of a chair and wondered how she was going to get to Chanyeol. While this was not a palace, the Guards would still have to patrol, wouldn’t they? With that thought in mind, Ji Hyun grinned and opened the windows.

Her “chamber”, as they called it, was fairly large. She liked spacious rooms. It had to be in the center of the mansion, too, because she could see the garden right outside the windows.

And there also had to be a tree right outside her window too, because Chanyeol was perched on a branch, his arm raised like he was about to knock on the window.

“I… uh… hey,” he offered an awkward wave, before slowly putting his arm back down. He’d changed out of his previous casual attire, into his uniform and she had to admit, he looked deliciously handsome in it.

It was rare for a man to look good with a boy’s face, but the male positioned in a squat on a sturdy branch before her was a mix of adorable and hot, really hot. His arm was wrapped around her books, her bag slung over his shoulder and she grinned.

“What were you doing out here?” It was endearing, the way his eyes stared right into hers then quickly darted away, and she put her arms out.

“I was about to return you your belongings, Miss.” At that, he passed her bag to her carefully, and she placed it on the chair with her coat. When she turned around, he was still perched on the branch and Ji Hyun allowed a small smirk.


“You could address me as that around others, but when it’s just us, call me Ji Hyun.” The girl before him put her hands out, and Chanyeol placed the books in her arms, careful not to drop anything.

When the tips of her fingers grazed his uniform, he could barely keep the jolt to himself. But when his knuckles grazed her exposed forearms, it was like something had shocked him. Not jerking away was impossible. But when he did, his eyes wide, she grabbed the cuffs of his uniform with that smirk on her face.

“Say it.” The green of her eyes was mesmerizing, and he shook his head to clear it.

“Say what, Miss?” Stunned, his cuffs still in her hands, Chanyeol stared right into her eyes. That was a huge mistake, he realized immediately after, because looking away was getting more and more difficult.

And that was when she pulled him closer, her grip on his cuffs tighter.

He hadn’t noticed before, but there were light freckles dotting her pale skin, and her lips were just naturally red.

“Say my name, Chanyeol.” There was something so wickedly tempting in her emerald green eyes, and he found it just a little hard to breathe.



Here you go! The internet connection wasn't stable enough for me to update, but I've already written the third chapter so yay. Will update tomorrow!

And I know it still is a little confusing (if it isn't then I'm really happy for both of us) but hopefully it all gets better soon.

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SyaHiirah #1
Chapter 6: Authornim please update soon I can't wait to read more
SyaHiirah #2
Chapter 4: Please update i really like this story
Chapter 3: i like their interaction :)