Meet me after class?


Hello, this is the sequel to 519ei4's "The Groom and his Best Man" which was, really, pretty painful.

In case you guys don't know, 519ei4 was unable to write the past year due to family reasons. I will be continuing some of her fics.

I read through the comments, then looked at the poll and quite obviously the majority wanted Sehun to be happy so here. 

It will be a fairly short fic, with maybe 18 chapters (I don't know yet) and each chapter will be pretty short so I can update more frequently.


The girl fiddled with her fingers, not knowing if she made the right decision.

She knew giving him such a letter would mean she liked him, but the chance of him even turning up to meet her was less than 5%. What about the chance of him accepting her confession? It would obviously be less than 0.1%.

It was disheartening, but she doubted he even knew about her existence. I’m not exactly popular.


Taking in a deep breath, she put the pale blue envelope under her classmate’s table.

The rapid beating of her heart reminded her of her feelings for this very special boy, and she clenched her fist.

You can do this.


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